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How Long Do Weimaraners Live? Average Lifespan, Data & Care

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on July 26, 2024 by Dogster Team

male silver weimaraner dog

How Long Do Weimaraners Live? Average Lifespan, Data & Care

Weimaraners have a life expectancy of around 11 to 13 years, which is long for a dog of their size. They’re considered “old” at around 12 years, though some dogs may develop signs of old age earlier than that. Any Weimaraner over 12 is absolutely in their twilight years. Of course, some can live for longer than 13 years, while others never make it to 11. Below, we’ll take a look at some of the reasons for this considerable difference in lifespan.

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Weimaraner Average Lifespan

Weimaraners typically live for 11 to 13 years. Reaching the age of 15 is considered quite a bit older than average while dying before hitting 11 would be considered young. The oldest Weimaraner on record was 18. Therefore, their lifespan varies considerably.

female weimaraner dog in the forest
Image by: Tosha174, Shutterstock

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Why Do Some Weimaraners Live Longer Than Others?

1. Feeding & Diet

How you feed your Weimaraner matters. If you feed a high-quality diet suitable for their particular needs, your canine will likely live longer. However, what works for one dog doesn’t necessarily work for another.

Some formulas are better than others, but if your dog has an underlying health problem, they may need food that is different from that of an average dog. From a less dramatic standpoint, a more active dog may need a high-protein formula.

2. Environment

It’s no secret that organisms in more demanding environments tend to live shorter lives. That’s one reason why zoo animals tend to live longer than their wild counterparts. The same is true for our dogs.

If your Weimaraner lives outside, they may have a shorter lifespan than one that spends a large bulk of their day indoors. Dogs that spend 100% of their time outside must face extreme weather and illnesses that partially outdoor dogs wouldn’t need to deal with.

happy weimaraner dog running in the park
Image by: Madeline G, Shutterstock

3. Care

While animal laws have improved over the last few years, some dogs are still mistreated. These canines probably won’t last as long as those that are well cared for (even if they are rescued from their situation).

That doesn’t mean you must go out and pamper your dog. Spa days probably don’t translate into additional days in your pet’s life. However, providing proper grooming can go a long way. For instance, periodontal disease is a huge problem for dogs, but it can be almost completely prevented by brushing your dog’s teeth.

4. Breeding

Thanks to modern medicine, many mothers and puppies survive birth. However, there are still complications we cannot 100% cure or help. Proper care for your dog during breeding can help prevent problems. A well-fed mother is likelier to make it through labor and care better for her puppies.

Image Credit: RitaE, Pixabay

5. Healthcare

A yearly checkup is recommended after your dog becomes an adult. However, puppies and seniors need more checkups. Puppies need routine vaccinations until they’re properly immunized, and seniors are more likely to develop health issues (which can be treated better if caught sooner).

Of course, you also need to care for your Weimaraner when they’re sick or injured. As you might imagine, an infected or untreated broken leg can significantly impact your dog’s lifespan.

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The 4 Life Stages of a Weimaraner

Puppy Stage (0–6 months)

During this stage, Weimaraners are growing rapidly and exploring their world. They’re often very curious and playful. Because dogs are so “open” during this time, it’s important to start training and socializing them. Ideally, you can begin at around 8 weeks.

weimaraner puppy yawning
Image Credit: mtajmr, Pixabay

Adolescent Stage (6 months–2 years)

As the puppy stage ends, the adolescent stage begins. Weimaraners in this stage continue to grow physically and mentally. They may display more independence and stubbornness, testing boundaries and asserting their individuality. Consistent training and socialization are essential during this stage.

Dogs may suddenly become much more challenging to control and more stubborn. However, it’s important not to give in to their new behaviors.

Adults Stage (2–6 years)

By the time a Weimaraner reaches 2 years of age, they are considered adults. They have reached their full size and have settled into their temperament. At this stage, they have boundless energy and require regular exercise and mental stimulation.

This is probably one of the most manageable stages since they should be socialized and trained.

Weimaraner in the desert
Image Credit: celyi, Shutterstock

Senior Stage (6+ years)

There isn’t a specific age when a Weimaraner becomes a senior. Instead, it is more about their health and how they are aging. Some may start slowing down as early as 6 years old, especially if they have hip dysplasia or a similar problem.

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How to Tell Your Weimaraner’s Age

When dogs are puppies, it is much easier to tell their age. Vets can determine their age based on the number of teeth they have and their weight. However, it is much more challenging after they reach adulthood. A 4-year-old dog isn’t all that different from a 6-year-old dog.

Younger dogs generally have shiny white teeth. As they age, their teeth start to show signs of wear, discoloration, and tartar buildup. Additionally, puppies have sharp baby teeth that are eventually replaced by adult teeth.

Younger dogs have well-defined muscles and a more slender, athletic build. As they age, they may lose muscle tone and gain weight, leading to a more rounded or sagging appearance. However, dogs age at differing rates, which can affect their muscle tone.

Dogster_Website dividers_v1_Jan 18 2024-03 Conclusion

Given their size, Weimaraners live for a pretty long time, around 11 to 13 years. Of course, some can live much longer. However, there are several ways you can improve your dog’s lifespan, including providing a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining yearly veterinary appointments. Caring for them properly can extend their lifespan and provide several years of happiness with your best friend.

Featured Image Credit: Dmitry Veryovkin, Shutterstock

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