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How Much Does It Cost to Own a Pomeranian in 2024? Facts & FAQs

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on July 26, 2024 by Dogster Team

Couple cuddling a Pomeranian dog. Pomeranian spitz dog

How Much Does It Cost to Own a Pomeranian in 2024? Facts & FAQs

Pomeranians are adorable, fluffy little dogs that are extremely popular pets. In fact, they are so popular that it’s easy to find breeders all over the country that breed these little lapdogs.

While finding a Pomeranian at a rescue shelter for a lower price is possible, in most cases, you will pay anywhere from $600 to $2,000 for a Pomeranian Puppy from a reputable breeder. However, the cost of owning a Pomeranian doesn’t stop at the initial fee to purchase the dog. Luckily, since Pomeranians are smaller animals, caring for them doesn’t cost as much after you’re done with the one-time costs.

Once you get the fee to purchase your pet and the one-time fees for things such as beds, food and water bowls, and other necessities out of the way, the monthly cost of taking care of your new pet will drop drastically.

So exactly how much does it cost to care for a Pomeranian? We’ll break it down for you in the guide below.

Bringing Home, a New Pomeranian: One-Time Costs

Before purchasing a new Pomeranian, you must budget for the one-time costs associated with a new puppy. You might be lucky enough to find one for free or up for adoption, or you might have to go through a reputable breeder to get the dog you want.

Once you’ve purchased the dog, you’ll need to spend quite a bit of money on collars, leashes, crates, toys, and food and water dishes. These are usually part of the one-time costs associated with bringing your new puppy home.

brown pomeranian standing on a rock
Image Credit: Kongrat, Shutterstock


Pomeranians are popular pets, but you may be able to find one free if you search long enough. However, the problem with free puppies is that they’re harder to determine their history or if they have health problems you weren’t aware of.

In many cases, the puppy is being given away because there hasn’t been much money put into the dog, to begin with. Though the upfront cost is cheaper, it may cost you much more in the long run if the dog has health issues you weren’t aware of.


  • $50 to $300

It’s also possible that you’ll be able to find a Pomeranian Puppy to adopt from a local rescue shelter. This will run you anywhere from $50 to $300, depending on the price the shelter charges. While you still don’t know where the dog came from, at the shelters, they get health care and a health screening before they are adopted.

In most cases, the adult dogs will be cheaper than the puppies and easier to find.


  • $600 to $2,000

The last choice on your list is a breeder. In this case, you want to do your due diligence and choose a reputable breeder, as some have horrible conditions and lie about their dog breeds. A reputable breeder will cost you anywhere from $600 to $2,000 for a healthy, purebred Pomeranian Puppy, but it’s worth the cost to know that the dog is a true Pomeranian and that it’s healthy as well.

Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $191 to $360

Most of what you’ll spend on your Pomeranian before their first birthday is the initial setup and supplies to keep your new puppy healthy and happy. These will run you between $191 to $360, give or take a few dollars, according to where you buy the supplies.

Some of the supplies you’ll need include food and water bowls, a leash, collar, crate, dog bed, and toys to keep your little one happy and active. We’ll give you a quick list of the most common supplies you’ll need in the list below. However, since the breed you’ve chosen is relatively small, some of this equipment will be cheaper, as it takes less material and labor to make it.

Image Credit: APIWICH PUDSUMRAN, Shutterstock

List of Pomeranian Care Supplies and Costs

ID Tag and Collar $5 to $15
Toothbrush Supplies $10 to $15
Dog Bed $35 to $65
Nail Clipper (optional) $15 to $30
Brush (optional) X2 $15 to $45
Leash $10
Dog Collar $10
Toys $30 to $50
Dog Crate $40 to $80
Food and Water Bowls $10

How Much Does a Pomeranian Cost Per Month?

  • $216 to $948 per month

Once you’ve finished with the one-time costs, you’ll settle into a pattern and usually spend between $216 to $948 a month on your little Pomeranian. Dogs that are smaller tend to cost less to take care of. For example, they don’t eat as much, and they’re unlikely to cause as much damage to your belongings as other breeds.

They also need smaller amounts of medicine, which translates to less money spent. The biggest portion of your monthly budget will be used for grooming and healthcare costs if your Pomeranian has any.

Health Care

  • $166 to $518 per month

Healthcare costs usually vary from dog to dog, even with the smaller breeds. So, you can expect to pay, on average, from $166 to $518 a month. As with any dog, if an accident happens or the dog becomes sick, you could pay more, so it’s best to budget on the high end of this figure to be on the safe side.


  • $6 to $15 per month 

Pomeranians are tiny dogs, so they don’t eat much. You can expect to spend between $6 and $15 a month, depending on the quality and brand of dog food you feed your furry friend.

Since these dogs rarely have medical issues requiring prescription food, as long as you feed them high-quality dog food, your food costs should be low.

Brown Pomeranian Puppy with a bowl Looking at Camera
Image Credit: Cup of Couple, Pexels


  • $100 to $400 per month

Pomeranians are fluffy little dogs that require frequent grooming to stay healthy and look great. You can expect to pay between $100 to $400 a month just on their grooming alone.

You can do their grooming yourself, but you’ll need all the right supplies, or you can have a professional groomer do it for you, which is where the high price tag of $400 a month comes in.

Medications and Vet Visits

  • $25 to $60 per month

Because they are so small, the medication costs for your Pomeranian should be low unless they have a medical issue. If your Pomeranian is in excellent health, you can get away with paying $25 to $60 a month for medications, such as flea and tick prevention and vet visits.

The first year’s vet visits will be the costliest because your puppy will need vaccinations. After the first year, rabies shots are the only shots the dog should need.

Pet Insurance

  • $35 to $50 per month

While pet insurance isn’t required to have a pet, buying it for your little Pomeranian or any other pets you might have is always a good idea. Pet insurance prices will differ depending on where you live, your pet’s age and health, and a few other factors you can discuss with the pet insurance provider you’re considering.

On average, for a Pomeranian, you can expect to pay $35 to $50 a month, according to the plan you choose.

Environment Maintenance

  • $15 to $400 per month

There is very little in the way of environmental upkeep for a Pomeranian. They are tiny enough that they can’t do much damage to furniture, so you won’t need to repair or replace any table legs.

The most significant environmental maintenance expense you should have is hiring a professional dog walker if you can’t take your dog out. A dog walker can cost you anywhere from $15 to $400 a month, according to where you live, how often you need them to walk your dog, and what the dog walker’s rates are.

Dog Walker: $15 to $400 a month


  • $15 to $30 per month

Entertainment for your Pomeranian will run you $15 to $30 a month. These dogs love to play, but they are small enough that they aren’t hard on their toys. This means you should be able to get away with adding one to two toys a month, for variety’s sake.

It’s also a good idea to keep extra toys on hand in case you lose the ones your pet has. You can purchase subscription boxes for your furry pal with treats, toys, and more. Most companies charge you monthly, and the prices will vary according to which service you use and the size box you decide to sign up to receive.

Family of Four Having fun Playing with Cute Little Pomeranian Dog In the Backyard. Father, Mother, Son Pet Fluffy Smart Puppy, teach and train it Commands. Sunny Summer Day in Idyllic Suburban House
Image Credit: Gorodenkoff, Shutterstock

Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Pomeranian

  • $216 to $948 per month

The total cost of owning a Pomeranian is between $216 to $948 a month, which is cheaper than the first year of having the puppy. On average, you can expect to spend around $300 a month. Some owners spend up to $1,000 a month, but that depends on whether you use a dog walker and if your pet needs veterinary assistance for illnesses or injuries. Also, the owners spending up to $1,000 typically include pet insurance in the amount.

Most pet parents aren’t going to have high costs for vet bills and pet insurance, so they rarely go up to or past the maximum we’ve allowed of $948 a month.

Additional Costs to Factor In

Of course, there are additional costs that you have to add in. For example, you never know when you will have to go out of town and will need a pet sitter or when you might need behavioral training for your pet.

Even if you have pet insurance, there will be times when you have to cover emergency fees. While these things don’t happen all of the time, it is best to budget for them yearly when it comes to your pet.

Owning a Pomeranian on a Budget

Thankfully, the tiny Pom isn’t hard or expensive to take care of, and there are a few ways to reduce your expenses. Instead of taking your pet to a professional, you can learn to groom and trim your Pom’s coat at home.

You can also hunt for coupons for food and supplies and get discounts for enrolling in a subscription service. Some pet food companies provide coupons when you fill out a survey or follow them on social media. Pomeranians are lovable dogs, and you may be able to save money on pet sitting by asking friends and family to look after your pet.

Saving Money on Pomeranian Care

Though Pomeranians are small, you can save a few dollars by ordering their food in bulk. It is essential to purchase high-quality dog food for your pet, as well as its bed, toys, and any other equipment it needs.

In the end, you may pay more for higher quality items, but you won’t have to replace them as quickly, which will save you money in the long run.

Final Thoughts

When it comes right down to it, owning a Pomeranian isn’t as expensive as owning a larger dog breed might be. The upfront fee for the dog and the one-time costs over the next year are the highest expenses you can expect, and you’ll pay less later on unless you deal with an emergency.

You can expect to spend anywhere from $216 to $948 a month on your pet, with the higher end of that price range being very extravagant. If you’re on a budget, know that owning a Pomeranian is less expensive than owning many other dog breeds, so don’t let that stop you from giving one of these cuddly, adorable, sweet dogs a forever home. You’ll be glad that you did!

See also:

Featured Image Credit: VeronikaSmirnaya, Shutterstock

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