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Do Great Danes Like Water? Water Safety Concerns

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

Adult great dane dog leading puppy out into the water to teach him to swim in golden sun from beach

Do Great Danes Like Water? Water Safety Concerns

Great Danes are one of the largest dogs in the canine world. As gentle pups, Great Danes are great family dogs. If your family enjoys going on trips or is constantly around water, you’re probably wondering if your Great Dane enjoys water activities, too. Do Great Danes like water?

As a breed, the Great Dane generally does not like the water and would prefer to spectate rather than get themselves wet. However, they can eventually grow fond of the water and learn how to swim.

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What Were Great Danes Bred For?

Great Danes were worker dogs bred for hunting. In the 16th century, Great Danes were used by hunters in Germany and Austria to bring down large animals, such as boars, bears, and deer. Their size and athleticism allowed them to serve as catch dogs, holding down the animals after they had been caught. Eventually, as advancements in hunting progressed, Great Danes were ultimately bred to become the gentle, loving, and affectionate giants we know today.

Unlike other dogs bred for water-related tasks, Great Danes were generally not used anywhere near the water. In short, Great Danes were not built to become swimmers.

Can Great Danes Swim?

A Great Dane at the river bringing a huge stick out of the water
Image by: GoDog Photo, Shutterstock

Although not designed to swim, Great Danes can learn how to swim and become good swimmers. If placed in a body of water, most dogs will try to keep their heads above the surface and perform what is affectionately known as the doggy paddle.

What Makes Great Danes Good Swimmers?

Great Danes can swim, not because they were designed to swim, but because of their physical build and strength. Great Danes’ gigantic body includes long, slender legs, a stocky, muscular chest, and a long neck and snout—all of which equip them to swim well.

Their muscular upper body allows them to stay afloat while also providing them with the energy to cruise and glide in the water while swimming. Their long legs make paddling easier because of the increased surface-to-volume ratio during the paddle motion. Doggy paddling involves a similar motion to running on land, and most of the work is performed by the front legs paddling while the rear legs move in rhythm with a forward-backward motion.

Finally, Great Danes use their long neck and snout to keep their heads above the surface while floating. This allows them to breathe much easier while treading water. In addition to their physical traits, some Great Danes have webbed paws. This was inherited from their hunting ancestors, giving them more traction when walking and running through muddy and snowy surfaces.

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Can All Dogs Swim?

Many dogs enjoy splashing around in the water, especially if they’re exposed to it enough. All dogs can instinctively perform the doggy paddle, but that does not necessarily mean all dogs can swim. Some breeds, such as Pugs, Bulldogs, Basset Hounds, and even Dachshunds, are unable to swim due to their short stature and legs, which limit their ability to float and paddle.

Dogs with short necks and snouts, such as Bulldogs, have trouble keeping their head up to breathe when in the water. Larger and heavier dogs also tend to sink rather than float.

How Do You Teach Your Great Dane to Swim?

Black great dane on the sea side
Image by: pirita, Shutterstock

If you want your Great Dane to learn how to swim, it is best to start exposing them to water as puppies. Great Danes enjoy the company of their family, so seeing you having fun in the water will make them want to go in as well, which also gives them a sense of security that the water is safe. When introducing water, it is best to start small with a baby pool, the bathtub, or the shallow end of the pool.

Once comfortable, you can gradually move to the deeper end and larger bodies of water as they gain confidence.  Keep in mind that Great Danes are not natural swimmers. So, be patient and allow time for them to build their confidence.

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Know Your Dog’s Limits

Every Great Dane is unique and some dislike being near the water. As dog parents, we need to understand how they feel about the water. Some may be slower learners, some may tire much more easily, and some may refuse to swim. Regardless, it is important to know your dog’s limits to prevent any injury.

Water Safety and Your Great Dane

Just like with children, don’t let your Great Dane swim unsupervised. You may be confident in their swimming skills, but it is still better to be prepared for unexpected accidents. While supervising, look out for signs of fatigue, panic, and distress, and be prepared to help them. When watching your dog swim, it is important to be vigilant the same way you would be for your own kids!

Keep drinking water close as well. Swimming is a physically demanding activity. Your dog will get thirsty and require hydration, so it is best to be prepared. To prevent any illness, ensure your dog only swims in clean bodies of water.

a mantle great dane by the beach
Image by: mkzdillon, Shutterstock

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As a breed, Great Danes do not typically like water and are not natural-born swimmers. However, due to their love of spending time with family, along with their physical characteristics, Great Danes can adapt to the water.

Liking the water and swimming are both learned behaviors for Great Danes that stem from exposure and time spent with their loved ones. Trips to the beach, the lake, or even the pool can be a very good bonding activity for your family, including your Great Dane!

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