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Why Does My Corgi Sploot So Much? Facts & FAQ

Written by: Melissa Gunter

Last Updated on September 6, 2024 by Dogster Team

corgi puppy on sploot in grass

Why Does My Corgi Sploot So Much? Facts & FAQ

If you have a dog in your home, you’re familiar with their cute little mannerisms and personality traits. Every dog does something we think is adorable. This is especially true for Corgis. These little dogs are known for having a trademark wiggle when they walk and even splaying themselves out onto the floor in a position Corgi owners call a sploot.

This little way of laying on the ground is a move performed by most Corgis. But why do they sploot so much? Does it feel good or is something wrong?

Luckily, for Corgi owners around the world, splooting isn’t a bad thing. It’s simply a position that feels comfortable to them. But that isn’t all. Let’s take a deeper look at Corgis and their sploot. This will help Corgi owners, or those considering a Corgi as their best friend, to better understand this action and why these cuties love it so much.

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A Bit About Corgis

While most people lump Corgis into one large group inside the Spitz family, there are actually two distinct Corgi breeds. The first is the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. This breed is the older of the two. It is believed Cardigan Welsh Corgis were brought to Wales by the Celts during their migration.

They were used to drive herds, which they excelled at thanks to their short stature. Being so small made them able to move around the herds and avoid being kicked. Being brave little dogs had them pulling extra shifts as both herd and family guardians. While in Wales for over 1,000 years, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi made its way to the United States in 1931 and was soon recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1935.

The other breed of Corgi is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Like their cousins the Cardigans, these Corgis were used to control herds and protect livestock. They were originally bred and used by Flemish weavers to ensure their livestock was well protected so they could be masters at their craft. When these weavers were invited to Wales, their Corgis came with them.

Both Corgi breeds are now beloved pets who have great personalities and do well with families and other pets. The most notable differences between the two Corgi breeds are their ears and tails. The Pembroke’s ears are more pointed and their tails are shorter. The Cardigan Welsh’s tail is longer and its ears are more rounded.

blue merle and tan cardigan welsh corgi puppy
Image By: Elisabeth Abramova, Shutterstock

What Is a Sploot?

Now, for those who aren’t familiar with the Corgi sploot, it’s time to discuss this cute laying position. When a Corgi sploots, it lays on its stomach with their legs stretched out behind them. This can be done with both legs stretched out or even just one. You may even notice a sploot that resembles a frog where the Corgi’s legs and thighs splay to the side instead. Either way, a Corgi displays the sploot, it’s adorable to see.

If you don’t use the word sploot in everyday conversation you may be curious as to where the word comes from. Over the years, this word has become extremely popular, especially with Corgi owners. Some believe it’s a mix of splay and scoot.

Considering the position Corgis take when splooting, and the similarities between the words, this makes a lot of sense. Of course, others feel sploot may be a play on the word splat. No matter the origin of the word, splooting has become a popular term to describe this unique, and endearing, display.

Why Do Corgis Sploot So Much?

When it comes to Corgis and their sploot, there may not be one exact reason why these little dogs enjoy this position. Instead, it could be several and can depend on how your Corgi is feeling at the time.

Let’s take a look at each one so you can better understand the sploot and your Corgi.


Corgis are known for being active dogs. They love to play and spend time with their family. After a big day of exercise and play, you shouldn’t be surprised to find your Corgi splooting on the floor. This is due to the position being comfortable for them.

It’s the same as when you stretch out in your favorite easy chair after a long day. Your Corgi sploots to relax and get comfy.

A Good Stretch

We all know dogs get a lot of sleep throughout the day. Often, this can be around 12–15 hours worth. You know how good it feels to stretch your body out after you’ve woken from a good rest, right? Corgis feel the same way.

A good sploot after a nap is one of the ways your Corgi stretches out those muscles and limbers up. It relieves tension in their little bodies and helps them stay active.

Corgi Splooting
Image Credit: danielleshea, Pixabay

A Way to Cool Down

Like many breeds out there, Corgis have a double coat. Unfortunately, they don’t tolerate heat very well. This means your Corgi is going to get a bit hot when the weather outside is warmer. With dogs sweating mostly through their tails and noses, it only makes sense that they would seek out ways to help them cool down.

For Corgis, and other dog breeds, splooting is a great way to do this. By stretching their bodies out on cool surfaces your dog can cool down quicker. While this helps your dog beat the heat, you should always keep a close eye on your pets for symptoms of dehydration when the weather outside turns hot.

Do All Corgis Sploot?

While splooting is something most Corgis do, not every Corgi will find this as appealing as others. Does this mean something is wrong with a Corgi that doesn’t sploot? No, it doesn’t. Corgis that aren’t fans of splooting may simply prefer to lay in other positions that they feel are comfortable to them.

While you may want your Corgi to sploot like others, considering so many people talk about how cute it is, don’t be concerned if your best pal isn’t a fan of splaying out on the floor.

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Final Thoughts on Corgis and Splooting

People who have Corgis as pets often wonder why their Corgi sploots so much. Splooting is a Corgi’s way of stretching its body, getting comfortable, and cooling down on a hot day. This adorable action is one of the most talked about things these cute little dogs do.

If your Corgi sploots often, there’s no reason to worry. This is a natural position Corgis, and many other dog breeds, enjoy using when they are ready to relax.

See also: 

Featured Image Credit: CoastalForestPhoto, Shutterstock

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