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How Much Exercise Does My Weimaraner Need? Vet-Reviewed FAQ

Written by: Kit Copson

Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by Dogster Team


How Much Exercise Does My Weimaraner Need? Vet-Reviewed FAQ


Dr. Amanda Charles Photo


Dr. Amanda Charles

BVSc MRCVS (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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One of the biggest commitments of dog parenting is making sure dogs get enough exercise. Exercise needs differ from dog to dog; some do fine with a couple of short walks every day, while others need a lot more than this.

The Weimaraner, for example, is an exuberant and highly energetic dog that typically needs a minimum of 2 hours of exercise per day, and you can provide this in various ways. Read on to find out more.

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The Weimaraner’s Exercise Needs Explained

To better understand the Weimaraner’s exercise requirements, we must discuss their history. In the early 19th century, the Weimaraner was first bred and developed as a hunting dog. Aristocrats and noblemen used them to hunt animals like bears, deer, boars, and mountain lions.

As you can imagine, only a fearless and tireless canine would be up to this kind of challenge, so the Weimaraner was developed to have these traits in order to be an effective hunter. Today’s Weimaraner is a much-loved, affectionate, and people-oriented family dog, but they have also inherited the high energy levels and sharp minds of their ancestors.

According to PDSA guidelines, Weimaraners need at least 2 hours of physical exercise per day, but mental stimulation is just as crucial for these buoyant and clever dogs.

Weimaraner dog running in a lake
Image By: Christian Mueller, Shutterstock

How Can I Exercise My Weimaraner?

In general, healthy adult Weimaraners require at least two long walks every day, perhaps one in the morning and one in the evening, ideally in a location where they can safely and freely run, roam, and explore, like a dog park.

In addition to long daily walks, you can use your Weimaraner’s high mental stimulation needs as inspiration for coming up with varied physical activities they can enjoy. They love playing with various toys, including tug-of-war toys and balls they can chase and fetch.

Weimaraners also love to swim and play with water, though not always. If your Weimaraner likes the water, be sure to use a canine lifejacket to keep them safe, even if they’re a strong swimmer. Another idea is to take your Weimaraner jogging, skating, cycling, or hiking.

Another great way to exercise your Weimaraner is to blend daily training sessions with exercise time. For example, you could do some basic obedience exercises like getting your Weimaraner to fetch something or practicing recall, or take things a step further and do some agility work or scent work. Scent work basically involves getting your dog to use their sense of smell (their most powerful sense) to locate something.

A word of caution regarding exercise—be careful not to overexercise Weimaraner puppies, as this might injure their growing joints and bones. Likewise, if your Weimaraner has a medical condition or is a senior, gentle, low-impact activities are ideal.

Even if your Weimaraner is healthy and active, pay attention to their body language and how quickly they tire out. By doing this, you’ll know when your Weimaraner has had enough and is ready to head home for a nap.


What Happens if a Weimaraner Isn’t Exercised Enough?

It’s crucial to ensure your Weimaraner gets enough exercise because the consequences can be pretty unpleasant (to say the least) if you don’t. Dogs that aren’t mentally or physically exercised enough are more likely to become stressed and destructive.

Destructive behaviors include chewing furniture or objects around your home, general hyperactivity in a “bouncing off the walls” sense, pacing, excessive vocalizing or attention-seeking, and going to the bathroom in the house instead of outside.

Failing to exercise a dog adequately can lead to serious health consequences. Obesity, which is caused by various factors, including a lack of exercise, puts dogs at risk of a shorter life span and conditions like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

woman playing with weimaraner dogs
Image By: Christian Mueller, Shutterstock

Is a Weimaraner Right for Me?

Weimaraners are truly lovely dogs and, when properly socialized, make excellent companions for everyone in the family, whatever their age. However, high-energy dogs aren’t for everybody. If you prefer life in the slow lane, a Weimaraner isn’t likely a good fit for you, and you might be better off with a dog with less intense exercise needs.

People who love spending time outdoors and engaging in various physical pursuits are likelier to get along well with a Weimaraner. Loving the outdoors isn’t a cast-iron requirement, though. If you can set aside your dislike of long, muddy forest walks for the sake of your Weimaraner, there’s no reason you wouldn’t make a great Weimaraner parent!

In addition, you’ll also need to be very dedicated to training and socializing the Weimaraner from an early age. While it’s great that Weimaraners are so intelligent, this can be a recipe for disaster if they’re paired with someone who has a lax approach to training and doesn’t teach good canine manners, especially given the size of these dogs. However, if you’re a loving but firm and consistent dog owner, it could be a match made in heaven.



To recap, the short answer to the question of how much exercise a Weimaraner needs is—a lot. However, this refers mainly to healthy adult Weimaraners. Like any dog, the Weimaraner’s exercise needs vary depending on their health status and age. Moreover, some dogs are just a bit more laid-back than others, so personality is another factor to consider.

Puppies, seniors, and dogs with medical conditions also have different exercise requirements than healthy, adult pups. If you’re not sure how much exercise is ideal for your Weimaraner, please speak to your vet for advice.

Featured Image Credit: Dr. Georg Wietschorke, Pixabay

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