Doggos Weekly

It's a dog's life...for some.

The Harsh Reality of Life with 10 Pets Part 1: Dogs Don’t Take Days Off

Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my five funny dogs, Poppy, Bailey, Kodah, Ned, and Fred. Check out Part 2: Hairballs, Cat Litter, and Fur on EVERYTHING on to learn more. I am feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, and the trouble is, I can’t take a day off. Sure, I […]

The Harsh Reality of Life with 10 Pets Part 1: Dogs Don’t Take Days Off Read More »

Three bed bugs

Ned, Fred, and Bed: An Unconventional Approach to Toilet Training

Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my five funny dogs, Poppy, Bailey, Kodah, Ned, and Fred. I hate when people use stereotypes on dogs. I hate it even more when they turn out to be right! Chihuahuas have long been labeled as yappy, bitey, demanding, and notoriously hard to toilet

Ned, Fred, and Bed: An Unconventional Approach to Toilet Training Read More »

Jelly the dog

Would I Be Friends With My Dogs If They Were People? Probably Not

Hi, I’m Allison! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my three mixed-breed dogs from Thailand, Jelly, Lorraina, and Manic. Dogs have always been seen as the ideal companions for people. While some breeds are mainly used as working dogs, their loyalty and dedication remain unmatched. People who have dogs as pets consider them family

Would I Be Friends With My Dogs If They Were People? Probably Not Read More »

Gosh Mom, will you stop hovering already?

Am I a Helicopter Dog Parent? Ways I May Be Overprotective of Penny

Hi, I’m Savanna! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my spunky Chihuahua mix, Penny. In case you aren’t familiar with the term, a “helicopter parent” is someone that tends to hover over their children, being overprotective or in some cases, over-invested, trying to control absolutely every aspect of their lives. While the term usually

Am I a Helicopter Dog Parent? Ways I May Be Overprotective of Penny Read More »

The dogs are always pleased to make anytime bedtime

Unexpected Support for My Chronic Fatigue: How My Dogs Adapted to Napping

Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn. Read my introduction to learn more about me and my five funny dogs, Poppy, Bailey, Kodah, Ned, and Fred. I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Some days I have a surplus of energy, and I try to pack as much in as I can, but about 50% of the time, I feel

Unexpected Support for My Chronic Fatigue: How My Dogs Adapted to Napping Read More »

Manic curled up

Dreaming of Chaos in Full Color: What Happens When Manic Sleeps

Hi, I’m Allison. Read my introduction to learn more about me and my three mixed-breed dogs from Thailand, Jelly, Lorraina, and Manic. Some people have vivid dreams full of memories, while others’ minds conjure up impossible scenarios involving people they have never met or might not even exist. And some people’s dreams slip from their mental grasp

Dreaming of Chaos in Full Color: What Happens When Manic Sleeps Read More »

Mom, are you okay?

Dogs and Mental Health: 5 Ways Penny Helps Me Mentally

Hi, I’m Savanna! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my spunky Chihuahua mix, Penny. Mental health is something that is very important to me, and I’m glad that it’s becoming more acceptable to talk about it openly. Along with there being less of a stigma surrounding mental health, emotional support animals (ESAs) are becoming

Dogs and Mental Health: 5 Ways Penny Helps Me Mentally Read More »

Ned is a star.

Ned’s Weepy Peepers: Solving the Problem of Giving Eye Drops to Dogs (with Video)

Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn. Read my introduction to learn more about me and my five funny dogs, Poppy, Bailey, Kodah, Ned, and Fred. Ned is tiny. I mean, tiny. Weighing less than 4 lbs (1.8kg to be exact), he gets away with things the other dogs wouldn’t dream of doing, because he’s so damn cute, even when

Ned’s Weepy Peepers: Solving the Problem of Giving Eye Drops to Dogs (with Video) Read More »

Manic and my husband

Should I Divorce My Husband Because Manic Loves Him More? Maybe!

Hi, I’m Allison. Read my introduction to learn more about me and my three mixed-breed dogs from Thailand, Jelly, Lorraina, and Manic. I would not consider myself a jealous person. However, when it comes to my dogs, jealousy oozes from my pores if they seem to favor someone else over me. I desperately wanted to think that

Should I Divorce My Husband Because Manic Loves Him More? Maybe! Read More »

What is this cold white stuff?

Dogs and Snow: How Penny Feels About That Cold White Stuff

Hi, I’m Savanna! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my spunky Chihuahua mix, Penny. Some dogs and snow go hand-in-hand, and breeds such as Huskies, Saint Bernards, and Newfoundlands, among others, were actually bred for working in the snow. Other dogs just love to romp around in the snow, regardless of what breed they

Dogs and Snow: How Penny Feels About That Cold White Stuff Read More »

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