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What Is Japanese Style Dog Grooming? Canine Hairstyle Facts & FAQ

Written by: Lorre Luther

Last Updated on May 10, 2024 by Dogster Team

a pet groomer with a white Maltipoo dog on a table

What Is Japanese Style Dog Grooming? Canine Hairstyle Facts & FAQ

With Japanese-style dog grooming, the goal is to make dogs look stunningly cute, so traditional ideas about haircuts and trims are thrown out the window, and creativity is allowed to flow.

Dogs who’ve been treated to one of these grooming sessions emerge resembling teddy bears or sporting haircuts that give them stylish, unique looks. Groomers aim to create hairstyles that reflect dogs’ individuality and highlight their unique personality traits.

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How Does It Work?

Much of the process is the same as when dogs receive regular haircuts. Groomers provide packages that include nail clipping, facials, ear cleaning, tooth brushing, and trims.

Dogs are bathed and their coats dried before the trimming begins. Blow dryers are sometimes used to add volume to dogs’ coats, and the process takes a few hours to complete. Many consider Japanese haircuts to be works of art.

person using a guillotine dog nail clipper when grooming dog
Image Credit: ThamKC, Shutterstock

What Are a Few Different Types of Dog Grooming?

There are several dog grooming services that pet parents can choose from, including traditional and creative. Traditional choices are tried-and-true options like puppy and teddy bear cuts. Some styles are associated with certain breeds.

Creative grooming takes a different approach and focuses on individuality and artistry. Dogs’ fur is sometimes dyed, and accessories like bows are added to create complete looks. Designs developed by creative groomers can require lots of preparation and planning to get just right.

There are several grooming styles that are considered creative, and there’s not much uniformity when it comes to how the styles and trends are described.

Where Is It Used?

While groomers working with the principles are easy to find in Japan, the technique has become popular around the world, and groomers can be found in places as far-flung as Los Angeles.

Traditional cuts are the mainstay of dog shows, but Japanese-style grooming is generally popular among dog lovers. You can find images and videos of groomers working their Japanese-style grooming magic on various social media channels, including YouTube.

bichon frise dog in grooming salon
Image Credit: Nejron Photo, Shutterstock

Advantages of Japanese-Style Dog Grooming

Japanese-style dog grooming is a creative discipline that gives dogs unique haircuts. The results are adorable and can be easily adapted since the groomers don’t’ follow a script that determines how dogs ultimately should look.

Disadvantages of Japanese Style Dog Grooming

Japanese trims grow out just like regular doggie haircuts, so they require regular maintenance to stay looking good. Styles that include accessories require more attention to stay neat, tidy, and appealing.

Most Japanese-style dog grooming focuses on creating attractive cuts and generally doesn’t involve the use of dye, but there’s controversy surrounding some of the practices involved in creative grooming, including requiring dogs to sit for long sessions and coloring their fur.

bichon frise dog groomed in a salon
Image Credit: jonnomarshall, Shutterstock

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are Japanese-Style Trims Good for Mixed-Breed Dogs?

Because they’re not limited by traditional notions of what trims need to be, Japanese-style haircuts can bring out the best in dogs with mixed heritage.

How Often Do Dogs Need to Be Given Baths?

It depends on several factors, including their breed, coat type, and the time of year. Activity levels can also impact how often dogs need to be bathed. Generally, most dogs can go 6 weeks without a bath, but those with skin conditions or other health issues may need them more often.

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Do Dogs Need Regular Grooming in Addition to Heading to the Salon?

Dogs benefit from regularly brushing to prevent mats and tangles. They also need to have their teeth brushed at least a few times a week, but every day is best.

Image Credit: Reshetnikov art, Shutterstock

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Japanese-style grooming focuses on creating unique hairstyles for dogs. There’s lots of creativity involved, and the ultimate goal is to create attractive styles that celebrate each dog’s individuality.

It’s ideal for mixed-breed canines since it’s more flexible than traditional grooming and doesn’t conform to strict standards. Japanese-style grooming doesn’t replace at-home maintenance, and your dog will still need their coat and teeth brushed regularly.

Featured Image Credit: Olena Yakobchuk, Shutterstock

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