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Why Does My Dog Spill Their Food? 7 Vet-Verified Reasons

Written by: Misty Layne

Last Updated on May 2, 2024 by Dogster Team

labrador retriever dog eating dry kibble

Why Does My Dog Spill Their Food? 7 Vet-Verified Reasons


Dr. Ashley Darby Photo


Dr. Ashley Darby

BVSc (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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You adore your dog but don’t love how they spill food everywhere when mealtime rolls around. There are always pieces left over that you have to clean up, which can be kind of annoying. But why is your dog spilling their food in the first place?

Dogs spill food for several reasons, actually. The reason could be something as simple as them not liking their food or something as complicated as feeling insecure or territorial. Luckily, for most of the reasons dogs spill food, there are ways you can remedy the issue.

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The 7 Reasons Why Your Dog Spill Their Food

1. They Don’t Want Their Food

There’s a good chance that if your dog spills their food a lot, they won’t want to gobble up every last crumb. Of course, if this is the case, you’ve probably noticed them leaving a bunch of food on the floor instead of eating it.

Maybe the food tastes bad or smells terrible. Perhaps your dog hates the texture of it. Whatever the reason they dislike their food, they’ll probably keep spilling it everywhere until they get food they want to eat! We don’t encourage rewarding picky behavior with delicious treats like meat, but you could definitely change the dog food to one that’s a bit more appealing.

On the other hand, maybe they like their food but just aren’t hungry. This behavior is common in dogs being offered too big of a portion. If you think your dog is leaving food because they have had enough to eat, offer a slightly smaller portion.

white fluffy Pomeranian puppy sits near an iron bowl of dry food and eats the food with an appetite
Image Credit: Varvara Serebrova, Shutterstock

2. They Have an Aversion to Their Food Bowl

Your dog constantly spilling food may also be a case of them not liking the bowl you’ve put it in. They might pick up their food and take it somewhere else to eat. There are several things a dog might dislike about a food bowl. It might have a scent that irritates your pup’s nose. If multiple animals are in the home, the bowl could even smell like them, turning your dog off from wanting to eat out of it.

It could be an aversion to where the bowl is located in the house. If they don’t like being separated from their people, they won’t like to eat in a secluded area. If they have a phobia of noises from kitchen appliances they may not want to eat in the kitchen.  Try to put the bowl in an area that is comfortable for your dog.

Finally, the bowl might make a sound that grates. This is particularly true of metal bowls, which ding when something hits their side, like an ID tag from a collar. Switching to a less noisy bowl could help.

3. They’re Trying to Bury Their Food

Our canine companions are known for burying things, which might be why your dog is spilling food all over the place. Yep, they might just be trying to bury it. This is an instinctual behavior from the days when dogs were wild and often buried food to protect it for later use. If you think your pup is trying to bury their food, you might want to give them an area in the yard where they can dig and bury things, or try a foraging mat for feeding time, as it allows a dog to feel like they’re digging.

jack russell terrier dog thrusting its head to a hole
Image Credit: Coffeemill, Shutterstock

4. They’re Just Messy

Sometimes, a dog is really just that messy, especially if they get super excited about mealtimes, and they could get a bit clumsy in their overexuberance and knock their bowl over. Dogs with large jowls or floppy ears can pick up food, which they get all over the place. Either way, it equals food spilled at each meal, which can be a pain. You might try investing in a heavier bowl that’s more difficult for them to knock around if you want to keep food from being spilled when they eat or put down a placemat to catch spilled food. Dogs with long ears can wear a snood to hold their ears back while they eat. You can use wipes to clean your pet’s face after eating. Dog food in the form of kibble is less messy than wet, canned, and fresh foods.

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5. They’re Eating Way Too Fast

Does your dog gobble down their meals in approximately 30 seconds or less? Then, that’s probably the reason why they spill food everywhere, as eating that quickly means food gets dropped and spilled. Fast eating can also lead to health issues, so you want to slow your dog down, even if you don’t mind spilled food. Puzzle feeders are excellent for accomplishing this!

Black Dachshund dog guarding and eating food
Image Credit: dogboxstudio, Shutterstock

6. They’re Seeking Privacy

Does your dog spill food everywhere, then take pieces of it elsewhere to eat? Or do they spill food while trying to move their bowl to a different spot? Then, your pet might want some privacy while they eat. Some canines just want a little space while they eat, and if their food bowl is placed in an area of the home that’s high traffic, they might end up spilling food to get some privacy. Or if you have multiple dogs in your home, one dog might be feeling territorial about their food bowl, which leads to wanting space. Try setting your dog’s bowl in a different area and separating your dogs for mealtime to see if that remedies the issue of food being spilled.

7. Your Pup Has an Underlying Health Issue

You might want to talk to your vet, especially if your pet wasn’t spilling food and then suddenly began spilling food everywhere. Dogs will spill food from their mouths when health problems make it difficult for them to chew and swallow. Dental disease is a very common cause of oral pain, but other conditions that could cause this include oral injuries, cancers, and nerve problems. Signs to look out for are bad breath, coughing, gagging, pawing at the mouth, and increased drooling. Other diseases may also reduce your pet’s appetite, which could lead to dropping food.

vet holding a puppy
Image Credit: Friends Stock, Shutterstock

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Once you’ve figured out why your dog is spilling their food all over the place, you should be able to act to remedy the situation. If an underlying health condition is at play, your veterinarian can guide you on the best treatment options. Most likely, the cause of food spillage isn’t too serious but rather an issue such as your dog not liking their food bowl or wild instincts at play. Just remember to stay patient while you try to figure out which reason is the right one, and hopefully, soon, there will be little to no food spilling onto your floors!

Featured Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala, Shutterstock

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