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Can Corgis Hike and Is It Bad for Them? (Complete Guide)

Written by: Misty Layne

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

Corgi playing with a ball toy

Can Corgis Hike and Is It Bad for Them? (Complete Guide)

Corgis have short little legs, so many assume this breed shouldn’t be doing things such as hiking. After all, wouldn’t activities like that make these pups extremely tired or possibly even do damage to their joints? It turns out that Corgis are excellent hikers, and hiking isn’t bad for them at all!

That doesn’t mean there aren’t risks to hiking with your Corgi, but as long as you play it safe, your dog can go along with you on your hikes (and will have a blast!). Here’s what you need to know about hiking with your Corgi, including tips for making the experience a safe and fun one.

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What Makes Corgis Good Hiking Dogs?

Our Corgi friends were initially bred to be sheep and cattle herders, so their bodies are made to be athletic. And because they often herded sheep and cattle in mountainous and rocky terrain, they have the ability to easily and safely travel trails, mountains, and uneven paths. But being used to walking in rough terrains is just one reason Corgis make excellent hiking dogs.

Corgis are also quite energetic and need at least an hour of exercise a day, which makes hiking a great activity for them. This breed also has terrific endurance and stamina—they can hike up to  ! And don’t let those short legs fool you; a Corgi’s legs are powerful, so they’ll have no trouble keeping up with you.

Hiking Dangers

Corgi dog on the green the grass on the leash barks
Image Credit: Bachkova Natalia, Shutterstock

Just because your Corgi makes a great hiking companion doesn’t mean there aren’t any dangers to be aware of while you’re on the trail. Below you’ll find the top four things to watch out for a while hiking with your pup.

  • Curious Nature

Corgis can be fiercely independent and ready to go their own way, particularly if their herding instincts have picked up on something. You’ll want to keep a close eye on your dog to ensure its curious nature doesn’t have it wandering off or engaging with dangerous wildlife.

  • Going Down Is Harder Than Going Up

Those short legs may be stronger than expected, but they’re still short. Corgis aren’t necessarily the best of climbers anyway (which you know if you have a Corgi and stairs in the home), but mix short legs with climbing down something, then add in gravity, and you have the potential for an accident to occur.

  • Dehydration

Particularly if you’re going on an extensive hike, your Corgi will end up extremely thirsty at some point, so you need to bring along plenty of water for it to drink. You’ll also need to watch and make sure your pet doesn’t drink any water it finds on the hiking trail, as it could be contaminated with bacteria that will make your Corgi ill.

  • Overheating

You’ll also need to watch your pup to be sure it isn’t overheating. Corgis have a double coat that’s rather thick, so if you’re out hiking in higher temperatures, your dog could easily become too hot. If the weather is on the warm side, try to stick to trails that have shaded areas and take lots of breaks!

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Tips for Hiking With Your Corgi

Corgi on a leash walking on the grass

Finally, here are a few tips to keep you and your Corgi safe and sound while hiking on the trails!

  • Keep your pet leashed at all times. As we said, Corgis can be curious, and they have herding instincts that can be triggered, so you don’t want to let your dog off its leash while hiking.
  • Pack a first aid kit for your pup. Hiking can be rough on the paws, depending on the type of terrain you’re hiking, which means cuts and blisters may occur. A doggie first aid kit will have everything you need to treat these right away.
  • Carry a backpack that will fit your Corgi in case it gets too tired to keep walking.
  • Make sure your dog is socialized before taking it hiking. There’s a good chance you’ll run into other dogs while on the trail (and possibly even a horse or two!), so it’s best to wait until your pet has been socialized enough that it won’t bark at or jump at other animals.

Add on to these being well-prepared and having water and food on hand for your dog, and the two of you will be ready to go!

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Final Thoughts

Surprisingly, despite their short legs, Corgis are well-suited to hiking. This breed is powerful, with the stamina to endure hikes up to 8 miles. There will be a few dangers you need to watch for while on the trails with your dog, but there are also a few ways to be prepared that can help make the experience safer and more fun for both of you.

So, get your Corgi ready and head out to your nearest hiking trails to make a day of it!


Featured Image Credit: Elena Rogulina, Pixabay

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