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Are You a Dog Person or a Cat Person? Optical Illusion Quiz

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Dogster Team

woman sitting on the sofa with her dog and cat

Are You a Dog Person or a Cat Person? Optical Illusion Quiz

Are you a dog person? Or a cat person? Or maybe a bit of both? According to some, cat people tend to share similar personality traits as cats, like being independent, goal-orientated, focused, and enjoying one’s own company. Dog people are generally more outgoing, dependent on companionship, and playful.

Of course, people are more complex than that, and it can be hard to know which way someone leans!

So, we thought everyone could decide for themselves which one they prefer more based on their psychological interpretations, individual perspectives, and unique preferences.

Ready to find out if you are a cat or dog person? Start the quiz below!

How to Take the Optical Illusion Quiz

  • Grab a pen and paper or open a blank sheet in Notepad on your mobile phone or computer.
  • Create a numbered list from 1–14.
  • Start the quiz.
  • For each image, write “dog” or “cat” as your answer, depending on what you see first.
  • Complete the quiz.
  • Go back to the top of the list and count the number of dogs and cats. If you have more dogs than cats as your answers, you’re a Dog Person. And if you have more cats than dogs, you’re a Cat Person.
  • If you get 7 dogs and 7 cats, you’re a Dog-Cat Person (or Cat-Dog Person)!

For the best and most accurate results, only note down the pet that your eye caught first upon looking.

Section 1 – Rawrschach Test

These pet illusions are based on the most well-known projective method of psychological testing, the Rorschach inkblot test. Inspect these three images below and determine which you see first, a dog or a cat.

By responding to these ambiguous illustrations, this will help determine whether you’re more of a dog person or a cat person.

What do you see first? A dog or a cat?

1. Test One

Rorschach inkblot test - image 1

2. Test Two

Rorschach inkblot test - image 2

3. Test Three

Rorschach inkblot test - image 3

Section 2 – Where Are Fido & Nala?

Cats and dogs differ in many ways: looks, personality traits, behavior, wants, needs, etc. Most dogs love to be active, go for walks, and play fetch, whereas most cats prefer lounging around, sleeping, and silently judging everyone from afar.

This part of the quiz includes illusions based on the world-famous search-and-find puzzles created by British illustrator Martin Handford: Where’s Waldo?

If you are a dog person, you may find yourself spotting the dog first. However, if your personality leans more towards cats, a feline might catch your eye the quickest.

4. Day at the Beach

search-and-find puzzle - image 1

5. Picnic at the Park

search-and-find puzzle - image 2

6. Concert in the Square

search-and-find puzzle - image 3

Section 3 – Word Search Puzzle

This is a classic word search puzzle to keep the brain stimulated by finding all the “dog” and “cat” words in the jumble of letters. Technically, you’re likely to see either word first, regardless of being a cat person or a dog person. You may also already know which word you’re going to search for first before even starting. That indicates a subconscious preference. Let’s see if you can find the word you have in mind.

7. Spot the Word

word search puzzle

Section 4 – Cat-Dog Illusion

The illusions below have the image of a cat and a dog laid over each other. If you’re a cat person, you are most likely more drawn to the visual aesthetics of cats, which means you should see a cat first. And if you’re a dog person, you’ll likely notice the dog first.

Of course, you’ll see the other pet eventually; however, this illusion is all about what your eye spots within the first second of looking. Be as honest as possible for the best results!

For the best results, cover the screen 90% with a piece of paper. Keep a narrow space left open at the top of the screen. Scroll down slowly until you see only the number above the image. Once the number is fully visible, count to three and remove the cover.

8. Illusion One

cat-dog illusion - image 1

9. Illusion Two

cat-dog illusion - image 2

10. Illusion Three

cat-dog illusion - image 3

Section 5 – Ideal Companion Traits

As you know, cats and dogs are very different from each other. Dog people tend to be drawn to other people and animals that have dog-like personality traits and behaviors. The same is true with cat people; they prefer to be around people and pets that act more like cats. If at the end of the quiz you have mostly “dog” as your answer, please count that as 1 point towards “dog” when you get to the end of the article (same goes for if you score cat).

11. This or That?

Section 6 – Cuteness Overload

This is the most difficult (and most important) final test! Nothing melts a cat person’s heart faster than a cute kitten and no true dog person can resist a precious little puppy. You must choose between equally cute puppies and kittens. Which one is cuter to you? This is the ultimate dog person versus cat person test.

Choose which pet is cuter for you: the kitten or the puppy.

12. Frenchie vs. Maine Coon

cute puppy vs cute kitten test - image 1

13. Aussie Shepherd vs. Russian Blue

cute puppy vs cute kitten test - image 2

14. Domestic Longhair vs Golden Retriever

cute puppy vs cute kitten test - image 3

How Many Dog and Cat Points Did You Get? Which One Are You?

dog person vs cat person test result

Final Thoughts

Personality quizzes are entertaining, and it is a fun way to gain some insight into yourself and others. While this quiz and all the sections do not definitively decide if you are a cat person or dog person based on your personality or which animal you find yourself more drawn to, it does show you a bit what you prefer to focus on in life.

And, of course, cats and dogs can be just as complex as people and may not fall into our conventional worldview. But overall, this quiz does cover a dog or cat person’s traits quite well.

So, which one are you? Do you feel it accurately describes yourself?

Featured Image Credit: Gerain0812, Shutterstock

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