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National Brown Dog Day 2024: When It Is & How It’s Celebrated

Written by: Adam Mann

Last Updated on June 10, 2024 by Dogster Team

Brown poodle dog on rock

National Brown Dog Day 2024: When It Is & How It’s Celebrated

National Brown Dog Day is one of the lesser-known days to celebrate throughout the year. It falls on February 2nd each year, and it’s a pretty new day to celebrate.

But what do you do on National Brown Dog Day, and when did it become a thing? We’ll answer those questions and more for you here.

When Is National Brown Dog Day?

National Brown Dog Day is February 2nd of each year. It’s a day specifically for celebrating brown dogs, which is one of the most common dog colors in the world.

Many breeds have brown coloring somewhere on their body, even if they aren’t completely brown. National Brown Dog Day is all about celebrating them and having a reason to give them a little extra love!

National Brown Dog Day is a newer addition to the calendar, with the first National Brown Dog Day falling on February 2nd, 2021.

brown and white dog running in a field
Image Credit: alektas, Pixabay

How to Celebrate National Brown Dog Day

If you’re looking to celebrate the next National Brown Dog Day, there are a few different ways you can do it. While you can adopt a brown dog for National Brown Dog Day, ensure it’s a well-thought-out decision and you are ready to take care of them for years to come.

Below, we’ve highlighted some other ways to celebrate the day without acquiring a major new responsibility.

1. Help a Local Shelter

One of the best ways you can celebrate National Brown Dog Day is by helping out a local shelter. They’ll have plenty of brown dogs for you to love on while you’re there, but be sure to give the dogs that don’t have any brown in their coats some love too!

Before heading to the shelter, do yourself—and them—a favor by giving them a call beforehand. They’ll let you know what to do, and if you’re looking to donate something, they’ll let you know what they need.

2. Visit a Dog Park

If you have a dog of any color, one of the best ways to celebrate National Brown Dog Day is by visiting a dog park. Not only will this get your dog outdoors, but it’ll increase the chances of you running into a brown dog while you’re there.

If you can’t make it to a dog park, we’re sure your pet will more than appreciate a trip around the block.

woman holding up a brown dachshund dog in a field
Image Credit: Dominika Roseclay, Pexels

3. Watch a Movie

There are tons of movies with a brown dog taking on a pretty big role. Popular movies include Lady and the Tramp, A Dog’s Tale, Old Yeller, Up, and Marley and Me. There are tons of other movies out there with brown dogs too, so pick your favorite and settle in for a cozy movie day.

4. Learn More About Brown Dogs

Sometimes, all you need to do on National Brown Dog Day is learn a little more about some brown dogs. They have a 10,000-year history, so there’s no shortage of things to learn about. So, pick a breed and get to reading. Some of the brown dog facts you find might just surprise you!

Final Thoughts

While National Brown Dog Day isn’t likely to become a national holiday any time soon (or ever), that doesn’t mean you can’t put it on your calendar and find a way to celebrate it each year. There are plenty of brown dogs in the world to celebrate, and they could all use a little more love!

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Anna_Bondarenko, Shutterstock

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