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When Do Puppies’ Eyes Change Color? Average Age & Determining Factors

Written by: Rachael Gerkensmeyer

Last Updated on April 17, 2024 by Dogster Team

Black puppy pug dog lying on concrete floor

When Do Puppies’ Eyes Change Color? Average Age & Determining Factors

Puppies are adorable no matter their breed or disposition. Some are needy and whiny, while others are independent and strong-willed. Some are dewy-eyed, while others are wide-eyed. Some have short legs, while others have long legs. Some are short and stout, and some are lanky and awkward-looking. No matter what they look like, puppies are definitely cute!

But as puppies age, things change, sometimes including their eye color. Many new puppy owners ask the same questions: Do all puppies have blue eyes? Will my puppy’s eye color stay blue? The truth is that not all puppies have blue eyes and not all puppies that have blue eyes will continue to have blue eyes when they get older. Some pups experience changes in eye color but what you see at six months is usually what you’ll see into adulthood. Read on to learn more!

dogster face divider

The New Puppy’s Eyes

newborn puppy
Image By: JackieLou DL, Pixabay

When puppies are first born, their eyes are tightly closed, and they stay that way for about 2 weeks. During that time, they rely on their mother to make their way around their nest. They use smell and reflexes to figure out where to get their food and to find a spot to take a nap. Therefore, it is impossible to see the color of a puppy’s eyes during the first 2 to 3 weeks of their life.

The Seasoned Puppy’s Eyes

close up of a silver labrador puppy dog
Image By: Rebecca Hudson, Shutterstock

Once a puppy’s eyes open, they typically look blue in color. However, this is not always the case. Some puppies’ eyes look brown from the get-go. It depends on things such as the breed, the exact age of the puppy, and the environment that the dog is predisposed to. At this time of life, a puppy’s eyes tend to look glossy and hazy. They are not clear and focused like an adult dog’s eyes are. Therefore, it is tough to tell what a puppy’s eyes will look like once they reach adulthood.

When Does a Dog’s Eyes Change Color?

pomsky puppy sitting
Image Credit: JStaley401, Shutterstock

A puppy’s eye color tends to change—if it is going to change—by the time they reach about 1 month of age. Their eyes can go from blue to grey to blue again, or they can change from blue to grey to brown over the course of a month or so. By the time your dog is about 6 months old, their eye color is likely set and will not change as they get older.

What Determines Dog’s Eye Color?

Things such as the amount of melanin that a dog has, the color of their fur, and their lineage can affect the eye color of the animal. The more melanin that a dog has, the darker their eyes tend to be. Dogs may end up with blue, hazel, brown, grey, or amber eye colors when all is said and done. Some dogs end up with two different eye colors, which is the result of a health condition called heterochromia, a condition experienced by both humans and dogs.


In Conclusion

Puppies are cute and adorable no matter the color of their eyes. You can be sure that by the time your dog is about half a year old, they will have their permanent eye color. Remember, though, eye color is not important. Personality, sociability, and loyalty are much bigger factors to focus on. Puppyhood is a time of bonding and camaraderie between dog and owner.

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Featured Image Credit: Ezzolo, Shutterstock

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