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How to Train a Dachshund Not to Bark (9 Effective Tips)

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on April 16, 2024 by Dogster Team

a dachshund dog barking outside

How to Train a Dachshund Not to Bark (9 Effective Tips)

Dachshunds are affectionate and charming, and it can be surprising how such a small animal can make such a big sound when it barks. While their bark can drive an owner crazy, they seem to love the sound of their own voice. If you own a Dachshund, you may be desperately looking for tips on how to stop it from barking! Dachshunds are a vocal breed, so it’s important to know that you won’t be able to keep them silent, but you can keep their barking under control and manageable with these great tips!

divider-dog paw

Getting Started

Dachshunds enjoy the sound of their voice, and when you shout to keep them quiet, they mistakenly believe you are joining them, and you unintentionally teach them to bark. Training your Dachshund to be quiet is a combination of your reaction and teaching them a quiet command when you need your dog to be quiet.

Training your Dachshund not to bark will require regular practice and patience. All family members must be on board to stay consistent, which is essential to training to avoid confusion. You will need training treats and a squeaky toy as a distraction tool to start training. Let’s get started!

The 9 Tips on How to Train a Dachshund Not to Bark

1. Understand Why Your Dachshund Is Barking

To stop or control how much your Dachshund barks, you need to determine what is causing it to bark. Once you have figured it out, you can work on getting your dog to be quiet on command.

Dachshunds were originally bred for hunting, so their prey drive is strong. Their instincts will kick in when anything moves or makes a sound, encouraging them to go after it. As a loyal and territorial companion, the dachshund likes to alert their humans, which will encourage barking. They will alert you of anything from the mailman, an insect, or nearby dogs.

Other than alerting you, there are other common reasons dachshunds will bark, such as boredom, attention, and even anxiety.

Dachshund barking
Image Credit: Stopabox, Shutterstock

2. Do Not Encourage Barking

A common mistake with dachshund parents is that they reward barking without realizing they are doing it. If a dachshund starts barking and you throw a stick or toy to distract it or keep it quiet, that will encourage it to bark in the future. The goal is to reward your dachshund with silence. It’s also important to know that you need to keep them silent; otherwise, they can associate barking with treats. It is best to ignore the barking and allow your dog to calm down, then reward it once it has calmed down and is quiet.

3. Don’t Shout for Silence

It is instinctive for a dog owner to raise their voice to get their dog to stop barking, but your dachshund will think you are joining in and possibly become more excited. It also teaches your dog that the barking has got your attention.

Instead of shouting, try making another sound your dog won’t expect, like clapping your hands.

a woman clapping her hands
Image Credit: Veja, Shutterstock

4. Exercise Your Dachshund Everyday

Another reason dachshunds will bark is that they are bored, and barking may be a form of entertainment.  A tired dachshund is less likely to become set off by a slight sound or sight, so regular exercise and playtime help decrease their barking.

Each dachshund will require different exercise needs, but 30 minutes a day is generally enough to keep them mentally stimulated and tire them out. A short walk or playtime with their favorite toys can help satisfy their mental and physical needs.

5. Socialize Your Dachshund

Socializing your dachshund is vital to teaching it to be comfortable around different people, dogs, smells, and surroundings. By socializing your dachshund, it is less likely to be surprised or afraid when it encounters new things. Take your dachshund to the dog park, invite over neighbors and friends, and allow them to bring their dogs too. The more they are exposed, the less they will bark at strangers.

Socialization is best done when your dachshund is young, before 3 months of age. While you can still train and socialize an older dachshund, it may be a little harder and may not be as successful.

a couple with dachshund dog at a pet store
Image By: hedgehog94, Shutterstock

6. Manage Your Dachshunds Surroundings and Triggers

Familiar sounds and sights can reduce your dachshund’s barking, and teaching them to recognize sounds can be especially beneficial if you need to leave your dachshund alone at home. When you are not at home with your dog, you can leave the radio or television on, which will be a familiar sound to them, and close the curtains so they cannot see what is going on outside, which will make them less likely to bark.

If your Dachshund enjoys sitting in a spot where it can see people passing by, consider distorting the view with frosted glass or anything else that may obstruct its view.

7. Teach Your Dachshund to be Quiet on Command

To train your dachshund to keep quiet when it barks, you will need to teach it to speak on command first.

  • Choose a command such as “speak” and have its favorite treats available.
  • When you notice your dachshund is about to bark, say your command word.
  • Reward and praise your dachshund.
  • Keep practicing until your dachshund starts barking when it hears the command word.

You can progress to teaching your Dachshund to be quiet on command once they have mastered this exercise.

  • Find a room that is quiet with no distractions.
  • Say your command word to get your dachshund to bark.
  • Say “quiet” and offer your dachshund treat.
  • When your dachshund stops barking, reward it with a treat and praise.
  • Keep practicing until your dachshund masters this exercise.
  • Increase the distractions and work on practicing the command with additional training sessions.
mini dachshund standing on log
Image By: Shedara Weinsberg, Shutterstock

8. Use Desensitizing Techniques

Desensitization is another method for training your Dachshund not to bark. This means helping your dog become accustomed to the presence or triggers of its barking.

  • Place the trigger or stimulus at a distance that doesn’t encourage your dog to bark.
  • If your dachshund isn’t barking and calm, give it a treat.
  • Slowly move the trigger closer and keep rewarding your dachshund for good behavior.

9. Be Patient

Patience is critical when you do any training with your dog. If your dachshund already has a habit of barking, and now you start to ignore it, you can expect it to get worse before it gets better. It may feel immensely frustrating, but perseverance will reward results. Remember to refrain from training your dachshund if you are feeling frustrated and keep sessions short to prevent you both from feeling frustrated or bored. Never punish your dachshund, and always use positive reinforcement.


How to Train a Dachshund Puppy Not to Bark

Early training is most effective, especially before 3 months of age. Start crate training immediately. Your dachshund’s crate will be its safe place, where it can relax and calm down. If done correctly, putting them in their crate when barking excessively is not punishment but an indication for them to quiet down.

Start socialization early, so your puppy gets used to other pets and people. This will help with confidence, and your dog won’t bark as much as it gets older. Always use plenty of positive reinforcement to encourage your puppy and help it associate praise with good behavior.


In Conclusion

Your dachshund may be barking for many reasons, and to get them to quiet down, you need to understand what’s triggering the barking. Many owners make the unintentional mistake of encouraging the behavior by shouting, so it’s essential to start training by ignoring your dachshund when it barks. Always reward good behavior with a treat and praise, keep your dachshund well exercised, and remove triggers. While it’s best to start training your dachshund when it’s still a puppy, it can still be done later with extra patience.

Featured Image Credit: Zanna Pesnina, Shutterstock

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