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How Fast Can Australian Shepherds Run? Vet Approved Facts

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on July 25, 2024 by Dogster Team

Australian Shepherd puppy running

How Fast Can Australian Shepherds Run? Vet Approved Facts


Dr. Lauren Demos  Photo


Dr. Lauren Demos

DVM (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Australian Shepherds, being very active and energetic dogs, absolutely love to run. They are naturally talented sprinters, which makes them great at herding and catching frisbees. So, you know Australian Shepherds are good runners, but exactly how fast are they? On top of that, what else should you know about an Australian Shepherd before you decide to give one a forever home? Australian Shepherds can run up to 40 miles per hour.

We’ll answer all of your questions and more below.

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How Fast Can an Australian Shepherd Run?

The average Australian Shepherd has a speed of about 25 mph to 35 mph, making it pretty fast compared to other dog breeds. According to some reports, they are capable of running up to 40 mph, making them one of the fastest dog breeds in the world.

Australian shepherds were bred to be fast; they were meant to work as sheep herders. The Australian Shepherd’s body and legs are designed for speed. Being neither too large nor too small and having big legs, Australian Shepherds have every advantage for speed.

Add in their tremendous stamina, and you have a dog fit for running a marathon.

Australian shepherd running in the grass
Image Credit: Luca Finardi, Pexels

Characteristics of Australian Shepherds

The Australian Shepherd is a medium-sized dog with a weight of 40–65 pounds and a height of 20–22 inches. Their coats can have a wide range of colors, including white, black, brown, red merle, and blue merle. Australian Shepherds have a lot of fur and big floppy ears, and they can be pretty heavy shedders.

They require a large amount of attention and quite a bit of exercise. They are very active and love to play. On top of that, they are very intelligent.

History of Australian Shepherds

Surprisingly, the Australian Shepherd isn’t from Australia. The dog descends from Basque Shepherds, which originated in the Basque region of Spain. The Basque Shepherd was imported alongside herds of Merino sheep from Australia in the 19th century to the United States. This connection to the Basque Shepherds imported from Australia is where the Australian Shepherd gets its name.

Teenage girl kiss australian shepherd dog in summer. Stand in forest
Image Credit: Izemphoto, Shutterstock

What Kind of Person Is an Australian Shepherd Right For?

Maybe you’re considering getting an Australian Shepherd, but you don’t know if it’s right for you. Luckily, we’ve outlined what is expected of an Australian Shepherd owner below.

Australian Shepherds require a lot of attention, and if you are busy and don’t have time for them, they probably aren’t for you. Aussies are very easy-going dogs and get along great with other pets and children. In fact, Aussies adore playing with children and other animals, and they’re a perfect dog for families or someone with multiple pets.

If you’re active, you shouldn’t have any problems with the Australian Shepherd’s need for exercise. For instance, if you go running in the morning, your Aussie will be more than happy to come with you.

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Closing Thoughts

The journey that led to the Australian Shepherd was an interesting one. Basque Shepherds were sent to Australia to herd sheep, and their descendants were imported to America and became the brilliant Australian Shepherds we know today.

The Australian Shepherd is one of the fastest dog breeds in the world, running at an average of 35 mph, and a very active dog. If you can devote your time and attention to your new furry friend, then the Aussie is the perfect pet for you.

Featured Image Credit: Chris Curtis, Shutterstock

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