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What Is a Taxi for Dogs? Pet Taxi Service 101

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 3, 2024 by Dogster Team

large brown dog sitting inside a car

What Is a Taxi for Dogs? Pet Taxi Service 101

While some taxi and cab services will transport you and your pet, such services are limited, and you will have to be present for the journey. A dedicated pet taxi service will take your dog to an appointment, drop them off, or collect them from doggy daycare. Rather than using a crate, they will usually allow the dog to travel on the seat and offer a potty break if required, and if the dog is being driven to a short appointment, some services will wait around to transport your dog back home once the appointment is finished.

If your dog prefers to travel in a crate while in a car, it might be possible to arrange for this. Different pet taxi services offer different services and additional extras, so you will need to check with the service you use.


How Does It Work?

A pet taxi service works similarly to a standard taxi service except that the vehicle and driver specialize in the transport of pets. You don’t need to be present, which makes the service invaluable to owners with poor mobility or who need to get their dog to an appointment while they’re out at work or away from home.

Generally, the pet taxi service will want to meet the animal and owner first and can then be called upon whenever the dog needs to be transported to an appointment or any other location.

Taxi journeys usually incur a minimal fee that covers the first few miles of the journey, and longer journeys incur additional charges by the mile or according to how long the journey takes. A journey will normally include a toilet stop to allow your dog the opportunity to do its business and to ensure that they don’t go in the vehicle itself.

two cages with puppies in the trunk of a car
Image Credit: Stock Media Seller, Shutterstock

What Are the Different Types of Pet Taxi Services?

Generally, a pet taxi service will offer transport for a pet for almost any reason. But it isn’t just dedicated pet taxis that offer this kind of service.

You can look for the following services:
  • Airport Transport – Airport transport and airport shuttles are commonplace, but not all will take pets, and if your pet is being flown in without you and you aren’t available to collect them from the airport, you need an alternative solution. Airport transport services will collect your dog from the airport, monitor the flight to ensure that they are there for the arrival, and then drive your dog back from the airport to the designated drop-off.
  • Pet Couriering – If you’re moving house or a dog needs to move from one property to another, a pet courier can transport your animal for you. This type of service is also useful if the dog needs to be taken for a vet or animal hospital appointment or collected from such an appointment afterward.
  • Pet Sitters – Some pet sitters and pet sitting services will take your dog to certain types of appointments. So, if you have a pet sitter coming to look after your dog and it needs to be taken to the vet, they will usually take the dog and accompany it on the appointment. This can be beneficial because your dog will have a familiar face with it.
  • Cab Services – Some cab services will take pets as well as people. This may be the best option if you want to attend an appointment with your dog or if you need to be there in person, but most cab companies will not take dogs or other animals without their owners, and there may be a large fee if the dog wees or poops in the cab.

Pet Taxi Uses?

Any time you need to transport a dog and you don’t have transport, a pet taxi can prove beneficial.

Some of the most common reasons for using a pet taxi service include:
  • Doggy Daycare Drop-Off and Collection – Doggy daycare is a great way to ensure that your dog is cared for while you’re at work or if you’re out of the house all day for any reason. However, it isn’t always convenient to get your dog to and from daycare. Using a pet taxi service means that you can stay at home and get ready for work, or if you start work before doggy daycare opens, you can use the taxi service to collect your dog and drop them off at a convenient time.
  • Vet Visits – Whether your dog is going for an annual checkup or needs to stay at the vet while it has an operation or other procedure, having them dropped off by a pet taxi means that you don’t have to arrange for a pet sitter or ask a friend or family member to take them for you. A pet taxi can also collect the dog after the procedure.
  • Other Dog Services – Whether your dog is visiting the pet groomer or a hydrotherapy appointment, a pet taxi is comfortable and convenient, and it ensures that your dog is safe on the journey there and back.
  • Pet Sitting – Pet sitting services might include pet taxing and vice versa. If you need a full pet sitting service that includes feeding and walking the dog, as well as taking it to appointments or dropping it off at other locations, ensure that all of this is covered before you sign up.

divider-dog paw

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I Travel With My Dog?

Generally, pet taxi services are meant for use by dogs and other pets and are unable to take owners as well. If you need to travel with your dog, it might be best to look for a cab or ride-share service that will allow you to take your pet with you.

dog car travel
Image By: Needpix

How Much Is a Pet Taxi?

Costs vary according to the particular taxi service, as well as the distance traveled and whether you need to make any additional stops or benefit from any other features. A short trip with no additional requirements can cost around $25.

Will the Taxi Stop for My Dog to Have a Potty Break?

For a very short trip, the taxi will not usually stop for a potty break, but over long distances, this is usually included in the price. It is beneficial to the driver and their vehicle to stop and allow your dog to pee or poop, after all. If your dog gets nervous and needs more than one potty break, check with the taxi service and driver to see if you can arrange more frequent stops.

brown dog sitting on car trunk with dog cage open
Image By: dezy, Shutterstock

Will the Taxi Wait While My Dog Has Its Appointment?

Some pet taxi services will wait while the dog has its appointment so that they can drop the dog off again afterward. Alternatively, they may return to collect the dog at the end of the appointment. Book in advance and check availability with the driver to ensure that your dog is catered for.



Pet taxi services are a convenient and comfortable way to transport a dog or other pet. You will usually meet the driver beforehand, which also gives your dog the chance to meet them. You can then use the taxi to transport your dog to vet appointments, to and from airports, and for any other appointment or transport requirements.

Featured Image Credit: Charles Roth, Pexels

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