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How Smart Are Pomeranians? Breed Traits & Intelligence

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on June 28, 2024 by Dogster Team

teacup pomeranian puppy with a basketball on grass

How Smart Are Pomeranians? Breed Traits & Intelligence


Dr. Luqman Javed Photo


Dr. Luqman Javed

Veterinarian, DVM

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When it comes to intelligence in the canine world, many people automatically think of breeds like the Border Collie or the German Shepherd. However, one breed that often gets overlooked in this department is the Pomeranian. These fluffy little pups may be small in size, but they have big personalities and an impressive level of intelligence that often goes unnoticed.

In fact, this breed is highly trainable and can excel in a variety of activities, including obedience, agility, and even therapy work. So, if you’re a Pomeranian owner or just a dog lover looking to learn more about these intelligent little canines, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we explore the many ways in which Pomeranians exhibit their smarts and how you can help unleash their full potential.

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What Exactly Is Canine Intelligence?

Intelligence is a complex trait, and it can be challenging to measure in dogs. However, some researchers have attempted to quantify canine intelligence by looking at factors like problem-solving ability, trainability, and adaptive intelligence.

Problem-solving ability refers to a dog’s ability to solve puzzles or figure out how to get to a treat. Trainability refers to a dog’s ability to learn and follow commands. Adaptive intelligence refers to a dog’s ability to learn from past experiences and apply that knowledge to new situations.

Pomeranian Intelligence Compared to Other Dog Breeds

When it comes to intelligence, Pomeranians are often underrated. However, research has shown that Pomeranians are actually quite smart and can excel in a variety of activities. In fact, Pomeranians are ranked as the 23rd smartest dog breed by some researchers. This puts them ahead of many other popular breeds, including the Beagle, Dalmatian, and Shih Tzu.

pomeranian dog outdoors
Image Credit: life_is_beautiful, Pixabay

Examples of Pomeranian Intelligence

Pomeranians are known for their problem-solving ability and their trainability. They are quick learners and enjoy being challenged.

Here are some examples of Pomeranian intelligence:
  • Problem-Solving: These dogs are often able to figure out how to get to a treat that has been hidden or put in a difficult-to-reach location. They may also be able to solve puzzles and games that require them to use their problem-solving skills.
  • Learning Tricks: Poms are quick learners and enjoy learning new tricks. So, it’s easy for them to do complex tricks like “roll over” or “play dead” in a short amount of time. Pomeranians also make great show dogs because of their ability to learn tricks.
  • Obedience Training: These dogs are highly trainable and excel in obedience training. During training, they learn and follow commands quickly and are often able to perform complex obedience routines.

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Interesting Facts About Dog Intelligence

Dogs have been known as man’s best friend for centuries. Some breeds are more intelligent than others, but all dogs have the ability to learn and understand complex commands. So, if you’re curious about the potential amazing capabilities of your Pom, check out these fun facts.

1. Dogs Can Understand Up to 250 Words and Gestures

Have you ever talked to your dog and felt like they understood every word you said? It turns out they probably did! Dogs are actually capable of understanding up to 250 words and gestures, which is equivalent to the vocabulary of a 2-year-old child.

This ability to understand human language is due to the fact that dogs have a similar brain structure to humans. They can understand not only the words we say but also the tone and context in which they are said.

Studies have shown that dogs, like humans, have a left hemisphere in their brains that is responsible for processing language. This means that when we talk to our dogs, they’re not just hearing meaningless sounds; they are actually processing the words and trying to understand what we are saying.

2. Dogs Have the Ability to Count

Dogs not only are capable of understanding language, but they also have the ability to count. In fact, they can count up to four or five, which is a similar level of counting ability as a human toddler. This ability to count has been observed in various studies, where dogs were presented with different numbers of objects and were able to identify the correct number.

This counting ability isn’t just limited to objects, but dogs can also count time intervals. In one study, dogs were trained to wait for a certain amount of time before receiving a reward. The researchers found that the dogs were able to accurately count the time interval and would only start to expect the reward after the correct amount of time had passed. This ability to count is just another example of the incredible intelligence of our furry friends.

Pomeranian dog on the beach
Image Credit: cyndibec, Pixabay

3. Dogs Can Read Human Emotions

Most dog owners can attest to the fact that their furry friends seem to have an uncanny ability to sense their emotions. That’s right, dogs not only can understand human language but also human emotions. They can read our facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice to determine how we are feeling.

Dogs can even distinguish between happy and angry faces, and they respond differently to each. They’re more likely to approach someone who is smiling and happy and avoid someone who is angry or upset (like when they tear up your shoes or furniture). This ability to read human emotions has been honed over thousands of years of domestication, and it’s one of the reasons that dogs make such great companions.

4. Dogs Can Smell Diseases

Canines also have an incredible sense of smell, though that’s not surprising! But did you know that it’s up to 100,000 times more powerful than that of humans? This ability to smell has been put to use in various fields, such as detecting drugs, explosives, and even illnesses. In fact, dogs have been trained to detect various diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and even malaria. They can sniff out the chemical alterations that occur in the body when someone is sick. For example, dogs can detect changes in a person’s breath that indicate lung cancer or changes in their urine that indicate diabetes.

pomeranian puppy walking in grass
Image Credit: thanai asawaroengchai, Shutterstock

5. Canines Have Excellent Memories

Dogs have an incredible memory and can remember events, people, and places for long periods of time. This ability is due to the fact that dogs have a larger hippocampus than many other animals, which is the part of the brain responsible for memory.

You may be surprised to learn that dogs can remember the faces of people they have met before and recognize them even after long periods of time. They can also remember the locations of objects and retrieve them on command. This incredible memory is one of the reasons that dogs are used in various fields, such as search and rescue and law enforcement work.

6. They Can Use Problem-Solving Skills

Let’s not forget their problem-solving skills! Dogs can remember events and people, but they can also use problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles. For example, in a research study, dogs were presented with a puzzle box that contained a treat. The dogs had to figure out how to open the box to get the treat.

The researchers found that the dogs were able to use trial and error to figure out how to open the box. They would try various methods until they found the one that worked.

small pomeranian barking
Image Credit: Shchus, Shutterstock

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Pomeranians are more than just furry companions that wag their tails and bark at the mail carrier. They are intelligent animals with a range of abilities that may surprise you. From counting to problem-solving, dogs have proven time and time again that they’re one of the smartest species on the planet. So if you’re looking for a dog that’s just as smart as they are lovable, a Pom may be perfect for you.

Featured Image Credit: thanai asawaroengchai, Shutterstock

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