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When & What Is Thankful for My Dog Day 2024? Facts & How to Celebrate

Written by: Hanh Duong

Last Updated on June 14, 2024 by Dogster Team

female owner posing with her cavalier king charles spaniel dog at the park

When & What Is Thankful for My Dog Day 2024? Facts & How to Celebrate

Are you a dog owner? If yes, you’ll be happy to know that November 23 is a special day dedicated to your furry friend. It’s called Thankful for My Dog Day, and it’s all about appreciating the love, loyalty, and joy that our dogs bring into our lives. Whether you have a small dog, a big dog, a yappy dog, or a fluffy dog, they all deserve to be showered with love and affection. But on Thankful for My Dog Day, we take it up a notch and show our furry friends extra appreciation.

So mark your calendars for November 23 and get ready to celebrate all the amazing things that our dogs do for us.

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The 5 Reasons to Be Grateful for Dogs

1. We Can Always Count on Them

Our pups are always there for us when we need them most. Whether we’ve had a tough day at work or just need a little pick-me-up, our four-legged friends are always ready to greet us with slobbery kisses.

And when it’s time to go out, they’re always up for an adventure, eager to explore the world with us by their side. But perhaps the best thing about our dogs is the way they make us feel when we come home. No matter how long we’ve been gone, they’re always happy to see us, wagging their tails and barking with excitement as we walk through the door. It’s an unbeatable feeling and reminds us just how lucky we are to have such loyal, loving companions in our lives.

Happy crossbreed dog being kissed by his owner
Image Credit: Ripio, Shutterstock

2. Dogs Provide Security

Your furry pal can be your very own security guard! It’s amazing how just a single bark from your little buddy can alert you when something’s not right or scare off any unwanted visitors at the door.

No matter how big or small they are, having a loyal companion by your side is a comforting feeling that we should all be thankful for!

3. Dogs Help Us Stay Fit and Active

Our four-legged friends can be a great motivator to get us moving. Even if we are not aware of it, having a dog can increase our chances of getting enough exercise by 34%, as per a study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

Whether it’s a leisurely walk or a brisk jog, spending just 30 minutes outdoors with your furry companion can work wonders for your physical and mental health. Not to mention, it can also reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Owner walking with dog together in park outdoors
Image Credit: oatawa, Shutterstock

4. They Make Us Better Versions of Ourselves

Have you ever noticed how our furry friends can teach us so much about being better versions of ourselves? Dogs shower everyone with unconditional love and remain fiercely loyal through thick and thin. Every chance they get, they want to be helpful and spread their contagious love and affection. By observing these amazing creatures, we can learn valuable lessons about being kind, loving, and supportive to one another.

5. Dogs Accept Us Just as We Are

Dogs love us for exactly who we are without any judgment or questioning. They don’t demand that we change or withhold their cuddles and licks, even when we’re not at our best. That’s why we can’t help but adore them in return!

Young woman hugging ang kissing a cute sleepy chihuahua dog
Image Credit: Chay_Tee, Shutterstock

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The 7 Ways to Celebrate Thankful for My Dog Day

There are countless ways to show your furry friend some love and appreciation. Does your pup enjoy a leisurely stroll? How about taking them on a scenic hike and letting them take in all the smells and sights? Or maybe your dog goes crazy for a special treat they don’t get often? Well, today is the perfect day to spoil them with an extra one (or four)!

If you’re looking for exciting new ways to bond with your four-legged buddy, we’ve got you covered. We’ve rounded up some of the best dog-friendly activities to make this pet holiday one to remember. Let’s get started!

1. Express Your Love

Don’t forget to tell your best friend how much you love them. Words can be powerful, and your furry friend will appreciate the heartfelt message.

owner playing with jack russell terrier dog at home
Image Credit: Pereslavtseva Katerina, Shutterstock

2. Explore a New Place Together

Dogs love going on adventures with their humans. Take your dog to a new downtown area, beach, or local trail to explore. If your pet is afraid of new places, take them on their favorite familiar route. You’ll both enjoy the change of scenery.

3. Plan a Playdate

Does your dog have a furry friend they love to hang out with? Host a pet playdate and make it a day to remember. Or take your dog to the dog park to meet new friends.

dog owners meeting at the park for a dog group
Image Credit: Daniel Megias, Shutterstock

4. Treat Your Pup

Bake a dog-friendly treat, such as homemade biscuits or popsicles. Your furry friend will love the special attention, and you’ll enjoy the fun of making something homemade. If baking isn’t your thing, just pick up your pup’s favorite treat on the way home.

5. Make a Donation to a Local Animal Shelter

Why not consider donating to your local animal shelter? Your contribution could help a homeless dog or cat find a loving forever home. And if you’re up for it, you could even sign up to adopt or foster!

person preparing donation box for animal shelter
Image Credit: Veja, Shutterstock

6. Spoil Your Pet

Don’t miss the chance to spoil your furry friend on these days! Finally, you have a perfect excuse to buy that cool dog bed with your pet’s name embroidered on it or that cute pet bandana you’ve been eyeing for a while.

7. Take Some Pictures

What better way to celebrate than by going through your collection of dog photos and sharing your favorites with the world? Whether you’re a social media guru or a scrapbooker, their adorable face is sure to brighten up your day. And if you’re adventurous, why not plan a fun photoshoot with your pup to capture even more memories to cherish?

photographer taking picture of pomeranian dog
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

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Dogs have a magical way of making us feel better, no matter how tough the day has been. From their wiggly tails to their slobbery kisses, they remind us that life is full of simple pleasures. They give us a reason to step away from our screens, get outside, and get moving. Even when they’re knocking over their water bowls for the umpteenth time, their silly antics leave us laughing uncontrollably.

Mark your calendars because there’s a special day dedicated to these loyal companions. Thankful for My Dog Day is celebrated on November 23rd every year.

Featured Image Credit: Sabelnikova Olga, Shutterstock

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