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Can You Register a Dog With a DNA Test? Surprising Facts

Written by: Rachael Gerkensmeyer

Last Updated on June 10, 2024 by Dogster Team

DNA test tube

Can You Register a Dog With a DNA Test? Surprising Facts

Registering your dog with a club like the AKC comes with many benefits, including 30 days of pet insurance coverage, a free vet visit, a frameable certificate, and eligibility to engage in various club activities and events, such as obedience contests and field trials.1

However, your dog must be purebred to become eligible for registration through groups like the AKC. So, if you don’t have any official papers to prove that your pup’s parents are purebred, can you register your dog with a DNA test? The short answer is no, you can’t register a dog using a DNA test. Here’s what you need to know.


Here’s Why You Can’t Use a DNA Test to Register Your Dog

Unfortunately, DNA tests cannot be used to register your dog with groups like the AKC because they don’t offer enough information to prove that your dog meets the standards of such groups. A DNA test can provide you with valuable information, such as:

  • Any breeds that your dog may be made up of
  • Health risks and possible genetic problems
  • Traits and genetic diversity

However, a DNA test will not confirm whether your dog is purebred, which is a requirement for AKC certification. So, the bottom line is while you can learn many important things about your beloved pooch after administering a DNA test, you cannot rely on the test to prove your dog’s purebred status.

vet. examining labrador dog
Image by: SeventyFour, Shutterstock

How You Can Register Your Dog With Groups Like the AKC

The most important thing that you need to do in order to register your dog with the AKC or similar programs is to prove the dog’s lineage. Your pup’s parents should already be registered with the AKC if possible. If not, you may be able to get AKC registration papers from the breeder whom you purchased your pooch from.

If you got your dog from the humane society or another kind of rescue organization or if there is no way to prove the purebred status of your dog or their parents, chances are that you will not be able to register them with the AKC as an official purebred dog. However, groups like the AKC do have companion programs that people can register their dogs for in order to enjoy events in things like agility, obedience, show, and even racing.

dogs with owner at show
Image by: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

Are AKC and Other Types of Registration Really Important?

The answer to this question depends on what you want to accomplish as a dog owner. Do you want to breed purebred dogs and sell them at the highest cost possible? Then you will want to make sure the dogs that you breed are registered with the AKC and similar groups. Do you simply want a quality pet to enjoy and spend your life with? In this case, you shouldn’t worry about AKC registration and can instead focus on companion events through such groups.


Final Thoughts

Getting your dog registered with groups like the AKC can be tricky. A DNA test won’t cut it, although you can learn more about your pooch by administering such a test. So, don’t rule out a DNA test whether or not you plan to register your dog with a group like the AKC — just know that it can’t be used for that purpose.

Featured Image Credit to: create jobs 51, Shutterstock

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