If you need to mail some packages but aren’t sure if your dog can tag along to the post office, wonder no more! Sadly, unless they’re a trained service dog protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act, your dog isn’t welcome at your local post office.
It’s honestly no surprise, considering the notorious dog-mail carrier rivalry. However, the real reason is that the post office doesn’t know your dog or any other dog and can’t guarantee that they’ll behave. Hygiene is another valid concern too. Lastly, the US Postal Service operates under federal law instead of state law, so their dog policy supersedes any dog-friendly laws in your state or locality.
Though you can’t take your favorite canine companion to the post office, you may consider doing business through the USPS online website, which allows you to do many of the same things you’d do in person at a physical location. Otherwise, you can join us below as we explore whether FedEx and UPS stores welcome dogs, other dog-friendly stores, and tips for keeping your dog safe.
Are Dogs Allowed in FedEx and UPS Stores?
Unfortunately, no. Like the post office, FedEx and UPS stores don’t allow dogs inside unless they’re service animals accompanied by their disabled partner. This excludes emotional support and therapy animals as well, so those aren’t permitted inside FedEx locations. You can still perform many of the same tasks on their website, though, such as scheduling pickups and drop-offs for packages.
Can the USPS Refuse to Deliver Mail Because of a Dog?
Everyone knows the cliché of dogs chasing mailmen, but you may not know the post office’s official policy on whether they can refuse service because of a dog at your house. As it turns out, USPS workers can refuse to deliver mail if they feel threatened by an unrestrained dog that approaches them or displays threatening behavior.
Postal workers can and will refuse to deliver mail in these types of cases until the dog’s been secured. Sadly, it’s impossible for a mailman to determine if a dog is a threat or not at a glance, and the prevalence of dog bite incidents makes caution necessary.
What Stores Have Dog-Friendly Policies?
While no major postal services, including USPS, FedEx, and UPS, allow dogs in their stores, several other types of stores have friendlier pet policies. The post office might be out, but you can visit these dog-friendly retailers, although with some individual exceptions.
Dog-Friendly Stores:
- Cabela’s: Dogs love camping and exploring the wilderness with you, and they’re also welcome at this outdoor/sporting goods chain unless specifically stated otherwise.
- Hobby Lobby: This one-stop shop for all your crafting gear and supplies is proud to welcome leashed dogs on their best behavior.
- Petco: This pet store gladly allows all manner of pets inside, including dogs and other pets with appropriate restraints or habitats (like reptiles in terrariums).
- Bass Pro Shop: Before heading out to snag a big bass with your dog, make a stop at this dog-friendly fishing and outdoor chain.
Tips for Taking Your Dog Shopping
Even if the post office isn’t a viable destination, that doesn’t mean you can’t take your dog shopping with you to some of the stores above, plus the other pet-friendly businesses out there. To help make any trip out with your dog a pleasant, smooth one, we’ve compiled some helpful tips for you. Check them out below so you’re not caught off-guard with any surprises later.
- Pack the essentials, like waste bags, water, and dog treats.
- Call ahead to the location you’re visiting before leaving to confirm their pet policy.
- Keep a close eye on your dog for any signs of anxiety, fear, or aggression. The same goes for other dogs you interact with.
- Make sure your dog is well-trained, socialized, and used to walking on a leash in public.
- Only take fully vaccinated dogs to stores or other pet-friendly places.
Unfortunately for frequent visitors to the post office, dogs aren’t allowed inside unless they’re trained and registered service animals. Neither UPS or FedEx welcome dogs either, so you’ll have to look at other stores to bring your well-mannered pooch.
Related Reads:
- How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in the USA? State By State Regulations
- Are Dogs Allowed on the NYC Subway? Guidelines & Exceptions
Featured Image Credit: Cameron G Scott, Shutterstock