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Is Zuma Beach Dog-Friendly? 2024 Guide & Safety Tips

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

Zuma Beach View From Point Dume

Is Zuma Beach Dog-Friendly? 2024 Guide & Safety Tips

Unfortunately, Zuma Beach is not dog-friendly. Dogs are not allowed there at any time. Therefore, if you want to take your pooch to the beach, you’ll need to find a different one. Sadly, the laws in Malibu regarding dogs aren’t very friendly.

You can walk your dog on the road and through the parking lot. However, dogs are not allowed on the sand or near the shoreline at any time.

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Which Malibu Beaches Allow Dogs?

Dogs are not allowed on any public Malibu beaches. Dogs are allowed on private beaches; however, leash laws apply, and fences are not allowed on any beach. Therefore, according to local laws, the owner must always have the dog on a leash.

You can also not have a dog below the “mean high tide line”—even on private property. Therefore, your dog cannot get into or near the water. This is where private property ends and state-run waters begin. Therefore, dogs aren’t allowed in this area, either.

You can take your dog on walks across other people’s private beaches if you are a beach resident. However, you must have consent from the owner, and your dog must remain on a leash.

You must also pick up after your dog. The regulations specifically state that you must have a bag or another container for this purpose.

ZumaBeachCountyPark (Image Credit: Dave Parker, Wikimedia Commons CC SA 3.0 Unported)

Are Dogs Allowed on Point Dume State Beach?

Dogs are allowed on Point Dume State Beach in some areas. This area circumvents local laws by being a state-run park. Therefore, the state laws apply, which means that dogs can go anywhere that isn’t specifically posted as not allowing dogs.

Sadly, this does include much of this state park. Some of the trails are dog-friendly, but your dog must remain on a leash. Other places aren’t dog-friendly at all, even if they are on a leash. However, there is one area where your dog can get on the beach. It’s located next to Point Bume State Park and is a little cove. Still, dogs aren’t allowed below the high tide mark on the sand.

Furthermore, this beach can be pretty crowded, and surfers love this cove. Therefore, it isn’t always the most relaxing place to take your canine.

Is Malibu Pier Dog Friendly?

State Park regulations do not allow dogs on Malibu Pier. Therefore, you’ll need to keep your pet at home. Of course, service animals are welcome.

Service dog giving assistance to disabled person on wheelchair
Image by: 24K-Production, Shutterstock

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There are not many dog-friendly options for owners in Malibu. Sadly, Zuma Beach also falls into this category. While dogs can walk on the road and in the parking lot, they are not allowed on the sand. Furthermore, even on private beaches in Malibu, dogs are not allowed past the high tide mark. For these reasons, this area is much less dog-friendly than others.

There is one small area near Point Bume State Park where dogs are allowed on the sand. However, dogs are still not allowed near the water and must remain on a very short leash.

Featured Image Credit: Zuma Beach View From Point Dume (tmastro, Wikimedia Commons CC SA 3.0 Unported)

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