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Can Dogs Eat Tic Tacs? Vet-Approved Risks & Precautions

Written by: Chantelle Fowler

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Dogster Team

Can Dogs Eat Tic Tacs

Can Dogs Eat Tic Tacs? Vet-Approved Risks & Precautions


Dr. Karyn Kanowski Photo


Dr. Karyn Kanowski

BVSc MRCVS (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Tic Tacs are a tasty little treat that we keep in our car or purses whenever we need breath freshening. While most of us wouldn’t offer a Tic Tac to our dog to freshen its breath—no matter how badly they sometimes seem to need it—dogs will sometimes help themselves to whatever they can get their paws on. So, what happens if your dog gets into your Tic Tacs behind your back?

Thankfully, Tic Tacs no longer contain toxic ingredients, so eating one or two won’t hurt your dog, but they’re still not something you should let your pet get into.

Read on to learn more about Tic Tacs and why they are inappropriate for your dog.


What Are Tic Tacs?

Tic Tacs are small, hard, breath mints. They were first introduced in 1969 and have since expanded their product line to include several flavors.

The manufacturer’s website lists the ingredients in each Tic Tac flavor. Regardless of flavor, Tic Tacs are around 95% sugar. Tic Tacs also contain such ingredients as maltodextrin, fructose, thickeners, flavorings, and rice starch. As you can surmise, there isn’t one ingredient in these tasty mints that is particularly good for your health, let alone your dog’s.

Tic Tacs mints used to contain xylitol, a dangerous ingredient for dogs that can cause collapse, seizures, or even death. Thankfully, they are no longer made with xylitol; however, the Tic Tac brand gum is, as are many mints and gum, so always be particularly careful with products like these around your dog.

Candy in a box
Image By: Tatiana Popova, Shutterstock

Can Dogs Eat Tic Tacs?

Dogs won’t suffer any long-lasting harm after eating a Tic Tac or two, but it’s not something they should have the opportunity to eat at all. Tic Tacs have zero nutritional value for dogs, not to mention that their small size could pose a choking hazard in smaller breeds.

What Do I Do If My Dog Ate a Tic Tac?

Don’t panic if your dog has gotten into your Tic Tac stash. At 18g for a regular-sized container and 48g for the larger one, the maximum amount of sugar that could be consumed would be around 45g (around 10 level teaspoons). While this isn’t ideal, it is not toxic to your dog, but expect to get a little bit of a stomach upset, particularly in small dogs or those with underlying health conditions or sensitive tummies. If your diabetic dog has helped themselves to some Tic Tacs, or if you are concerned, it is worth speaking with your veterinarian.

Obviously, we do not recommend carelessness with your Tick Tac pack, but if your curious canine manages to steal your treats, it is unlikely to cause any real problems.

Sick mastiff dog sitting on table in a vet clinic
Image By: UfaBizPhoto, Shutterstock

What Do I Do If My Dog Ate Tic Tac Gum?

The first ingredient listed in the ingredient list for Tic Tac gum is sweeteners, including xylitol, sucralose, and more. Because this gum contains xylitol, the consequences of ingesting it can be much more serious.

When dogs eat xylitol, it is quickly absorbed into their bloodstream. This results in a potent insulin release, causing a profound blood sugar drop. If left untreated, this can become life-threatening or even fatal.

Even a small amount of xylitol can be life-threatening. Contact your vet or the Pet Poison Helpline at 1-800-213-6680 if you suspect your dog has eaten Tic Tac gum. Do not wait until the first sign of signs, and never induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by your vet.

Signs of xylitol poisoning to watch for include:
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Incoordination
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Tremors
  • Seizures

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While Tic Tacs aren’t a great treat to offer your pet, one or two aren’t going to cause any long-term damage. You may have to contend with an upset tummy and a case of diarrhea for a few hours. However, if your dog has helped itself to an entire container of Tic Tacs, you may want to call your vet for advice.

Tic Tac gum is a different story, as it contains xylitol, which can have severe consequences. If your pup has gotten into your gum, contact your vet immediately for advice on what to do next.


Featured Image Credit: Vladimir Arndt, Shutterstock

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