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How to Groom a Beagle: 10 Vet Reviewed Bathing & Cleaning Tips

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on April 19, 2024 by Dogster Team

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How to Groom a Beagle: 10 Vet Reviewed Bathing & Cleaning Tips


Dr. Lorna Whittemore  Photo


Dr. Lorna Whittemore

MRCVS (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Beagles do not need much grooming. These small dogs are typically pretty self-sufficient in the grooming category thanks to their short, weather-proof fur. However, these dogs can also shed quite a bit, so you may want to take a brush to their coat occasionally.

Luckily, this is pretty straightforward. With our guide below, you should easily be able to groom your beagle without much of a problem.

Collect Your Materials

Beagles will need a few different brushes and other supplies to get groomed properly. Because these dogs have shorter fur, they do not need as many brushes as other dogs. Still, we recommend having at least most of the following items on hand.

  • Bristle Brush. While there are tons of different brushes out there, bristle brushes are the best option. You’ll want a larger brush for adults and a smaller brush for puppies.
  • Deshedding Tool. There are plenty of de-shedding tools out there. We recommend choosing at least one for your beagle. These dogs can shed a lot, so they need all the dead fur removed regularly.
  • Bath Brush. You shouldn’t bathe your beagle that much. However, when you do, it is a good idea to have a bath brush handy to help remove the fur while they’re in the bath.
  • Bath Products. Of course, you’ll also want shampoo and conditioner for your beagle. Sometimes, a two-in-one works best.
  • Ear Cleaning Solution. Beagles are prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears. Therefore, we recommend having a high-quality ear-cleaning solution on hand. Use this whenever you notice your dog’s ears becoming dirty.
  • Dental Care Items. You’ll want to brush your dog’s teeth regularly with dog toothpaste to prevent dental problems, which can be painful and need veterinary attention to fix.
  • Nail Trimmers. There are many types of nail trimmers out there. You’ll need to select at least one for your canine, as their nails will need to be trimmed regularly.
pet grooming tools
Photo Credit By: hurricanehank, Shutterstock

divider-dog paw

How To Bathe Your Beagle

You should only bathe your beagle once a month at the most. Many professional breeders bathe their dogs even less, as it can dry out their skin. If you brush your dog regularly, you will remove debris and help spread out the coat oils. Therefore, you won’t have to bathe them nearly as often.

Whenever it does come time to bathe your Beagle, here are the steps that you should take:

1. Use Lukewarm Water

You don’t want to use anything too hot or too cold for your dog’s bath. Typically, lukewarm water that is around body temperature works best. Beagles are small, but you typically don’t have to worry much about them maintaining body temperature. Just be sure to dry them thoroughly after bathing.

puppy beagle takes a bath in the backyard
Photo Credit By: Easy Morning, Shutterstock

2. Protect Your Dog’s Ears

Beagle ears are very floppy, so they tend to trap water. Therefore, we recommend drying them carefully with a cotton ball after the bath or using large cotton balls while bathing to prevent water from entering the ear. You don’t need to push them into the ear canal—just far enough so they don’t fall out. Do not wash inside the ear with water, either.

Of course, remove the cotton balls promptly after the bath.

3. Follow the Direction on the Shampoo Container

While most shampoo is ready to use right out of the container, some require dilution. Therefore, read the directions on the back of the shampoo container and follow them while bathing your beagle. Usually, the directions will tell you to wet your beagle thoroughly and then add the shampoo.

Be sure to rinse well. Any shampoo left on the skin can lead to irritation and issues later.

Our Favorite Products

Selecting the right shampoo and conditioner makes the world of a difference when grooming your pup. Our favorite products are the duo by Hepper. The Oatmeal Pet Shampoo is formulated with aloe and oatmeal to soothe skin and hydrate the coat. The Pet Conditioner works at eliminating tangles and taming frizz and static. Both products are pH-balanced and formulated with pet-friendly ingredients, free of harsh soaps, chemicals, and dyes. Give this duo a try to heal and nourish your dog's coat, and leave them with an irresistible just-left-the-spa cucumber and aloe scent. 

Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
Hepper Pet Conditioner and Moisturiser - Scented...
pH balanced
Gently cleanses
Cucumber & aloe scent
Free of harmful additives
Combats tangles & static
Soothes & hydrates

At Dogster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool pet company!


4. Dry Your Dog Thoroughly

You’ll want to use several towels to dry your dog. Water left on the skin can dry it out, so be sure to get your dog as clean as possible.

divider-dog paw

How To Clean Your Beagle’s Ears

On top of a bath, you should also clean your beagle’s ears regularly. Usually, we recommend cleaning them whenever you notice that they are dirty. But if your dog is prone to ear infections, cleaning them on a set schedule may be better. For instance, many recommend cleaning their ears every week or every other week.

1. Use a Dog-Specific Ear Cleanser

Beagles need quite a bit of cleaning power in their ears so we recommend using a vet-approved ear cleanser to help remove any dirt, debris, and microbes that may damage your dog’s ears. Many also contain an anti-inflammatory, which can help prevent infections.

If you are looking for the perfect product to clean your dog's sensitive areas or would benefit from an on-the-go option, Hepper's Wash Wipes are our recommendation. These premium wipes are thick and durable enough for the toughest of paw messes, while still being soft enough to use on your dog's ears or eyes. Formulated with pet-friendly, hypoallergenic ingredients they are the ideal product for all dogs of all ages, skin conditions, or sensitivities. 

Hepper Pet Wash Wipes - Soft Pet Cleaning Wipes...
11 Reviews
Hepper Pet Wash Wipes - Soft Pet Cleaning Wipes...
  • Gentle Care For All Pets - Infused with moisturizing hypoallergenic ingredients & enriched with...
  • Deep Cleans From Head to Tail - Tackle the toughest dirt & messes with our extra strong pet wipes...
  • Freshness On The Go - Each dog grooming wipes pack contains 30 counts of premium dog wipes that...

At Dogster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool pet company!


2. Follow the Directions

Whatever cleaner you choose, follow the directions that come with it. Usually, you’ll need to add a few drops to your dog’s ears and then rub. Never stick anything in your dog’s ears or rinse the cleaner off with water. The cleanser is designed to remain in your dog’s ears in most cases.

3. Examine the Ears

examining beagle's ears
Photo Credit By: Ermolaev Alexander, Shutterstock

You’ll want to examine the ears during each cleaning to ensure they aren’t infected. If you notice a bad smell or discoloration, your dog may have an infection. These need to be treated by a veterinarian.

divider-dog paw

The 3 Everyday Grooming Tips

On top of cleaning your dog’s ears and bathing them regularly, you’ll need to perform other grooming tasks regularly, such as clipping their nails and brushing them. Beagles are not high-maintenance dogs, so these tasks aren’t frequent or involved.

1. Brushing

You’ll need to brush your Beagle occasionally. Usually, during the spring and fall, these dogs shed excessively. During this period, you may need to brush them every other day or so. However, during the winter and summer, you may only need to brush them weekly.

For the most part, this brushing session is to remove dead fur. You should use a deshedding tool as directed. These tools have different directions depending on the type, but you should always brush with your pet’s coat.

2. Trim the Nails

You’ll need to trim your dog’s nails regularly, usually about once a month. Many people feel unsure about doing this, but it is pretty simple once you get the hang of it. You can invest in a nail grinder instead of clippers if you’d like, as these are easier to use and lead to softer nail edges.

We recommend having some styptic powder on hand in case bleeding occurs. This powder will help the bleed to clot quickly.

3. Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

You should use dog-safe toothpaste on your dog’s teeth once a day. Choose an enzymatic cleaner, as these work without brushing vigorously. Often, it is hard to brush a dog’s teeth vigorously, so these cleaners work better.

beagle waiting for owner to brush his teeth
Photo Credit By: yangtak, Shutterstock



Grooming beagles is not difficult, as they have short coats, but they do have sensitive ears that will require regular cleaning. Furthermore, we highly recommend brushing them regularly, as they can shed a lot.

With all of that said, it usually isn’t difficult to groom them. Most beagles can be trained to sit still for most grooming practices, especially if food is involved. We recommend starting early, even though your puppy won’t need tons of brushing. Getting your dog used to the grooming process when they are young helps ensure that they are accepting of the process later.

Featured Image Credit: Aidenluei, Shutterstock

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