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How to Train a Basset Hound: 5 Tips and Tricks

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on June 7, 2024 by Dogster Team

basset hound training

How to Train a Basset Hound: 5 Tips and Tricks

Basset Hounds are among the cutest canines, and many people keep them as pets. They have the cutest floppy ears and the sweetest puppy dog eyes, but it’s important to remember that you also have to train a Basset Hound to prevent undesirable behavior.

Behind their big eyes and sweet demeanor is a dog born to hunt, which means they have a strong prey drive and an enhanced sense of smell that can make them difficult to train. Whether it’s potty training or obedience training, you need to start young with the Basset Hound.

If you’ve been trying to train your Basset Hound Puppy and are left scratching your head, follow the tips below to succeed.

The 5 Tips to Train a Basset Hound

1. Establish a Routine

When you bring home a new Basset Hound puppy, it’s vital to establish a firm routine. It’s best to show the puppy where they’re supposed to go to the potty immediately. You’ll also need to show them where the food and water bowls are and be consistent about when you feed your new little friend. It’s crucial for the dog’s health and potty training, so make sure this is one schedule you stick to firmly.

Puppies must be fed three or four times a day, but an adult Basset Hound should have one meal in the morning and one in the evening. If you feed your dog at the same time every day, the schedule will help you regulate when to take your dog outside.

Basset hound puppies eating from the bowl
Image By: Anna Tronova, Shutterstock

2. Don’t Rely on Treats

While you certainly want to use positive reinforcement when training your Basset Hound Puppy, you don’t want to rely heavily on treats to get the dog to do what you want. We aren’t saying not to use food as motivation, as it works exceptionally well with Basset Hound Puppies. We are saying that it’s not the only source of positive reinforcement you should use.

One reason not to rely entirely on treats is that it gives your Basset Hound the option of not complying because they don’t want a treat or aren’t hungry. It’s best to use the treats in combination with praise and pets on the head. A pet parent’s praise goes a long way toward getting the Hound to do what you want. Also, if you rely too heavily on treats, your pup can quickly gain weight.

3. Teach No and Good

The first words you want to teach your Basset Hound are “No” and “Good.” They will be the foundation of training for your dog. You’ll eventually teach them “sit,” “roll over,” “stay,” and more, but “No” and “Good” should be the first commands you teach.


basset hound sitting in grass
Image By: Sebastian Molina Bullrich, Pixabay

4. Respect Your Pet

While you must be firm with your Basset Hound, you must also respect them. Never yell at or hit your pet when they don’t listen or have an accident. You’ll want to teach your dog to respect you and your property, so you’ll need to respect the puppy in return.

There is no wrong or right way to teach your pet respect as long as you’re patient and loving with them. A firm “No” when the dog does something wrong or a “Good boy” when they do the right thing is a start, but you and every family member must be consistent for the training to work.

5. Use Different Types of Training

Potty training your Basset Hound is a priority, but you can use several techniques, such as crate training, to teach your pup how to behave in your home. Here are some training methods you can use to help your dog get used to their environment and new family.

  • Crate training
  • Socialization training
  • Training for being handled
  • Leash training
Image By: siberian spring, Shutterstock

FAQ on Training Your Basset Hound

Now that you know what you need to know about training your Basset Hound puppy, we’ll answer a couple of the most common questions below.

How Do I Discipline My Basset Hound?

Basset Hounds are more responsive to rewards than they are to punishment. It’s best to give your pet a firm no instead of yelling at them for the best results. Positive reinforcement works wonders with this breed.

How Much Time Should I Spend with My Basset Hound?

You should be prepared to spend a lot of time with your Basset Hound, not just training them but bonding with them. Make sure that your pup gets a daily workout and that you walk them every day. Spending time with other people and pets will also train and socialize your pet.


Basset Hounds are adorable and some of the gentlest dogs you can find. However, they can be willful and vocal, and training one can be difficult. However, it’s also a rewarding experience once the puppy is trained and well on their way to being an obedient pet.

The tips above will help you train your pet with respect, patience, love, and positive reinforcement. The result will be a well-trained, loving Basset Hound who will be by your side for many years.

Featured Image Credit: Aneta Jungerova, Shutterstock

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