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150 Popular and Unique Bichon Frise Names That Could Fit Your Furry Friend

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on July 26, 2024 by Dogster Team

Bichon Frise Names

150 Popular and Unique Bichon Frise Names That Could Fit Your Furry Friend

You’ve recently adopted a Bichon Frise puppy and have done everything possible to ensure the little bundle of fur is happy, healthy, and loved. You’ve vaccinated and microchipped your pet, purchased the highest-quality, protein-packed puppy food, and have plenty of toys and supplies.

Now, the only thing left is to find the best name for your Bichon Frise, but that’s where you’re stumped. Never fear; we’ll help you with a list of the most popular and unique Bichon Frise names for your furry friend we could think of and how to choose the best one.

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How To Choose a Name for Your Bichon Frise

You can draw from many sources when naming your tiny ball of fur. You can name them after their color, a TV character you love, a literary character you admire, or even a song you can’t get out of your head.

You first want to get to know your little Bichon Frise to see what type of personality they have. Then, it’ll be easier to name the little pup, whether a boy or a girl. Just remember that what you call your pet will speak volumes about the dog.

Female Bichon Frise Names

As with any dog, you’ll want to consider your pet’s sex. We’ll start with the female names and then move into male monikers before we get into the more unique names in another section.

  • Annabelle
  • Angel
  • Brandy
  • Bonnie
  • Bailey
  • Buffy
  • Chloe
  • Cherie
  • Coco
  • Fifi
  • Gigi
  • Heidi
  • Jasmine
  • Lucy
  • Laika
  • Lady
  • Princess
  • Pippi
  • Poppy
  • Sasha
  • Shelby
  • Twiggy
  • Zoey
  • Sarah
  • Lizzie
bichon frise on thee grass
Image Credit: Ieva Tvaronavicute, Shutterstock

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Male Bichon Frise Names

If your Bichon Frise is a boy, you may not want him to go around with a name like Coco or Twiggy. Here are some masculine names for your furry friend.

  • Altair
  • Adair
  • Allen
  • Bex
  • Calvin
  • Corbin
  • Cody
  • Dustin
  • Finn
  • Jack
  • Harry
  • Lucas
  • Larry
  • Milo
  • Monty
  • Max
  • Mike
  • Oscar
  • Ozzie
  • Ruben
  • Ross
  • Rufus
  • Sammy
  • Teddy
  • Toby
bichon frise puppies
Image By: mikeledray, Shutterstock

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Cutesy Bichon Frise Names

Any pet parent who owns a Bichon Frise agrees they are the cutest, most adorable creatures known to man. These cutesy Bichon Frise names are perfect for the little ball of fur that you recently brought home. Which of the following names works for your Bichon Frise?

  • Doodle
  • Dash
  • Chewy
  • Cuddles
  • Cricket
  • Candy
  • Mopsy
  • Nori
  • Puddles
  • Skittles
  • Toto
  • Waddles
  • Trixie
  • Sully
  • Yoshi
  • Bango
  • Bunny

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Mini Names for a Small Bichon Frise

Do you constantly ooh and ahh over your Bichon Frise’s small size? If you do, then you’re not alone. If you’re like us and think that a tiny dog deserves a little name, we have just the name for your pup.

  • Dinky
  • Peanut
  • Pebbles
  • Pixie
  • Pipsqueak
  • Tink
  • Webster
  • Tiny
  • Peewee
  • Sprout
  • Tinkerbell
  • Pippin
  • Morsel
  • Chocolate Chip
  • Chicklet
  • Cupcake
  • Cuppy
  • Junior
  • Baby
  • Button
  • Bantam
bichon frise
Image Credit: Vladimir Nenezic, Shutterstock

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Unique Bichon Frise Names

Your Bichon Frise will be a unique dog, and you might want to choose a unique name for your furry pal. Ramen is perfect for noodle-loving canines, but we do not recommend serving pasta to your pet. Taco is another excellent canine name, but like noodles, tacos should not be part of your pet’s diet.

  • Boo
  • Bingo
  • Burrito
  • Casper
  • Spook
  • Ghost
  • Apple
  • Bamboo
  • China
  • Dobby
  • Emi
  • Dogzilla
  • Hansel
  • Gretel
  • Snow
  • Spice
  • Ramen
  • Yeti
  • Twig
  • Taco
  • Izzy
  • Adel
bichon frise in autumn
Image Credit: Eudyptula, Shutterstock

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Other Names for Your Bichon Frise

If none of the names above fit your Bichon Frise puppy, here are some other unusual titles to consider. These don’t fit into a specific category, but they are adorable just the same.

  • Pickles
  • Itsy Bitsy
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Scone
  • Sonnet
  • Opal
  • January
  • April
  • Autumn
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Bubbles
  • Dumpling
  • Butter Milk
  • Darling
  • Adina
  • Stella
  • Hobbit
  • Eleven
  • Runt
  • Daisy
  • Dove
  • Little Bit
  • Bones
  • Pint
  • Buffy
  • Butter
  • Tater Tot
  • Cookie

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Wrapping It Up

If you have recently adopted a Bichon Frise, you understand how adorable, loyal, playful, and friendly the pups can be. You need a name that fits not only their size but also their personality, and you should be able to find a name from the 150 titles we’ve listed.

Featured Image Credit: Benoît Deschasaux, Unsplash

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