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How To Get Rid Of Skunk Smell On Dogs in Steps

Written by: Dogster Team

Last Updated on May 3, 2024 by Dogster Team

dog and skunk

How To Get Rid Of Skunk Smell On Dogs in Steps

Editor’s note: July 15 is National Skunk Awareness Day, so we’re republishing this advice from our resident vet. Here’s another post he wrote in June about a quick-response plan, and what supplies to keep on hand, in case of a skunking.

I feel bad for dogs sprayed by skunks. I also feel bad for their owners. Recently, I felt special sympathy for one such pair, because the pair consisted of my dog Buster and me. We hosted a dinner party. Buster was a very good boy during the party, and he did not complain about not having walked before the party. But by the time things broke up, Buster had earned a walk. And it was midnight.

I was holding the leash when Buster suddenly lunged forward. When I saw the object of his attack, I initially feared it was a raccoon. Thankfully it was only a skunk. Raccoons generally stand and fight. Raccoons are ferocious and I’ve seen many dogs get torn apart by them. Skunks simply turn and spray.

Being skunked is a miserable experience. I know this because a hearty portion of the spray struck me. Thankfully, skunks rarely cause lasting (physical) harm (I will be dealing with the emotional repercussions of the incident for a while yet).

I took great solace from the knowledge that Buster and I would be OK. However, we did have one very urgent problem: We smelled horrible.

Thankfully my fiancee, Denise, was walking with us and she escaped unscathed. We walked home, and Denise went inside to look up a good remedy for skunk smell removal. Buster and I sat in front of the house, looking and feeling quite dejected.

If your dog is skunked I do not recommend taking him to the vet. Most vets I know firmly turn away skunked dogs because they do not need medical attention and because they make veterinary hospitals uninhabitable.

What about pet shampoo

If you find the right products, you might be able to neutralize stinky skunk odors.

Our Favorite Products

Bathing your dog may be challenging, but selecting the right shampoo can help make the process a bit easier. Our favorite products come from Hepper's Shampoo product line, offering natural, pet-friendly solutions meticulously designed to gently cleanse your dog's skin and coat without any risk of irritating or drying them out. These formulas are free of harmful additives such as dyes, soaps, sulfates, and phthalates. The Deep Cleansing Shampoo is a great option for pet owners who have difficulty neutralizing tough doggy odors. Hepper's Oatmeal Pet Shampoo is a great way to treat your pet to aloe vera and oatmeal's calming benefits while you revel in the delightful and refreshing scents! 

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Hepper Deep Clean Pet Shampoo for Smelly Pets:...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Great for all ages
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Hepper Deep Clean Pet Shampoo for Smelly Pets:...
Hepper Deep Clean Pet Shampoo for Smelly Pets:...
Great for all ages
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Hydrates coat
Leaves pet scent-free
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs, Cats and Other...
Great for all ages
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At Dogster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool pet company!

A formula for skunk smell removal

Denise ran to the store and came home with the ingredients for a skunk remedy. Thankfully it worked.

Mix 4 cups hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup baking soda, and 1 teaspoon liquid soap in a bowl that can be thrown away. Wear gloves to protect your hands from skunk odor. Use a wash rag to apply the remedy to the skunked area (do not get it in the eyes or mouth). Do not rinse or wet down your dog before applying the remedy. Let stand for 10 minutes, rinse, and repeat as necessary.

Two rounds of this remedy got 95% of the smell off Buster. Sadly, like most dogs, he was sprayed in the face so I was not able to clean the affected area as aggressively as I would have liked. I gave Buster a bath with dog shampoo after treating him with the remedy. Buster went to bed, and I washed my clothes with laundry soap, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda. I am happy to say the clothes now smell fine and they did not bleach appreciably from the peroxide. I am sad to say that my keys, wallet, and cell phone still smell pretty bad.

As I write this Buster is giving off a very slight skunky funk. It will wear off in a few days.

And I will be very happy if we never, ever meet another skunk again.

Featured Image Credit By: Eric Isselee, Shutterstock

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