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How Long Do Cockapoos Live? Average Lifespan, Data & Care

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on July 5, 2024 by Dogster Team

white cockapoo dog panting

How Long Do Cockapoos Live? Average Lifespan, Data & Care

Cockapoos are mixed-breed dogs, so they usually live a pretty long time. However, they can be quite large, which usually means their lifespan will be limited compared to smaller breeds. Cockapoos usually live for about 13 years. However, they do tend to be relatively healthy, which prevents radically early deaths.

Still, these dogs are not without their health problems. They may have hip issues, though these usually are not often deadly. They can affect the dog’s quality of life, though.

Luckily, there is a lot you can do to help your canine live longer. We’ll look at how these dogs usually survive and what you can do to help them live longer.

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What’s the Average Lifespan of the Cockapoo?

The average lifespan of these dogs is around 13 years. However, they can live longer if they are bred well. In many cases, food and breeding affect these dogs heavily. Therefore, getting your dog from a qualified breeder and feeding them a quality diet is vital.

Let’s look at some other factors that affect how long an individual Cockapoo might live.

The 8 Factors That Can Help Your Cockapoo Live Longer

1. Nutrition

Dogs are what they eat. Therefore, for your canine to live as long as possible, you’ll need to ensure that your canine eats a quality diet. These dogs usually don’t need a special diet, but they do best on a quality diet.

pouring dog food in food bowl
Image By:, Shutterstock

2. Environment

A dog that is often exposed to the elements isn’t going to live as long as one that is kept in a suitable environment. Therefore, you need to provide these dogs with the proper environment to live in.

3. Housing

Similarly, dogs need the proper amount of housing to thrive. Otherwise, they will be exposed to the elements and potentially become ill. Therefore, it is vital that you provide them with a dog house when they are outside and allow them to come in when the environment calls for it.

miniature cockapoo dog lying on the floor
Image by: srw-photo, Shutterstock

4. Size

Smaller dogs tend to survive longer than larger ones. Usually, their organs don’t have to work as hard to support their system. Furthermore, smaller dogs are less likely to have joint issues.

5. Sex

There is no significant sex difference in the lifespan of these dogs. Of course, there aren’t many studies done on this, either. Therefore, there may be a difference we just haven’t discovered yet.

red cockapoo sitting on the grass
Image by: mountaintreks, Shutterstock

6. Genes

Some dogs simply survive longer than others. Often, this is the result of genetics. While good breeding can help improve these genes, longevity is a complex trait to breed for.

7. Breeding History

Female dogs that have previously been bred can have malnutrition issues. While this doesn’t always occur in breeding dogs, it is more common than in non-breeding dogs. As you imagine, these issues can cause serious health concerns later.

cockapoo sitting on grass
Image by: shaymen99, Pixabay

8. Healthcare

Dogs with proper health care are more likely to thrive in old age, as they are better-taken care of. Otherwise, minor issues can become severe and life-threatening. Today, many serious conditions are entirely treatable if caught early enough. Therefore, getting your dog proper vet care helps prevent problems from becoming worse than they need to be

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The 3 Life Stages of the Cockapoo

1. Puppy

toy cockapoo in the grass
Image by: Bartlomiej Rybacki, Shutterstock

Of course, these dogs start out as puppies. Nutrition is vital at this age, as it helps ensure your puppy grows appropriately. Be sure to feed a food designed for puppies. Puppies and adults do not have the exact nutritional needs, so your dog must be fed an appropriate diet.

Exercise is essential at any stage. However, puppies should not be forced to exercise. Doing so can damage their growth plates. Therefore, gentler exercise like playing fetch is recommended at this age.

2. Adult

Adulthood requires a switch in dog food unless your dog is consuming an “all life stages” diet. At this time, the most important thing you can do for your dog’s longevity is to keep them at a healthy weight. Dogs should be adequately exercised and fed a well-rounded diet. Avoid overfeeding to prevent your dog from gaining excessive weight.

3. Senior

Black Cockapoo
Image by: Olle August, Pixabay

Senior dogs are more prone to health issues largely because their bodies have had time to wear down. Therefore, it isn’t odd for older dogs to develop a chronic condition or two. Treating these conditions and regular vet visits are vital to keeping your senior dog healthy.

You may want to switch to senior dog food at this time, though this isn’t absolutely required. If your dog is doing fine on their adult dog food, you don’t have to switch.

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How to Tell Your Cockapoo’s Age

When it comes to puppies, it is often decently easy to tell their age. Most vets can look at a puppy’s teeth and size to determine its age. However, once dogs become adults and get all of their teeth, it becomes much more difficult. A vet may be able to guess an adult’s age within a few years, but this isn’t very accurate.

The older a dog gets, the more difficult it becomes to determine its age. The difference between a three-month-old puppy and a six-month-old puppy is enormous. However, the difference between a three-year-old and a five-year-old dog is much smaller.

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Cockapoos tend to be pretty healthy dogs. Therefore, they usually live longer than you’d expect. The average lifespan is around 13 years. However, this can vary a lot from dog to dog. There are many different factors involved, such as the dog’s nutrition, healthcare, and genetics. Some of these you don’t have control over, but many of them you do.

One of the best ways to ensure your dog lives long is to take care of its health. Ensure they have a proper diet and help them maintain a healthy weight. Visit the vet yearly to catch any chronic conditions before they’ve had a chance to wreak havoc on your dog’s body.

See Also: 

Featured Image Credit: Brian Lasenby, Shutterstock

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