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Can Dogs Eat Goldfish Crackers? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Tips

Written by: Jana Blagojevic

Last Updated on April 8, 2024 by Dogster Team

Can Dogs Eat Goldfish Cracker

Can Dogs Eat Goldfish Crackers? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Tips

Goldfish crackers have been one of the favorite salty snacks for decades, with their unique and reliable taste that never changes. They come in many different flavors, colors, and spices but always have their recognizable salty taste. But how healthy is this snack for our pups?

Unfortunately, goldfish crackers are not a recommended treat for your dog because of the high sodium levels and other harmful ingredients. Some formulas even come with spices like onion powder, which can cause stomach problems in dogs.

Read the article below to learn why you should avoid goldfish crackers and how to make a healthy replacement snack that your dogs will love just as much.

What Are Goldfish Crackers Made Of?

Goldfish crackers are an all-time favorite among children and adults, famous for many decades now because of their reliable and recognizable taste. While most people adore the salty flavor of golden crackers, they don’t know the ingredients that go into making them and how healthy or unhealthy they are.

  • Enriched Wheat Flour
  • Vegetable Oil (Canola, Soybean, and/or Sunflower Oils)
  • Salt
  • Skim Milk Powder
  • Yeast
  • Sugar
  • Ammonium Bicarbonate
  • Sodium Bicarbonate
  • Spices (Onion Powder) and Monocalcium Phosphate

As you can see from the ingredient list above, golden crackers have several ingredients which are not entirely healthy for our pets. Goldfish crackers have a high salt content, around 150 mg, in only a 20g serving. They’ve also got a certain amount of sugar content and flavor enhancers. As we all know, dogs shouldn’t consume any oils and seasonings, and as you can guess, goldfish crackers have plenty of that, including onion powder which is considered toxic for dogs.

goldfish crackers
Image Credit: New Africa,Shutterstock

Are Goldfish Crackers Safe for Dogs?

While you may not notice any immediate side effects in your dog from eating a few of these crackers, you may see issues appearing later. Since these crackers have high levels of sodium, fat, oils, and spices such as onion powder, they are not a healthy treat.

However, if you catch your pup munching on a few goldfish crackers by accident, you don’t need to worry. Eating one or two of these crackers once in a while won’t harm your dog significantly. However, many alternative options for goldfish crackers can be healthy for your dog.

An Alternative to Goldfish Crackers

You can make healthy and low-fat crackers for your pup using ingredients such as pumpkin and chicken and baking them in the oven. These crackers would be entirely safe and even beneficial to your dog’s health. You can also make crackers from carrots and mix them with pumpkin puree.

Image Credit: pakornkrit, Shutterstock

Dog-Safe Snacks and Treats

There are plenty of dog-safe treats and snacks that you can offer your dog daily without worrying about the consequences. Many human food options are excellent for our pups and can become a fantastic treat to round up their diet. Treats should only make up 10% or less of their diet, so make sure they are a healthy option.

Some of the most popular vegetables and fruits used as dog treats that our furry pets adore include cooked carrots, broccoli, green beans, pumpkin, and apples. Other fruits which are safe, delicious, and healthy for your dogs to consume as snacks are:

  • Watermelon
  • Butternut squash
  • Bananas
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Kiwi

Preparing Snacks and Treats for Dogs

While some “human foods” are healthy for dogs to consume, the preparation methods are the most crucial part that can significantly influence the safety of a particular food. Offering lean chicken or turkey to your pup as a treat can be an excellent way to motivate them during training because they adore the taste of chicken. However, preparing the chicken correctly is essential, as avoiding using oils, salts, or seasonings is crucial. The same goes for preparing pumpkin, rice, or vegetables. While pumpkin is considered a healthy food for dogs, cooking it thoroughly and removing the seeds and rind is essential.

sliced pumpkin on kitchen board
Image Credit: Dream79, Shutterstock


Everybody enjoys goldfish crackers, and even our pups adore this snack, but it is not the healthiest option for a snack. Goldfish crackers are filled with several harmful ingredients for our dogs, from high sodium levels to spices such as onion powder. While your dog will likely be fine after snacking on a couple of these crackers, they should not be purposely fed to them.

If you want to treat your pup to a healthy version of the goldfish crackers, you can opt for alternative options, such as homemade crackers baked in the oven only from healthy ingredients. Your pup will adore these treats, while you can safely offer them without worrying about harming their health.

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Featured Image Credit: alexkich, Shutterstock

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