While you shouldn’t need to rush your dog to the vet if they eat a single hush puppy, that doesn’t mean dogs should eat these cornmeal snacks. There are plenty of reasons that you shouldn’t give hush puppies to your dog, as they are deep-fried treats high in fat and calories. We go over a few of those reasons for you here.
We also have a list of perfectly safe treats for your pup that you can give them the next time that they’re begging for you to share your food!
The 6 Reasons Your Dog Shouldn’t Eat Hush Puppies
While a single hush puppy or two likely won’t kill your dog, there are plenty of reasons you shouldn’t offer them any at all. With that in mind, you shouldn’t need to rush them to the vet unless they get into a massive tray or bowl of hush puppies and eat them all!
1. High in Calories and Fat
A 100-g serving of hush puppies can contain 337 calories and have 13.5 grams of fat, which is far too much for a dog. This high fat and calorie content can lead to all kinds of problems for your dog, which is one reason you shouldn’t give them any hush puppies.
2. Oil and Sodium
To make a hush puppy, you need to deep fry it in oil. Excessive oil usually leads to digestive problems for dogs. Not only that, but to make a hush puppy, there’s also a lot of salt in the dough itself, and sometimes, people season it with even more salt! It could end up being too much for your dog to handle safely.
3. Digestive Problems
This is by far the most common problematic thing that can happen if your dog eats hush puppies. Digestive problems can just be pain and discomfort, but they can also be severe diarrhea, vomiting, and other serious issues.
4. Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is a problem your pup might experience if they continue to eat hush puppies and other human food. The ingestion of excessive amounts of fat and other dietary indiscretions have been linked to pancreatitis in dogs.
5. Weight Gain
Even if you’re only giving your dog one hush puppy every once in a while, something you’re going to notice if they keep getting into them is weight gain. It’s a lot of calories in a condensed form, so your dog will overeat and pack on the pounds if they keep eating them.
6. Dangerous Ingredients
One of the most important things to consider when feeding your dog any kind of food at all is the ingredients. More often than not, hush puppies contain dangerous ingredients like onions and garlic. Both of these are toxic to dogs, so it is best to just never feed them to your dog.
If you are concerned about your dog’s wellbeing after he or she consumed Hush Puppies, we do recommend contacting a vet.
If you need to speak with a vet but can’t get to one, head over to PangoVet. It’s an online service where you can talk to a vet online and get the personalized advice you need for your pet — all at an affordable price!
The 5 Safe Treat Options for Your Dog
Just because you shouldn’t feed your dog hush puppies doesn’t mean there aren’t any great treats you can’t give them when they come over begging for a snack. We’ve highlighted five great treat options you can give your dog here.
1. Carrots
Both cooked and raw carrots have tons of antioxidants and vitamins that are great for your dog. However, if you’re feeding your pup raw carrots, ensure that you either shred or cut them up small enough so they don’t present a choking hazard for your dog.
2. Watermelon
Watermelon is a sweet treat your dog might enjoy on a hot day. Remove the seeds before feeding it to your dog. Also, don’t overdo it due to the fruit’s higher sugar content. Still, dogs love it, and it’s mostly water, so it’s extremely hydrating for your pup.
3. Broccoli
You can give your dog either cooked or raw broccoli, but cooked broccoli is a little easier for your dog to digest. It’s high in fiber and has tons of vitamins. Just don’t add any seasonings, as these aren’t always good for your pet to eat.
4. Bananas
Bananas are sweet treats that your dogs can enjoy in moderation. They have tons of fiber, but since they’re high in sugar, you don’t want to overdo it.
5. Strawberries
Strawberries are healthy treats to offer to pups. However, just like bananas, watermelon, and other fruits, they are high in sugar, so you should only give your dog strawberries in moderation. Additionally, always ensure that you wash them and completely remove the stems before feeding them to your dog.
The 5 Other Foods to Avoid Giving Your Dog
As a general rule, you shouldn’t give your dog human food. But there are some foods that are worse than others for your dog, and we’ve highlighted five of them for you here. Keep these foods far away from your pet to keep them safe.
1. Xylitol
Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that you can find in many foods and toothpaste. While it’s fine for people, it can be extremely toxic for dogs, even in small quantities.
2. Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts might not be the most well-known toxic food for dogs, but even a handful can make them extremely sick. It doesn’t matter if they’re raw or roasted, they’re all toxic for dogs.
3. Chocolate
Chocolate is probably the most well-known toxic food for dogs and for good reason. There’s theobromine, caffeine, and tons of sugar, all of which are extremely bad for dogs. Theobromine is in all types of chocolate, including white chocolate, albeit in low amounts. Still, it is never a good idea to give your dog any type of chocolate.
4. Cooked Bones
You see it all the time in cartoons: a dog chewing on a bone. But while it might be a common sight in TV shows and movies, it’s not something you should give your dog in real life. Cooked bones can splinter, which creates a choking hazard, or they can cut or block parts of your dog’s digestive tract.
5. Milk & Dairy
Dogs are lactose intolerant, which means you should keep all milk and dairy products away from them. A little bit shouldn’t kill them, but it can make them extremely uncomfortable and lead to all sorts of digestive issues.
Final Thoughts
If your dog happens to eat a hush puppy or two, don’t panic, but don’t make them a regular part of their diet either. They’re not toxic for dogs unless they have onions and garlic—in which case, you should figure out the approximate amount that they consumed and give your vet a call for further instructions.
In conclusion, hush puppies are far from good for your dog. Your dog relies on you to give them food that they will benefit from and that will not put them at risk of health issues. Being familiar with healthy and dangerous foods for dogs is part of being a loving and responsible dog owner.
Featured Image Credit: Diana0403, Shutterstock