It is no secret that Pit Bulls are misunderstood dogs with a bad reputation, but they have many supporters all across the country. There are lots of supporters for these happy dogs, though, which led to the creation of National Pit Bull Awareness Day, also known as NPBAD. In 2007, Jodi Preis, a Pit Bull rescue organization employee, created NPBAD as a way to establish positive conversations around Pit Bulls and promote education and advocacy. NPBAD is celebrated annually on the last Saturday in October, which means the date changes every year.
How to Celebrate National Pit Bull Awareness Day
There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the Pit Bull, so the best way to celebrate this day is to find ways to educate others about Pit Bulls and advocate for these dogs. Many people call all dogs with a bully breed appearance “Pit Bulls,” but in reality, the American Pit Bull Terrier is an established dog breed with defined breed standards. Because of the frequent misidentification of these dogs, bully breeds are often lumped into one group.
There are approximately 18 million Pit Bull-type dogs in the United States, with around 6% of these dogs being part of the 3.1 million dogs that are sent to shelters annually, and they are some of the most overbred and poorly bred dogs. Due to overcrowding, breed bans, and bad press, Pit Bulls are often the first dogs to be euthanized in shelter environments since they can be difficult to adopt out.
There are multiple ways you can involve yourself in NPBAD every year. Consider volunteering at your local animal shelter or rescue or spend time educating your family and friends about the misconceptions about Pit Bulls. Use social media and in-person conversations to educate others about Pit Bulls and use the hashtag #nationalpitbullawarenessday on social media platforms. Sharing your own good experiences with bully breeds and spending time with them are simple ways you can provide support.
If you live in an area with breed-specific legislation (BSL), then NPBAD is a good day to write a letter or make a phone call to your local legislators and city council members. This is an opportunity to provide them with education and show that there is support within your community for the elimination of BSL. Outcomes from areas with BSL have shown that these types of regulations do not decrease dog bites or dog attack fatalities.
In Conclusion
Pit Bulls come in many shapes and sizes and educating the people around you on the broad categorization of many types of dogs that “Pit Bull” entails is a great place to start when educating others on NPBAD. Find ways to support the bullies in your area, whether it is through volunteer work, donations, or adopting a dog in need. When lots of people band together in October to celebrate National Pit Bull Awareness Day, there is a chance to create change in the perception and treatment of Pit Bulls.
Featured Image Credit: Ira Bushanska, Shutterstock