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500+ German Dog Names With Meanings: Interesting Male & Female Ideas

Written by: Oliver Jones

Last Updated on July 22, 2024 by Dogster Team

German Dog Names

500+ German Dog Names With Meanings: Interesting Male & Female Ideas

You don’t have to own a German dog like a German Shepherd or German Spaniel to choose a name with Germanic origins. There are plenty of famous characters and real-life German personalities to choose as namesakes, and the German language lends itself especially well to dog names. So if you’ve ever dreamed of naming your dog Jäeger or Gretel, you’re in the right place!

We’ve gathered all of the best German dog names, including over 500 female and male options. We’ve also gathered some of the best German puppy names with meanings so that you can impress your friends with the coolest names. Get ready to find the perfect German names for girl dogs and boy dogs!

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German Female Names for Dogs

Are you searching for the best German girl names for dogs? We have them all! Keep reading to find a tough, funny, or noble name for your furball.

  • Ada (Form of Adelaide)
  • Ada (Noble, Kind)
  • Adalia (God Is My Refuge)
  • Adalia (Noble)
  • Adela (Noble, Serene)
  • Adelaide (Noble, Serene)
  • Adele (See Adelaide)
  • Adelle (Noble, Serene)
  • Adi (Noble, Kind)
  • Adie (See Adi)
  • Alice (Noble, Truth)
  • Alisha (Of Excellent Qualities)
  • Alison (Of Noble Birth)
  • Allison (See Alison)
  • Alyson (See Alison)
  • Allyson (Of Noble Birth)
  • Adalgisa (Noble Hostage)
  • Adelaide (Noble, Serene)
  • Adelina (Noble)
  • Adelle (Form of Adelaide)
  • Arnwlle (As Strong as Eagle)
  • Amara (Beloved, Eternal, Immortal)
  • Amelia (Industrious)
  • Analiese (Gracious, Consecrated to God)
  • Analiese (See Analiese)
  • Analise (See Analiese)
  • Annalise (See Analiese)
  • Annelies (See Analiese)
  • Annelise (See Analiese)
  • Anamchara (Soul Mate)
  • Andrea (Courage, Valor)
  • Anette (Variation of Anne)
  • Angela (Similar to Angelus or Angel)
  • Angelika (Similar to Angelica)
  • Anke (Form of Anne)
  • Annette (Form of Anne)
  • Antje (Grace)
  • Arabelle (Beautiful Eagle)
  • Ava (Bird)
  • Aubrey (Noble)
  • Axel/Axl (Source of All Life)
  • Carolyn (Melody, Song)
  • Chloris (Pale)
  • Christa (Form of Christina)
  • Cecancia (Free)
  • Charlie (Charles, Charlotte)
  • Claudia (Variation of Claudius)
  • Dagmar (Joyous Day)
  • Dagmar (Joy)
  • Dame (Lady)
  • Dresden (German City)
  • Dustin (Valiant Fighter)
  • Delia (Form of Adelaide)
  • Ella (Beautiful Fairy)
  • Ebba (Strength)
  • Edwina (Prosperous Friend)
  • Elga (Form of Helga)
  • Elke (Form of Alice)
  • Elsa (Noble)
  • Elsbeth (God’s Oath)
  • Edelweiss (Snow, White)
  • Elvira (Closed Up)
  • Emily (Industrious)
  • Frederika (Peaceful Ruler, Queen)
  • Frida / Frieda (Dove, Joy, Peace)
  • Fritzi (Pet Name for Friederike)
  • Frederica (Peaceful Ruler)
  • Frieda (Peaceful)
  • Gabi (Hero of God)
  • Gretchen (Pearl)
  • Greta (Pearl)
  • Greta (Form of Gretchen)
  • Gisa (Short for Giselle)
  • Grau (Grey)
  • Greta (Variation of Margaret)
  • Gretchen (Little Pearl)
  • Gretel (Pet Name for Grete)
  • Grizelda (Maiden of Iron)
  • Grizelda (Iron-Like)
  • Galiana (Supreme One)
  • Genevieve (Form Of Guinevere)
  • Gerda (Protection)
  • Gertrude (Beloved Warrior)
  • Giselle (Pledge)
  • Hedwig (Refuge in Battle)
  • Heide (Noble)
  • Heidi (Noble & Kind)
  • Helge (A Person of God)
  • Helga (Pious)
  • Henrietta (Ruler of Home)
  • Hertha (German Form of Nerthus)
  • Hexe (Witch)
  • Hexi (See Hexe)
  • Hildegard (Battle)
  • Hulda (Sweet, Lovable)
  • Ida (Hard Working)
  • Idonia (Industrious)
  • Imelda (Warrior)
  • Ilsa (Variation of Elizabeth)
  • Ilsa (God Is My Oath)
  • Imke (Entire, Whole)
  • Ilse (See Ilsa)
  • Ima (See Imke)
  • Imma (See Ima)
  • Irma (Long of Irm, Entire, Whole)
  • Irmalinda‘ (Whole, Soft, Tender, Entirely Gentle)
  • Irmgard (Entirely Protected)
  • Ishild (Ice Battle)
  • Isold (See Ishild)
  • Ivonette (Yew Tree)
  • Ivonne (See Ivonette)
  • Jarvia (Spear-Keen)
  • Jenell (Knowledge and Understanding)
  • Jannike (God is gracious)
  • Jannike (See Jannike)
  • Juliane (Descended from Jupiter, Jove)
  • Jutta (Jewess or Praised)
  • Jutte (See Jutta)
  • Karla (Strong, Womanly)
  • Kristel (German for Christine)
  • Katarine (See Katrina)
  • Kätharina (See Katarine)
  • Käthe (Pet of Germany “Kätharina”)
  • Kathrin (Neat & Pure)
  • Katinka (See Kathrin)
  • Kerstin (Believer or Follower of Christ)
  • Kristen (See Kerstin)
  • Kinge (Brave War)
  • Kirsa (Cherry)
  • Klara (Clear, Bright)
  • Klothilda (Famous Battle Maid)
  • Kreszentia (To Spring Up, Grow, Thrive)
  • Kreszenz (See Kreszentia)
  • Kriemhild (Battle Mask)
  • Kriemhilde (Variant Spelling of Kriemhild)
  • Krimhilde (Variant Spelling of Kriemhild)
  • Kunibert (Brave & bright)
  • Kunigunde (Brave War)
  • Liebe (Love)
  • Leona (Brave as a Lioness)
  • Leopolda (Bold Leader)
  • Leonore (Foreign, the Other)
  • Lene (Torch)
  • Leni (See Lene)
  • Leni (Little Angel)
  • Leyna (Little Angel)
  • Liese (Beloved of God)
  • Lies (God Is My Oath)
  • Liesa (See Lene)
  • Liese (Pet form of German means God Is My Oath)
  • Liesel (See Liese)
  • Lieselotte (God Is My Oath)
  • Lili (Pet form of German means God Is My Oath)
  • Lilo (See Lili)
  • Lora (Laurel)
  • Lore (See Lora)
  • Loreley (Murmuring Rock)
  • Lorelei (Alluring)
  • Lotte (Short of Liselotte, God Is My Oath)
  • Lotti (Little Woman)
  • Louis (Famous Warrior)
  • Louis (Warrior Maiden)
  • Luann (Graceful Warrior)
  • Lutgard (Spear)
  • Lulu (Famous Warrior)
  • Madde (Mighty in Battle)
  • Magda (Of Magdala, A Woman, Cleansed of Sin by Jesus)
  • Magdalena (See Magda)
  • Magdalene (See Magdalena)
  • Mallory (Army Counselor)
  • Malorie (Army Counselor)
  • Malwine (Smooth-Brow)
  • Marelda (Great Warrior)
  • Mareike (Obstinacy, Rebelliousness or Rebellion)
  • Marlene (Derived from Marilyn)
  • Margarete (Pearl)
  • Margareta (See Margarete)
  • Margret (Form of Margaret)
  • Mariele (See Mareike)
  • Mariel (Form Of Mary)
  • Marthe (A Lady)
  • Marlis (See Mareike)
  • Marthe (Lady, Mistress)
  • Mathilda (Battle Maiden; Strong)
  • Maud (Strong in Battle)
  • Meike (See Mareike)
  • Meta (Pearl)
  • Mette (Great in Battle)
  • Milla (Industrious)
  • Millicent (Industrious)
  • Millie (Hard Worker)
  • Mina (Short of Wilhelmina)
  • Minna (Variant spelling of Mina)
  • Mine (See Mina)
  • Minnie (See Mina)
  • Mirjam (Determination, Disobedience or Revolt)
  • Mitzi (See Mirjam)
  • Mundle (Almond)
  • Morgen (Morning)
  • Melusina (Wonder, Sea-Fog)
  • Mischa (Who Is Like God)
  • Nadja (Hope)
  • Nixie (Water Sprite/Fairy)
  • Nixe (See Nixie)
  • Norberta (Blond Hero)
  • Nordica (From the North)
  • Nobert (Blond Hero)
  • Noberta (Blond Hero)
  • Odelia (Variant Spelling of Odilia)
  • Odell (Little Wealthy One)
  • Odelia (See Odell)
  • Odilia (See Oda)
  • Odila (Variant Spelling of Odilia)
  • Olga (Holy)
  • Olinda (Protector of Property)
  • Orlantha (From the Land)
  • Ortrun (Point-Rune)
  • Ostara (German Goddess, Spring-time)
  • Otthild (Battle of Fortune)
  • Ottila (Wealthy)
  • Ottilia (Female of Otto, See Otto)
  • Ottoline (Short of Ottilia, See Ottilia)
  • Porsche (Pig)
  • Quirina (Feminine Form of Quirinus, Meaning “Spear”)
  • Qiana (Means “Silk-Like”)
  • Quiana (See Qiana)
  • Quianna (Variant of Quiana)
  • Raina (Mighty)
  • Rebekka (Ensnarer)
  • Reinhilde (Battle Counsel)
  • Renate (Reborn)
  • Richelle (Brave One, Powerful Ruler)
  • Ricardo (Powerful Ruler)
  • Ricarda (Female Ricardo)
  • Rike (Short of Friederike, See Friederike)
  • Roderica (Famous One)
  • Rolanda (Famous in the Land)
  • Roland (From the Great Land)
  • Rolanda (See Roland)
  • Rosemarie (Rose & Obstinate, Rebellious)
  • Romey (Rose & Obstinate, Rebellious)
  • Romy (Short of Rosemarie)
  • Rosamund (Garden of Flowers)
  • Ros (Horse-Protection)
  • Rosalind (Lovely Rose)
  • Rosamund (Horse-Protection)
  • Rosamond (Variant Spelling of Rosamund)
  • Schmetterling (Butterfly)
  • Schwanhild (Swan Battle)
  • Selma (Divine Helmet)
  • Serilda (Armed Maiden)
  • Senta (Assistant)
  • Seraphina (Fiery Ones)
  • Senta (Short of Kreszentia, Meaning to Grow, Thrive)
  • Sibylle (Prophetess)
  • Sieghild (Victory-Battle)
  • Sieglinde (Victory-Gentle)
  • Sigi (Short of Sieglinde)
  • Sofia (Wisdom)
  • Sofie (Sweet)
  • Sommer (Summer)
  • Sonje (Wisdom)
  • Sonnenschein (Sunshine)
  • Susanne (Lily)
  • Suse (Pet Form of Susanne)
  • Susi (A Lily)
  • Svenja (Swan)
  • Swanhild (Swan Battle)
  • Swanhilda (See Swanhild)
  • Swanhilde (Variant Spelling of Swanhilda)
  • Tabea (German Pet Tabitha, Meaning Female Gazelle)
  • Teresia (Harvester)
  • Theresia (See Teresia)
  • Trudy (Form of Gertrude)
  • Udo (Child, Prosperity, Wealth)
  • Uda (See Udo)
  • Uli (Mistress of All)
  • Ulli (See Uli)
  • Ula (Pearl)
  • Ulva (Wolf)
  • Unna (Woman)
  • Ulrika (All Ruling, Wolf Ruler)
  • Ulrike (See Ulrika)
  • Uschi (Little She-Bear)
  • Urs (Bear, Little Bear)
  • Ursel (See Urs)
  • Ursula (See Uschi)
  • Ute (Female of Udo, Meaning Child)
  • Uta (Fortunate Maiden of Battle)
  • Utta (Rich)
  • Vala (Singled Out)
  • Valda (Governess and Ruler)
  • Velma (Form of Vilhelmina)
  • Vreni (See Verena)
  • Walborg (Salvation of Slain in Battle)
  • Walburg (See Walborg)
  • Walburga (See Walborg)
  • Waldeburg (See Wallborg)
  • Walda (See Waldo)
  • Waldi (See Walda)
  • Waltraud (Foreign Strength)
  • Waldtraud (Strong Ruler)
  • Wanda (Wanderer)
  • Warren (Defender, Watchman)
  • Wibeke (War)
  • Wiebke (Female of Wiebe, Meaning War)
  • Wigburg (War Protection)
  • Wilda (Wild)
  • Wilfreda (Desires Peace)
  • Wilhelmina (Feminine of Wilhelm)
  • Wilhelmine (See Wilhelmina)
  • Wilma (Of Wilhelmina)
  • Winola (Gracious Friend)
  • Xahria (Flower)
  • Xanthe (Yellow or Fair Hair)
  • Xanthia (Rare)
  • Xanthippe (Yellow Horse)
  • Xavia (Short Form of Xaviera, Meaning “Rare”)
  • Xaviera (Feminine Form of Xavier, “Rare”)
  • Xena (Popular Culture)
  • Xenia (Hospitality)
  • Xeno (Foreign Voice)
  • Ximena
  • Xiu (Beautiful, Elegant)
  • Xiomar (Famous in Battle)
  • Xoana (Galician, Feminine Form of John)
  • Xochiquetzal (Flower Feather)
  • Xochitl (Flower)
  • Xuân (Spring)
  • Xue (Snow or Study, Learning)
  • Xun (Fast, Sudden)
  • Xylia (Of the Forest)
  • Xandrah (Defender of mankind)
  • Xandi (See Xandrah)
  • Yanka (Sharp in Movement)
  • Yseult (Female Ruler of Ice)
  • Yvette (Female Cut Wood)
  • Yvonne (See Yvette)
  • Zelda (Battle Maid)
  • Zelinda (Shield of Victory)
  • Zella (Petit Form of Marcella)
  • Zelma (Noble)
German Shorthaired Pointer at the park
Image by: IRINA ORLOVA, Shutterstock

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Boy/Male German Dog Names

Some of the best dog names in the world hail from Germany, and this seems especially true if you have a male dog. Choose from great options like Gerald, Hansel, and Klaus—and don’t forget famous historical figures like Mozart and Goethe!

  • Ferdinand (Adventurous, Courageous)
  • Franz (Form of Francis)
  • Frederick (Peaceful Ruler)
  • Ferguson (Noble, Strong)
  • Felix (Lucky)
  • Fremont (Guardian of Freedom)
  • Friedhold (Peaceful Ruler)
  • Fischer (Fisherman)
  • Fritz (Peaceful Ruler)
  • Gary (Mighty Spearman)
  • Garin (Warrior)
  • Geert (Brave and Strong)
  • Gerald (Spear King)
  • Gerard (Brave)
  • Guthrie (War Hero)
  • Gaston (Beauty and the Beast Character)
  • Goethe (German Poet)
  • Hank (Ruler of an Estate)
  • Hans Variation of Johannes
  • Harbin (Little Shining Fighter)
  • Hardy (Adventurous Person)
  • Hartmann (Strong as a Deer)
  • Hartwin (Brave Friend)
  • Harvey (Warrior of the Army)
  • Henry (Ruler of the Household)
  • Herb (Glorious Soldier)
  • Herbert (Glorious Soldier)
  • Herman (Soldier)
  • Haan (German City)
  • Hank
  • Hansel (Fairy Tale Character)
  • Heinrich (Ruler)
  • Helmar (Famous Protector)
  • Hertz (Kind Hearted)
  • Henri (Home Ruler)
  • Imre (Great King)
  • Jäeger (Hunter)
  • Jarman (German)
  • Jackson (Jack’s Son)
  • Jacques (Supplanter)
  • Jamin (Right Hand)
  • Jarvis (Skilled with a Spear)
  • Johan (Form of John)
  • Johannes
  • Juniper
  • Kant (German Philosopher)
  • Karl (Free Man)
  • Kaspar (Variation of Jasper)
  • Keifer (Barrel Maker)
  • Kiel (German City)
  • Klaus (German Version of Nicholas)
  • Kleve (German City)
  • Kodiak (Island)
  • Max (Short Version of Maximus)
  • Milo (Form of Miles)
  • Mozart (German Composer)
  • Munich (Capital City of Bavaria)
  • Rolf
  • Rudy
  • Rudolf
  • Ulbrecht (Form of Albert)
  • Vilhelm (Form of William)
  • Will
  • Wolfe
  • Xanten (German city)
  • Yohann (Form of Johann)
German longhaired pointer on the grass
Image by: Burry van den Brink, Shutterstock

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Female German Dog Names and Meanings

Classic German dog names are great, but if you want a name with real meaning, you’ll want to check out this list. The best German names for female dogs range from tough names like Britta (strength) and Wilma (protector) to sweeter names like Vera (truth) and Begonia (flower). No matter what you’re looking for, these meaningful German puppy names have a lot to offer! Here are our favorite German names for girl dogs with meanings:

  • Adolfina (Noble Wolf)
  • Adolfina (Noble Hero)
  • Agneta (Pure)
  • Alberta (Noble and Bright)
  • Alice (Truth)
  • Alison (Of Noble Birth)
  • Amara (Steadfast, Beloved)
  • Anna (Gracious)
  • Arabelle (Beautiful Eagle)
  • Arnelle (As Strong as an Eagle)
  • Beatrix (Traveler, Voyager)
  • Begonia (Flower)
  • Bela (White)
  • Bianka (White)
  • Birget (Protecting)
  • Bernadette (Bold as a Bear)
  • Bernadine (Brave as a Bear)
  • Berta (Intelligent; Glorious)
  • Berit (Bright. Glorious)
  • Bernadette (Bold as a Bear)
  • Brenda (Sword Blade)
  • Britta (Strength)
  • Brummer (Sword Blade)
  • Clay (Mortal)
  • Carlchen (Sword Blade)
  • Caroline (Strong)
  • Cäsar (Sword Blade)
  • Callan (Chatter)
  • Carla (Farmer)
  • Carleigh (Freeholder)
  • Carol (Farmer)
  • Emma (One Who Cares)
  • Emera (Leader)
  • Erika (Ever Powerful)
  • Ernestine (Earnest)
  • Faiga (A Bird)
  • Felda (Of the Fields)
  • Fräulein (Miss)
  • Frauke (Little Lady)
  • Kurigunde (Brave)
  • Kasimira (Commands Peace)
  • Katarina (Pure)
  • Nyx (Sprite)
  • Oda (Wealthy)
  • Pepin (Perseverance)
  • Philomena (Friend of Strength)
  • Roswitha (Renowned Strength)
  • Ruperta (Feminine of Rupert, Meaning Bright Fame)
  • Sabine (German Form of Sabina)
  • Salida (Happiness, Joy)
  • Sara (Noble Lady, Biblical Meaning “Wife of Abraham)
  • Sascha (Defender of Mankind)
  • Schatzie (Little Sweetheart)
  • Schatzi (Little Treasure, Darling)
  • Tilli (Battle Maiden)
  • Trudi (Of the Spear)
  • Vera (Faith, Truth)
  • Verena (To Fear, To Respect)
  • Viktoria (Conqueror or “Victory)
  • Viveka (Little Woman)
  • Winifred (Peaceful Friend)
  • Winola (Charming Friend)
  • Wilma (Bold Protector)
  • Wilmet (Female Protector)
  • Zenzi (To Spring Up, Grow, Thrive)
  • Zuker (Sugar)
Image by: Veronika Csereiova, Shutterstock

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Male German Names for Dogs and Meanings

Does your dog need a meaningful name? Here are our favorite German names for male dogs with meanings, from the most well-known to much more obscure options.

  • Griswold (Gray Forest)
  • Günther (Warrior)
  • Hahn (Rooster)
  • Harvey (Army Warrior)
  • Heller (The Sun)
  • Helmut (Courageous)
  • Helmuth (Protector)
  • Hackett (Wood Cutter)
  • Hamlin (One Who Loves His Home)
  • Keene (Bold; Sharp)
  • Kellen (Swamp)
  • Kurt (Courteous)
  • Kaiser (Emperor)
  • Kasper (Treasurer)
  • Kant (Brilliant, Beloved)
  • Luger (Old German Gun)
  • Mandel (Almond)
  • Manfred (Man of Peace)
  • Martin (From Mars)
  • Manfred (Man of Peace)
  • Mayer (Bringer of Light)
  • Medwin (Powerful Friend)
  • Miles (Merciful)
  • Norbert (Hero)
  • Odo (Wealthy)
  • Odell (Little Wealthy)
  • Otis (Son of Otto)
  • Oskar (Spear)
  • Otter (German City)
  • Otto (Prosperous)
  • Ozzy (Divine Spear)
  • Panzer (WW-II German tank)
  • Penrod (Commander)
  • Raymond (Protector)
  • Panzer (Armor)
  • Prinz (Prince)
  • Quincy (Fifth)
  • Richard (Brave One)
  • Ritter (Knight)
  • Roderick (Famous Ruler)
  • Roger (Famous Spearman)
  • Roth (Red Haired)
  • Rowland (Famous in the Land)
  • Rudolf (Famous Wolf)
  • Rico (Strong Power)
  • Rin Tin Tin (Name of a Famous German Shepherd)
  • Rolf (Famous Wolf)
  • Rolly (Famous Country)
  • Rom (Highness)
  • Rudi (Famous Wolf)
  • Stein (Stone)
  • Strom (Stream)
  • Schatzi (Little treasure)
  • Schwartz (Black)
  • Terrell (Thunder Ruler)
  • Theobold (Boldest)
  • Saxon (Sharp Blade)
  • Schnapps (Strong Alcoholic Drink)
  • Sigmond (Protector)
  • Tillie (Powerful Battler)
  • Ugo (Mind, Heart, Spirit)
  • Udo (Rich, Prosperous)
  • Ulrik (Power of the Wolf)
  • Ulrich (Wolf Ruler)
  • Varick (Protecting Ruler)
  • Verner (Defending Army)
  • Walter (Powerful Warrior)
  • Wendell (Wanderer)
  • Wilfred (Determined Peacemaker)
  • Wolfgang (Traveling Wolf)
  • Waldo (Ruler)
  • Walker (Worker)
  • Walter (Ruler of the Army)
  • Werner (Protecting Army)
  • Zelig (Blessed One)
  • Zach (Stubborn)
  • Zellmer (Ruler of Village)

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Wrapping Up

Did you find a German dog name that suits your furry friend? Whether you’re searching for German names for female dogs or German male dog names, you can probably find something just right on our extensive list. With over 500 names to choose from, your only problem is likely to be narrowing it down! Go for a meaningful name like Wolfgang (traveling wolf) or Schatzi (little treasure), or choose one of the classic German names like Mathilda or Hans. Your puppy will thank you for taking the time to find the perfect name!

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