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Do Yorkies Bark a Lot? Facts & Tips to Stop It

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

Yorkiepoo and Chihuahua

Do Yorkies Bark a Lot? Facts & Tips to Stop It

If you’re unfamiliar with a Yorkshire Terrier, let us introduce you. These spirited little dogs might be little, but they are mighty and fierce. Anyone who’s ever loved a Yorkie will tell you just how big of a personality they really have. With a big personality comes other behaviors, like barking.

Granted, this is never a one-size-fits-all situation. Some dogs naturally bark more than others, even within the same breed. But the likelihood of getting a Yorkie that’s a little yappy is pretty high. Yes, Yorkies tend to bark quite a bit. Let us explain.


The Yorkie and Their “Quirkies”

The Yorkshire Terrier is a small breed of dog from England. These dogs are very independent, despite how adventurous they might be. These little guys have the sweetest, most innocent faces but don’t let that fool you.

They still love time spent with their humans. They tend to get very attached, specifically to one person in particular. They are also always on alert, ready to tell you anything weird around the house.

A leaf flutters in the yard? How dare it. An unknown neighborhood cat is nosing about the garbage cans – you can bet you’ll know about it. Yorkies are very fast to display when something is just not right.

yorkie dog standing in the grass
Image Credit: Petra, Pixabay

Barking Is Normal

Is it an overreaction? In most cases, it definitely can be. But there’s a lot we need to understand about barking. Barking is a natural impulse for most canines. It is a communicative language, and different tones, frequencies, and body language can be other things.

A dog should only be expected to silence their voice as much as a human should. It’s best to understand that even though barking might be annoying to you, it is a natural right for your dog.

The only thing you can do to curb barking is to promote a training system that teaches your dog when and when not to go hog wild.

How to Stop Barking

If your Yorkie seems never to stop barking, you might wonder what to do to curb this tendency. But the reality is, there’s often not a clear solution here. You can teach your dog basic manners and eliminate some of the barking.

But for the most part, this behavior is natural for the breed and should not be harshly punished. Barking is the same to dogs as speaking is to humans.

It’s only to be expected that human beings can get a little annoying and loud for dogs from time to time. But it only bothers us when it is the other way around.

Granted, there are some moments when barking is not a good thing. If you have someone in the household trying to sleep, you probably want a way to keep your dog as quiet as possible so that person can get some rest.

Or, if your Yorkie is being overbearing with other dogs and using barking as a technique to intimidate, you should curb or eliminate that behavior entirely. It can actually pose a threat to your little dog if they challenge a dog who won’t hesitate to act, despite a Yorkie’s tiny size.

So, the good news is there are ways to reduce the noise related to barking. But the reality of it is they should be completely expected on the same note.

Choosing a small dog breed that doesn’t bark a lot can be very tricky. Smaller dogs tend to bark more than larger dogs, and they are often more constant.

In this regard, there are different strokes for different folks. Some people prefer having a mild-tempered dog that only barks when there is a notable cause. Other people don’t mind when their small dogs get all up in arms with someone else.

The best thing to do is get a breed that resonates explicitly with your lifestyle and activity level.

a person wearing gloves holding a brown dog
Image Credit: Gustavo Fring, Pexels

Using Negative Reinforcement

If you constantly scream, discipline, or shame your Yorkie for barking, it can cause some distrust in the relationship. It could even worsen the behaviors if your Yorkie suddenly starts to fear you.

Always try to use positive reinforcement when you’re correcting your dog. Allow them to have their space and use their voice, but make sure your Yorkie is trained to know when to use it properly.

It will be as simple as treat training for some dogs, and other dogs might require professional training to get the issue under wraps.

In some cases, there’s little that you can do to prevent barking, as this is just natural behavior for some small dogs. To take away their voice is like taking away a basic right, and we can’t expect our dogs to behave a certain way at all times.

Shock Collars for Correction

Some people use shock collars as a method to decrease barking. Every time their dog barks, at an unfavorable time, they will use the shock collar to create an association between barking and bad behavior.

This is negative for several reasons. Your dog will not be able to understand why they are being punished or hurt for doing something natural to them. Shock collars are going to increase that fear-based reaction. After all, dogs are not barking out of maliciousness.

Shock collars are unnecessary. Any type of behavioral change you’re seeking, it can be done in a positive, calm, and appropriate manner.

Professional Training: When Is It Needed?

If you feel less confident about your approach to training your Yorkie, you can always reach out for professional assistance. There are many free resources online to help train your dog; you can also seek an experienced trainer in your area.

Professional trainers work with you and your dog to promote a healthy, effective training routine to get the desired results. It’s important to note that you’ll only partially be able to silence your dog.

But you can work with them to reinforce positive barking behavior and control those times when barking is inappropriate. Results will take time to happen. Like anything else, it is a slow process and a big transition.

It’s best to have patience and consistency. Just know that it’s just as essential to carry on training outside of a professional environment for lifelong results. If you want to get in touch with a professional trainer, you can ask your vet for references or seek options around your area.

Sometimes, it might require travel, or your dog might need to stay out of the home for a week or two for the initial training process. It’s best to pick whatever option works for you.

Yorkie dog standing in grass
Image Credit: Piqsels


Final Thoughts

The bottom line is that Yorkies are a very vocal breed. It is normal and expected that these dogs are more vocal than some other breeds. They are brave, spirited, and always ready for action.

Their larger-than-life personalities will fill your life with lots of entertainment, but they might need a little extra help learning the appropriate time to use their voice.

Featured Image Credit: My Bokeh Life, Shutterstock

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