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Polish Hound Dog Breed Guide: Info, Pictures & Care

Written by: Genevieve Dugal

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

Polish hound standing in the woods

Polish Hound Dog Breed Guide: Info, Pictures & Care

The Polish Hound, commonly known as Ogar Polski, is a hunting dog breed originating from, you guessed it, Poland. He is also rather rare to find outside his native country, so you will have to be patient and do a little networking to adopt or buy one of these balanced and loyal doggies!

Breed Overview


20 – 26 inches


45 – 70 pounds


13 – 14 years


Brown and tan, black and tan, red and black, with white markings

Suitable for:

Active families, hunters


Friendly, intelligent, energetic, alert, loyal, protective

Besides, you need to know that although the Polish Hound has beautiful qualities, he also has an annoying flaw: his voice! Even though some breeders describe it as resonant, pure, deep, and mellow, your neighbors will surely describe it as annoying, persistent, and even unbearable at times! And, since the Polish Hound seems to enjoy the sound of his own voice, chances are your relationships with your neighbors will be affected! However, if you live in the countryside, have plenty of space, and are looking for a great hunting companion, you might find this loyal dog an ideal match.

Polish Hound Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Polish Hound Puppies

Polish Hound puppy
Image Credit: Kate Sully, Shutterstock

Unfortunately, it seems very difficult to find a reputable Polish Hound breeder anywhere other than Poland. If you are lucky enough to find one, be ready to pay extra costs for transportation (if applicable) and to be placed on a long waiting list.

These adorable dogs are known for their hunting skills, making them quite energetic. They will need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to avoid boredom. Polish Hounds make great companions for people with active lifestyles. They’re generally very healthy, so as long as they are well-fed, have lots of exercise, and have a loving family, they will grow into happy and healthy dogs.

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Polish Hound

The Polish Hound can live both outside and inside the house, but since he is very close to his owner, he needs regular contact with him. Moreover, this dog is remarkable for his consistency in following a fresh track, giving voice without weakening. Benevolent, daring, and tenacious, he also has an excellent sense of smell. He has a calm and composed temperament (when he has received a sufficient dose of vigorous exercise!), and his sense of direction is extremely developed. However, the Polish Hound takes longer than others to mature, so training may take a little longer, as he stays longer in puppyhood. Adult, he is a balanced dog, gentle, courageous, intelligent, and very loyal. He is naturally wary of strangers, which makes him a very good watchdog.

Polish hound on the beach
Image Credit: Grzegorz Firlit, Shutterstock

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

The Polish Hound is endowed with several highly sought-after character traits, and one of its best parts is without a doubt its patience and friendliness with children. This makes him a very popular dog for families with unruly children who want them to spend their energy with their four-legged companion! But as with all other dogs, you will need to closely monitor his interactions with children, to avoid unfortunate incidents. However, although the Polish Hound is not blessed with foolproof patience, the risk of a dangerous reaction to a tumultuous child is minimal.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

The Polish Hound is a dog that usually doesn’t have a problem with his peers, but he can be territorial at first, especially if he has been raised as a single dog in your household. He is still a friendly dog who quickly befriends other canines.

Keep in mind that the Polish Hound is first and foremost a hunting dog: therefore, he is unlikely to resist the lure of kitties hunting. Of course, with early socialization and a good education, this becomes much less of a problem.

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Things to Know When Owning a Polish Hound:

Food & Diet Requirements

Rather rustic, the Polish Hound must have a diet favoring high-quality kibble, like most working dogs. Feeding him foods with high nutritional value greatly increases the chances of keeping your dog in good health. It is also advisable to favor nutritional formulas adapted to active dogs, or failing that, formulas for large dogs.

During the hunting season, his daily ration should be more substantial and given in two periods: a light meal before exercise, and the larger meal in the evening. Outside of days of intense activity and periods of hunting, your Polish Hound’s daily ration should be reduced to avoid weight gain and the risk of obesity.


The Polish Hound thrives in an active household where there is plenty of room to roam and play. He loves nothing more than a good game of fetch and would make an ideal jogging partner. Above all, do not neglect these moments of games and exercises. This is because a dog that does not exercise enough can appear sad, listless, or slightly depressed. He can also have destructive behaviors, like munching on your favorite sofa or digging a hole (lots of holes!) In your garden. But in the case of the Polish Hound, it is even worse: if he does not exercise enough, this dog will sing! Which means, barking. A lot. And knowing that he already has a strong tendency to bark, imagine how annoying his “singing” can become!


The Polish Hound is an intelligent, obedient dog and he likes to please his owners. This does not make them very easy to train, however, as they can be stubborn and will want to test your patience. Additionally, it may take longer for the puppy to mature, unlike most other dog breeds. Finally, he tends to be sensitive, which requires an education combining gentleness, firmness, and patience. He is particularly receptive to the positive reinforcement method, which is the case with most dogs.

Also, if he is destined to become your hunting companion, teaching him to recall should be a priority in his education.

Grooming ✂️

The Polish Hound has another valuable quality, he’s low maintenance when it comes to his coat! Indeed, his thick and double coat only requires a good brush stroke once or twice a week, which will be enough to remove dead hair and keep his coat clean.

Plus, because his gorgeous waterproof coat doesn’t get dirty easily, you won’t have to bathe him very often. In fact, it is even advisable to avoid bathing him as much as possible, in order to retain the positive virtues of the sebum of the coat.

However, you will need to check his ears regularly, as he is quite prone to canine ear infections due to his floppy ears. As for his nails, they are supposed to wear out naturally during periods of daily exercise, so you shouldn’t have to trim them very often.

Health and Conditions

The Polish Hound is a strong and resistant dog breed, which does not present a major risk in terms of genetic predisposition to certain diseases. This is because, like most older dog breeds, he has robust health and is much less susceptible to genetic diseases that newer breeds may suffer from.

However, since he spends much of his time outdoors, especially if used as a hunting dog, he is more susceptible to contracting parasites (especially ticks and fleas) and infections, and being the victim of an injury or a hunting accident.

Finally, as with any dog with hanging ears, you should be careful about the risk of ear infections and inflammation.

Minor Conditions
  • Ear infections
  • Joint dysplasia
Serious Conditions
  • None

Male vs Female

Male and female Polish Hounds are almost identical physically, with males, as in almost all breeds, a bit bigger and heavier. Moreover, neutered dogs are often a guarantee of better temperament and easier training, which is therefore advisable to do.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Polish Hound

1. He Is Practically Unknown Outside of His Homeland

The Polish Hound was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1965 but remains practically unknown outside of its homeland.

2. He Also Bears the Name of Podzary

The ancient Polish hunters called this breed “Podzary”, which means burnt in their language. He inherited this nickname because of the color of his coat, often tan and brown.

3. He Doesn’t Like Apartment Life

The Polish Hound is notorious for living poorly in an apartment. He is a vigorous dog who will not be happy to spend his days locked in a small apartment, especially if he does not go outside at least two hours a day to burn off his energy.

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Although he can play the role of pleasant companion dog, affectionate and loyal to his owners, the Polish Hound is above all an excellent scent hound appreciated by hunters for his clear and assertive voice, his extremely fine flair as well as his endurance pushing him to tirelessly follow fragrant trails over long distances and in difficult terrain. In fact, since he requires a lot of movement and many outings, the Polish Hound is a breed of dog recommended for an owner or an active family, with a fenced garden and preferably a hunter. And luckily, the Polish Hound is not prone to any known hereditary diseases. But this is not a free pass to miss the vet’s appointments and regular checkups!

Featured Image Credit: Grzegorz Firlit, Shutterstock

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