Each year, the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 23 and stays until November 21. That means that right now it’s time to shine the celestial spotlight on the divine sign of Scorpius the Scorpion.
Happy Scorpio Season, Dogsters!
If you’re a dog, this time of year is definitely cause for celebration, for Scorpios make wonderful animal guardians. Just look at the love and dedication of Scorpio dog rescuer and author Julie Klam, or Scorpioanimal trainer William Berloni’scareercommitment to discovering star-quality shelter mutts and prepping them for their well-deserved turn in the Broadway spotlight.
Mycosmic niche is exploring how people’s star signs are revealed in their lifestyle choices I the Star Style column on astrology and lifestyle/design for Traditional Home magazine. Living with dogs is a lifestyle choice (and a brilliant one, in my humble opinion)so Im fascinated by the different ways people of different signs display affection for beloved pets.
Scorpios’ sting is legendary – piss them off at your peril! -but their beloved dogs never feel it. They’re too busy being loved and respected down to their toes (and their toenail will probably receive regular trimming with the popular, paw-friendly Pedi-Paws tool).
Scorpio happens to be the sex sign, and the seductive power of Scorpio natives is the stuff of legend. Let other signs select a dog based on the animal’s ability to invite long, backward glances in potential love interests; Scorpio is so confident in his/her charisma, so secure in his/her magnetism, that s/he has no need to select a dog as a “mate magnet.”
Add to that Scorpio’s affinity for mystery – ruled by shadowy Pluto, Scorpio has a psychic sixth sense that tunes him/her into your deepest secrets, whether you like it or not! – and you get a person of profound substance who values the inner beauty of a plain, brown shelter mutt that other signs may overlook or dismiss as an”ordinary” mixed-breed. Mysterious Scorpio feels perfectly at home with a mystery dog of unknown origin.
“AScorpio dog lover would be fiercely loyal and would love their dog more than anything,”says astrologer Sonja Francis.
All dogs are loyal to us, of course, so they naturally appreciate it when we humans reciprocate that Fido-lity. But it’s safe to say that Scorpio’s loyalty is unconditional, and on par with that of a dog.
“A Scorpio dog lover would have a deep connection to their dog and feel passionate about any dog activities and adventures,” Sonja adds. Leave Spot behind on a holiday weekend? Not on your life!
Scorpio is also generous to a fault and will stop at nothing to ensure beloved dogs’ comfort and safety. I know one Scorpio who lives in a very hot, humidclimate; in the dog days of summer, when he senses that his two best friends would much rather not walk all the way to the park (they “tell” him and he intuitively understands), he oh-so-gingerly lifts them into his car and ferries them there and back in air-conditioned style.
A Scorpio’s dog may expect nothing less than such first-class service from his/her guardian. No wonder this hot guy’s dogs gaze at him even more adoringly than the many humans who can’t resist doing a double-take when a Scorpio drives by! While we’re on the subject of passing and intersecting, no Scorpio’s vehicle will be without ample blankets and/or dog bedding (likely in crimson, black, or indigo, the favorite colors of Scorpius), to ensure the most comfortable K9ride.
When a Scorpio’s dog suffers from arthritis pain, that dog won’t want a joint supplement to facilitate ease of movement. The food eaten by a Scorpion’s dog will be nutritionally balanced and age-appropriate yet pleasingly palatable. And, being a water sign, Scorpio is very likely to take hound hydration very seriously, forgoing tap water in favor of filling his/her dog’s bowl with filtered wet stuff. The Scorpio may even go so far as to use the same high-tech purifier-ionizer for doggie drinks that s/he uses to improve the quality of water served to human family members.
Sublimely sensitive Scorpios adore music, and they have excellent taste, so their lucky dogs will fall asleep to the soothing strains of, say, Bach -and they’ll frolic along when The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds gets popped into the CD player!
If Scorpio is the sign you seek to love, know that the ones most cosmically compatible withScorpioareCancer, Pisces, Virgo, and – although this may come as a surprise, for the bull is Scorpius’s opposite – Taurus. Stumped for a holiday gift for your sexy Scorpion? Consider getting him/her a pair of sign-specific flip-flops by Musewear(pictured at left).
Dogster Scorpions and friends/lovers of Dogster Scorpions, we like to hear from you, so please share your thoughts in the comments!
Featured Image Credit: Fredrick F., Unsplash