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How to Groom a Maltese: 10 Important and Helpful Tips

Written by: Kathryn Copeland

Last Updated on June 26, 2024 by Dogster Team

Maltese Short Cut Maltese dog grooming

How to Groom a Maltese: 10 Important and Helpful Tips

Tiny, white, and adorable, the Maltese has been a popular breed for centuries, but that silky coat requires a fair amount of grooming. If you want to make this pup your new companion, you might be wondering what a typical grooming session is like, especially if you are planning on doing some of the grooming yourself. You have come to the right place! We have 10 tips that should help you groom your Maltese the right way, and you might even find that it isn’t quite as difficult as you might have thought.


Just a Quick Note

The Maltese has a fine and silky coat that grows continuously so it needs to be trimmed on a regular schedule. However, unless you plan on having a show dog, many owners keep their dogs’ coats short, as it’s easier to maintain.

maltese korean cut
Photo Credit: Jolanta Beinarovica, Shutterstock

Gather Your Supplies

Before we launch into the tips, you will need some supplies. The ones that you need depend on how much of the grooming you want to do yourself. But before you begin, make sure everything is all close at hand.

  • Detangling spray
  • Dog shampoo (dog whitening shampoo is a good option)
  • Electric clippers
  • Grooming scissors
  • Nail trimmers or grinders
  • Pin brush
  • Slicker brush
  • Styptic powder
  • Tear stain cleaner
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs

divider-dog pawThe 10 Tips to Groom a Maltese

1. Begin With the Detangling Spray

You’ll want to invest in a good detangling spray because you’ll need to spray your dog’s coat before brushing. This is doubly important if you keep your Maltese’s coat long.

Don’t overspray; you’ll just want to lightly mist the coat, which will make it much easier to pull the brush through without getting too snagged on mats and tangles. When spraying, avoid the face and only concentrate on the body.

Since the Maltese has silky fur, it’s closer to our hair in texture, making it much more likely to become tangled.

smiling man grooming a dog purebreed maltese dog
Photo Credit: Monika Wisniewska, Shutterstock

2. Use the Pin Brush First

Start by gently finger-combing your dog’s coat to break up any tangles. Use the pin brush on any mats you find, then brush it through the length of your dog’s coat. Always brush in the direction of the natural growth, from the roots to the ends.

Pin brushes work well by removing mats and helping with straightening the coat.

3. Use the Slicker Brush

Once the mats are removed, you can move onto the slicker brush. It should glide effortlessly through your dog’s hair without hitting any snags. This step helps remove any loose hair or tangles you may have missed.

If you encounter any difficult-to-remove mats, spritz them with the detangler, and work them out with your fingers. But if the mat remains despite your best efforts, you might need to cut it out with scissors—very carefully!

Mats can become heavy and pull on the skin, which can be painful, so it’s essential to consistently brush your Maltese to avoid these!

woman brushes a maltese dog with a brush
Photo Credit: Ihar Halavachm, Shutterstock

4. Get Ready for Bath Time

The Maltese only needs a bath about every 3 weeks or when necessary. But you don’t want to bathe them too often because it will dry out and irritate the skin. You can use dog shampoo with an oatmeal base to moisturize and smooth the skin. Or use a whitening shampoo, which will keep their coat blinding white!

Start brushing your dog before the bath, place them in a sink or tub, and thoroughly soak them with water. Next, apply the shampoo and lather it up. Read the directions, particularly if you’re using a whitening shampoo, which might require it to sit on the coat for a few minutes.

Rinse well; you don’t want any residue left to dry out the skin. Be sure to avoid your dog’s ears and eyes.

Once your Maltese is all rinsed, wrap them up in a towel, and remove as much moisture as possible. You don’t have to blow dry them, but if you choose to, keep the dryer on the lowest setting and coolest temperature, and dry in sections.

Our Favorite Products

Selecting the right shampoo and conditioner makes the world of a difference when grooming your pup. Our favorite products are the duo by Hepper. The Oatmeal Pet Shampoo is formulated with aloe and oatmeal to soothe skin and hydrate the coat. The Pet Conditioner works at eliminating tangles and taming frizz and static. Both products are pH-balanced and formulated with pet-friendly ingredients, free of harsh soaps, chemicals, and dyes. Give this duo a try to heal and nourish your dog's coat, and leave them with an irresistible just-left-the-spa cucumber and aloe scent. 

Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates

At Dogster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool pet company!


5. Use the Grooming Wipes

Grooming wipes are optional but are ideal for refreshing your dog’s coat in between baths. They are an effortless way to keep that coat white and smelling great; plus, they can help moisturize their skin.

If you are looking for the perfect product to clean your dog's sensitive areas or would benefit from an on-the-go option, Hepper's Wash Wipes are our recommendation. These premium wipes are thick and durable enough for the toughest of paw messes, while still being soft enough to use on your dog's ears or eyes. Formulated with pet-friendly, hypoallergenic ingredients they are the ideal product for all dogs of all ages, skin conditions, or sensitivities. 

Hepper Pet Wash Wipes - Soft Pet Cleaning Wipes...
17 Reviews
Hepper Pet Wash Wipes - Soft Pet Cleaning Wipes...
  • Gentle Care For All Pets - Infused with moisturizing hypoallergenic ingredients & enriched with...
  • Deep Cleans From Head to Tail - Tackle the toughest dirt & messes with our extra strong pet wipes...
  • Freshness On The Go - Each dog grooming wipes pack contains 30 counts of premium dog wipes that...

At Dogster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool pet company!


6. Use the Tear Stain Cleaner

Tear stain cleaner is good to have when you have a white dog. The Maltese can develop tear stains, which discolor the fur under the eyes. The cleanser is designed to be used around a dog’s eyes, and you can also use it under the chin and around the mouth.

7. Trim the Coat

You can go the easy route and have a groomer trim your Maltese about every 4 weeks. There are many styles to choose from: The teddy bear cut is a popular one with Maltese owners.

Otherwise, you can do the grooming yourself, so watch some videos on how to trim your dog. The longer the coat, the more maintenance they will need.

The hair around their eyes, ears, legs, and paws needs trimming too. If doing it yourself, you might need a helper, as you don’t want to accidentally hurt your dog, particularly if you’re new to trimming pups.

groomer cutting the hair of a maltese dog
Photo Credit: Rovsky, Shutterstock

8. Clean the Ears

You’ll need to clean the ears with an ear cleaner; be sure to read the instructions. Put some drops in the ears, massage them gently, and wipe them clean using a cotton cloth or cotton balls. Avoid Q-tips, which push the wax and dirt farther into the ear.

The hair inside the ears needs occasional plucking, but this should be left to a groomer, or you can ask your vet to teach you how to do it correctly.

9. Give Attention to the Paws

Nail trimming is a necessary part of looking after a dog, which should be done about every 3 weeks. A good rule of thumb is that when you hear their nails clicking on your floors, it’s definitely time for a trim.

Use nail clippers meant for a small dog or a nail grinder. You’ll need to start by trimming a bit at a time because you don’t want to nick the quick, which is a vein that runs through the middle of each nail. This is where the styptic powder is helpful; if you nick the quick, dab some powder on it, and the blood will stop immediately.

You’ll also need to trim some of the excess hair between their pads and toes. You can do this yourself if your dog holds very still, but otherwise, it should be left to a groomer.

woman sitting on the sofa and hugging and kissing her little white maltese dog in the room
Photo Credit: KatMoy, Shutterstock

10. Brush the Teeth

Lastly, you’ll need to use a toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs and brush their teeth at least twice a week. It’s essential to use products for canines, particularly toothpaste, because human toothpaste can be toxic.

When brushing, use circular motions, and concentrate on the back teeth, which can be a problem area for tartar. Additionally, your Maltese should have annual teeth cleaning by your veterinarian.


Grooming Schedule for the Maltese

This schedule depends on how you decide to keep your dog’s coat and how much time you have to spend on grooming. But the following schedule is recommended.


Your dog’s coat should be brushed every day, and don’t forget to use the detangler if they have a long coat. You can also use grooming wipes and eye cleaner daily.

grooming a white maltese dog in a pet salon
Photo Credit: Ana Vorkapic Marosevic, Shutterstock

Every 2 Days

If your dog has a medium-length coat, they should be brushed every other day, and don’t forget to use the detangler.

Every 3 Days

Your Maltese likely only needs brushing once every 3 days if they have a short coat. You can use a dry shampoo formulated for dogs at this time if their coat seems a little oily.

woman brushes hair of her white maltese dog
Photo Credit: Daniel Krason, Shutterstock

Every 3 Weeks

Roughly every 3 or 4 weeks, you should give your Maltese a bath, but you can bathe them sooner than this if they are dirty. Brush your dog before the bath, and remember to use dog shampoo only.

Every 4 Weeks

This is when you need to clean your dog’s ears. You should also check the ears for the density of the hair inside, which might need plucking. Remember to do this only if you’ve been shown how.

puppy of maltese breed cleanses ears
Photo Credit: Dushkin, Shutterstock

Every 5 to 6 Weeks

Trim your dog’s nails at this time unless you hear that telltale nail-clicking sound when they walk. Otherwise, trim the nails when necessary.



As a Maltese owner, you have a definite advantage with this hypoallergenic dog. If you stay on top of the brushing, you’ll find they really don’t shed all that much, which can be a relief when it comes to cleaning the home and if you happen to have allergies.

The Maltese does need more grooming than many other breeds, but many owners love spending that time with their pups. Grooming your dog can be a bonding experience, so enjoy your time with this loving and gentle breed.

See also: 

Featured Image Credit: Rovsky, Shutterstock

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