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How Strong Is a Doberman’s Bite Force? PSI Measure & Facts

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by Dogster Team

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How Strong Is a Doberman’s Bite Force? PSI Measure & Facts

Doberman Pinschers are strong, sleek, and elegant dogs that also make loving family pets. People may often assume that a large dog will be able to produce a strong and painful bite. Several factors go into measuring the bite force of a dog, and a Doberman does pack quite of bit of power in their jaws.

Some reports say that a Doberman’s bite force measures 600 pounds per square inch (PSI). But further research shows that the bite range force of a Doberman more accurately measures between 245 and 305 PSI.

A lion has a bite force measured at 650 PSI. While some dog breeds can come close to that number, the Doberman is not one of them. The average dog bite PSI is 230–250 PSI. The Doberman ranks slightly higher than average, but not by much.

Let’s find out more about the Doberman’s bite strength.

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What Is PSI?

Doberman Pinschers working dog_Yama Zsuzsanna Márkus, Pixabay
Image By: Yama Zsuzsanna Márkus, Pixabay

PSI is a unit of measure for pressure. It’s measured in pounds per square inch or PSI. Therefore, if a dog has a bite force of 100 PSI, they’re delivering 100 pounds of pressure per square inch of the bite area.

Bite Strength

A Doberman’s bite force PSI is estimated to be between 245 and 305, but other factors affect this number. Not every Doberman will have exactly the same bite force. The size of the dog and their jaw shape will affect their bite strength. A large head and wide jaw will create more force than a smaller head and narrow jaw. A Mastiff, with their large head and wide jaw, has a bite force PSI of 552. For comparison, humans have a bite force of around 120 PSI.

Since Dobermans have slender heads and narrow jaws, their bite strength is not as high as some other breeds. The dog’s age and individual strength also affect bite force. Older Dobermans will sometimes have a weaker bite. Active dogs that exercise regularly are more muscular, resulting in stronger bites.

The smaller the object the dog is biting, the more strength they can use. If the object is too big for their mouths, they won’t be able to get a firm grip. Every time a dog bites something, they may not be using their full-force bite strength. Some bites will be weaker and softer than others.

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The Scissor Bite

Doberman biting on a toy
Image Credit: YamaBSM, Pixabay

A Doberman’s jaws close with the top teeth sliding over the lower teeth. This is called a scissor bite. When Dobermans bite objects, they commonly bite down, release, and bite again quickly. This repeated motion, combined with the Doberman’s PSI, can cause much more damage than a single bite.

Are Dobermans Vicious?

Dobermans are not naturally aggressive or dangerous, but they were originally bred to be guard dogs, so they are loyal and intelligent. They’ve been used as service and emotional support dogs. They are commonly used in police work and for protection, giving the impression that they’re dangerous dogs.

In the 1880s, Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann was a tax collector who wanted to protect himself against any threats made against him. He created the perfect guard dog, the Doberman, by crossing breeds like the Rottweiler, Weimaraner, and Manchester Terrier. In 1908, the American Kennel Club registered the Doberman, and this intelligent, energetic, and protective dog became more widely known.

Today, Dobermans are gentle, affectionate dogs. They’ve earned a reputation for being aggressive dogs because they’re used for security purposes, and they have an instinct that makes them wary of strangers. Their intimidating appearance sometimes makes strangers wary of them. However, the Doberman is an ideal choice for a family pet that will also work to protect you.

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Bite Force of Other Animals

Doberman on a leash biting a ball
Image Credit: _SasaStock, Shutterstock

Now that we know the bite force of a Doberman, let’s see how they measure against other animals in the world.

  • Great White Shark: 4,000 PSI
  • Saltwater Crocodile: 3,700 PSI
  • Hippopotamus: 1,800 PSI
  • Jaguar: 1,500 PSI
  • Gorilla: 1,300 PSI
  • Grizzly Bear: 975 PSI

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Summing Up

A Doberman has a strong bite force, but other factors of each individual dog will determine the exact PSI measurement. Age, health, strength, and the size of the target being bitten all affect the dog’s bite force. While Dobermans are popular choices for security and home protection, they also make affectionate and loving family pets.

See Also: 

Featured Image Credit: Kseniia Kolesnikova, Shutterstock

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