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215 Popular and Unique English Springer Spaniel Names

Written by: Oliver Jones

Last Updated on May 29, 2024 by Dogster Team

English Springer Spaniel Names

215 Popular and Unique English Springer Spaniel Names

So, you are looking for a name for your new English Springer Spaniel. You want it to be something catchy or unique to the individual dog. Whether you name your pet after your favorite famous person or because the name has meaning to you, take your time until you find the right one.

divider-dog paw

Male Names for an Energetic English Springer Spaniel

If your English Springer Spaniel is lively and energetic, you may want a name that reflects your dog’s physical vigor and enthusiasm. Here are some male names.

English Springer Spaniels
Image Credit: Photosounds, Shutterstock
  • Archer
  • Arlo
  • Barnaby
  • Breaker
  • Cassius
  • Dart
  • Dexter
  • Ender
  • Ennis
  • Ezra
  • Finnan
  • Fox
  • Gunnar
  • Harley
  • Hart
  • Ivo
  • Jago
  • Jax
  • Locke
  • Luca
  • Ludo
  • Lorcan
  • Mads
  • Mateo
  • Maximus
  • Mercer
  • Nash
  • Nico
  • Otto
  • Pascoe
  • Porter
  • Quincy
  • 33.Racer
  • Ranger
  • Rex
  • River
  • Rocket
  • Rogue
  • Rollo
  • Roscoe
  • Rudy
  • Sawyer
  • Tolliver
  • Van
  • Whittaker
  • Wilder
  • Wolf
  • Wylie
  • Xander
  • Zebedee

Female Names for an Energetic English Springer Spaniel

For energetic and lively females, try these unusual names. We bet you will find a great name for your female dog on this list.

  • Alix
  • Anoushka
  • Bellamy
  • Bellatrix
  • Bijou
  • Birdie
  • Calypso
  • Clancy
  • Cleo
  • Dash
  • Dixie
  • Fallon
  • Georgia
  • Gigi
  • Hadley
  • Indigo
  • Io
  • Jinx
  • Jubilee
  • Juniper
  • Keenan
  • Kelsey
  • Kestrel
  • Kezia
  • Kirrily
  • Lulu
    English Springer Spaniel outdoors
    Image Credit: L.J. Anderson, Pixabay
  • Lux
  • March
  • Mimosa
  • Mitzi
  • Moxie
  • Oona
  • Palmer
  • Piper
  • Pippa
  • Pixie
  • Poppy
  • Rebel
  • Revel
  • Rory
  • Roxy
  • Ruby
  • Sasha
  • Saskia
  • Suki
  • Sunniva
  • Tatum
  • Vesper
  • Vida
  • Viva
  • Waverly
  • Zazie
  • Zora
  • Zosia


Faithful Names for a Male English Springer Spaniel

Sometimes we want to name our pets to signify what they mean to us. For most, dogs are our faithful companions. Here are some names that mean promise, faithful, and trustworthy for a male dog.

  • Aladdin
  • Aluf
  • Ameen
  • Amin
  • Aminon
  • Ammon
  • Amnon
  • Amon
  • Caleb
  • Clifford
  • Dillon
  • Emeth
  • Fedele
  • Felix
  • Fidel
  • Fidelio
  • Fidelis
  • Heman
  • Kalb
  • Kaleb
  • Kalil
  • Lancelot
  • Leal
  • Lionel
  • Owen
  • Roland
  • Sadiki
  • Truman
  • Verrill


Faithful Names for a Female English Springer Spaniel

Here is the list for female dogs that represent promise, trustworthy, and faithful.

English Springer Spaniel walking on grass
Image Credit: Chiemsee2016, Pixabay
  • Ameena
  • Amineh
  • Aminia
  • Enid
  • Faith
  • Fealty
  • Fedella
  • Fedelia
  • Fedelina
  • Fidelity
  • Fidella
  • Fidelma
  • Fides
  • Fidessa
  • Hantaywee
  • Helga
  • Ivy
  • Kostya
  • Leala
  • Lela
  • Leola
  • Loyal
  • Mimi
  • Mo ‘mina
  • Nakia
  • Pen
  • Penelope
  • Shraddha
  • Wafaa or Wava
  • Wafiyyah


Famous and Playful English Springer Spaniel Names

You can always name your pup after a famous person or their dog. George W. Bush owned Springer Spaniel and so did Sir William Wallace of the Scottish army.

  • Jerry
  • Springer
  • Spot
  • Merlin

Oprah Winfrey and Princess Grace love their Springer Spaniels and George W. H. Bush also owned one. Maybe these names will work for your little lady.

  • Oprah
  • Winfrey
  • Princess
  • Grace
  • Millie

If your Springer Spaniel is a playful one, let one of these names reflect his or her high-spirited personality. Here is a list of male names meaning playful.

English Springer Spaniel sitting on grass
Image Credit: D_Theodora, Pixabay
  • Chase
  • Colt
  • Fetch
  • Harper
  • Loki
  • Digger
  • Zip
  • Azeban
  • Puck
  • Ahanu
  • Cavort
  • Delbin
  • Jolastu
  • Khelan
  • Kijimuna
  • Kutkh
  • Lalit
  • Legende
  • Luther
  • Monkey
  • Spot
  • Takaro
  • Vihar
  • Vilas
  • Bow

Here is the list for a playful female dog.

  • Raven
  • Otter
  • Pounce
  • Splash
  • Leela
  • Frisky
  • Ludi
  • Talula
  • Alegre
  • Caayar
  • Ceria
  • Wanpi de
  • Igrati
  • Jocelyn
  • Kitsune
  • Lalita
  • Lisciva
  • Alashanee


Final Thoughts

There you have it! A list of 215 names for male and female English Springer Spaniels! We bet that you will be inspired and choose one of these names to match the personality of your pooch. Good luck and happy naming!

Featured Image Credit: Martin Christopher Parker, Shutterstock

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