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Taco Terrier (Chihuahua & Toy Fox Terrier Mix): Facts, Pictures, Traits & More!

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on June 18, 2024 by Dogster Team

The Parent Breed of Taco Terrier

Taco Terrier (Chihuahua & Toy Fox Terrier Mix): Facts, Pictures, Traits & More!

The Taco Terrier is a crossbreed between a Chihuahua and a Toy Fox Terrier. The Chihuahua originated in Mexico and is one of the smallest dogs. Its genetic origins are still unclear, but most historians believe it to be a crossbreed between the Chinese Crested and Techichi dogs.

On the other hand, the Toy Fox Terriers are small breeds bred to serve as hunters and ratter dogs. They are miniature versions of the Smooth Fox Terrier and are highly intelligent.

Breed Overview


6–9 inches


3–6 pounds


13–15 years


White, tan, black, blue, red, and speckled

Suitable for:

Families, singles, and seniors


Athletic, courageous, friendly, energetic

Taco Terriers are friendly and playful. Despite their small size, they have big personalities. In fact, they compensate for their small stature with bravery and boldness, although they can sometimes show aggression.

The dogs like to be the center of attention and show their displeasure if they do not get what they need. That means these dogs won’t be your ideal choice if you want a more relaxed and placid dog.

However, if you or your family member has allergy issues, the Taco Terrier can be a great fit. That’s because the breed is hypoallergenic. Additionally, even though they don’t get recognition as designer dogs by the American Kennel Club, other canine clubs do recognize them.

Taco Terrier Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Taco Terrier Puppies

Before you bring this dog home, it’s good to be prepared with info such as expected lifespan, sociability, trainability, and health. This way you will know how much work you will have to put in to make your pet comfortable, sociable, and agreeable to the family.

Taco Terriers make great companions for families and are very high-energy and social dogs that can be trained without difficulty. Taco Terriers are small dogs which makes them prone to certain health conditions. That’s why it’s important to know what type of food to feed them, how much exercise and mental stimulation they need, and most of all, to be there for them at all times.

Parent_breeds_Taco Terrier
Image By: Left – Piqsels | Right – Pxshot, Pxhere

Temperament & Intelligence of Taco Terrier

Taco Terrier tiny bodies house big personalities and intelligent minds. They are very playful and energetic and sometimes overly protective of their owners. These dogs will be with you when you are sad, and they will always want to cuddle up with you.

While they tend to be even-tempered, they do have a feisty side, especially when threatened. Taco Terriers also have an innate stubbornness about them, which can make training a challenge. However, once they get their minds wrapped around, they pick up commands quickly.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

The Taco Terrier is a great dog for small families, couples, large families, and single families. They are very social and gentle, which makes them perfect pets for any setup. Additionally, they are loving and highly affectionate to all family members.

No matter how intimidating a threat might be, they will often stand up to it and bark if they feel like their family is in danger. But they need to get trained and socialized earlier on to avoid being too aggressive.

Because of their size, they are ideal for apartments and smaller homeowners. Also, these dogs prefer being in the company of the family, so they don’t like being left alone for too long. If left alone for long hours, they suffer from separation anxiety.

Remember, you need to watch their interaction with children because of their propensity to aggressive guarding traits. Otherwise, if they get trained properly, they become great lap dogs for the entire family.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

Due to their Fox Terrier heritage, they have an innate prey drive. Given a chance, they will run after smaller family pets. Any small animals, such as birds and hamsters, can easily trigger their urge to catch prey.

They can also be aggressive to other larger animals when threatened. Because of this, they need to get socialized with other pets and animals early on in life.

Things to Know When Owning a Taco Terrier

Food & Diet Requirements

Like any other dog breed, they need good-quality food to keep them healthy and fit. While their small bodies prevent them from eating much, their high energy levels constantly burn calories. Ensure the food quantity does not exceed one cup of dry feed per day.

Occasionally, you can switch to wet food, but it should not be more than 10% of their total diet. Dry kibble is preferable to help clean the teeth and reduce tartar accumulation.

The Taco Terriers dogs do not overeat and only prefer to nibble on kibble bits during the day. For this reason, you can trust them to eat freely as long as the pellets are healthy.

Like most Terrier or Chihuahua owners, you may face obesity issues. That’s because you may get to feed them unhealthy feeds even when you mean well.

Due to their size, it’s easy to overestimate the amount of food they can consume. You end up feeding a seemingly harmless snack that has more calories than their daily need. For that reason, avoid giving them foods like grains, fatty meats, dairy products, and chocolates.

Also, avoid table scraps since they can affect their metabolism. Later, they become overweight and have weight-related complications.

To maintain a healthy weight, most dogs need a daily intake of about 20–30 calories. In the case of Taco Terrier, you need to feed them about 150–240 calories per day.

That is with the exception of puppies since they need more calories because they are more active. Adult Taco Terrier dogs are less active and hence need a fewer caloric intake.


Like all dog breeds, your Taco Terrier will need exercise and playtime to de-stress and stay fit. Puppies will need it more than grown-up dogs. That’s because they need to burn off excess energy and keep their minds stimulated.

Unlike other small dogs, the Fox Terriers and the Chihuahuas like to play hard and long. That means your Taco Terrier will need to take frequent walks and playtime to keep them healthy. The recommended time for these dogs to be active is at least one hour twice a day.

You can split it into multiple playtimes every day. But make sure they get to release their energy and stay active all the time.

The size of their bodies is also an advantage. Because they are so small, they don’t need large spaces to exercise sufficiently. It can even be indoors.

That said, they still love long walks and outdoor play like most dogs. Whenever possible, engage your Taco Terrier in extra activities like stick games or ball-fetching. Keep in mind the lack of exercise will lead to boredom and ultimately undesirable behavior like chewing and barking.


Just like any other dog breed, Taco Terrier dogs need to get socialized early on. That’s because of the prey drive that can get them into trouble if not handled well. They are very territorial and can even be aggressive to other animals easily.

Like their Chihuahua parents, Taco Terriers are stubborn and obstinate dogs. That makes training them extremely difficult. It takes lots of patience and treats at hand to get them to obey commands.

If you want a dog that is easy to train, then Taco Terrier dogs won’t fit the description. But if you have time, patience, and dedication for training, they will be obedient enough.

The training should begin as early as possible. Ideally, each training session should remain short, not more than ten minutes.

Their independence, fearlessness, and combative nature may be fun but pose a challenge when training them. They tend to instinctively resist commands, which can make your job tedious. But with positive and gentle training, they can be willing to learn.

During training, ensure you take advantage of the companionship trait from their Chihuahua’s ancestry. They will obey you better when they feel close to you. Although they may sometimes get aggressive, they are also intelligent enough to respond well with proper training.

While most dogs respond well to positive reinforcement training, Taco Terriers are an exception. Their innate need to chase any small animal in their sight may trump this technique. The best idea to remember is that training a dog is more about the way you will live together and less about obeying commands.

You may not always have treats at-hand each time your Taco Terrier runs after a small animal. So, undesirable behavior needs to get addressed as early as possible. View your training as a partnership and a lifestyle.


Unlike other small dogs, the Taco Terrier has a short and wiry coat that doesn’t need extensive grooming. Having some ancestral DNA from the Chinese Crested dog, a hairless dog breed, they too have little hair.

That is not to say they are completely hypoallergenic, but they come close. Taco Terriers will shed minimally and may still affect allergy sufferers with their urine and saliva. Regular brushing will eliminate this problem and keep your dog looking good all the time.

You may not need to brush them daily, but once a week will work. Occasional teeth-brushing will also help to eliminate tartar. However, they do not need regular nail clipping.

Taco Terriers may not enjoy water very much, so bathing them may be a challenge. Water exposure should be part of training them for better behavior.

Health and Conditions

Taco Terriers are generally healthy dogs. They can live up to 16 years or even more with proper care and diet. With that long lifespan, they are susceptible to lifestyle diseases.

These diseases may include eye issues, arthritis, and even joint and hip issues. Other problems that the Taco Terrier dogs may face are size-related.

For example, a Taco Terrier dog can suffer from collapsing trachea, a condition caused by collapsing cartilage of the windpipe. It leads to airway obstruction that results in loud breathing, wheezing, and collapsed trachea.

It is a common trait among toy dogs, but mild cases can be treated with medication. The condition can worsen if not monitored closely. It may even cause death in severe cases.

Another common health problem affecting small-sized dogs is Patella luxation. It is a disorder that affects the kneecaps of the dog. It comes from improper bone formation in which the ball and socket joint fail to form well.

Depending on the severity, this condition can be treated through surgery. Other problems that affect Taco Terrier dogs are dental issues known as supernumerary teeth. The problem happens due to overcrowding of the teeth in their little mouths.

This condition is not usually a problem unless the dog has visible signs of discomfort and pain. With that in mind, they will need regular teeth brushing to prevent food from getting stuck and causing periodontal disease.

Another thing to keep in mind is neuter of males and spaying of female Taco Terrier dogs. For male dogs, it reduces aggression and helps prevent cancer. It will also reduce wandering off in search of females and accidentally getting hurt or lost.

In female dogs, it reduces incidences of mammary gland tumors, uterine infections, and other ovarian-related conditions. Experts recommend spaying before their first heat cycle.

Minor Conditions
  • Eye issues
  • Skin disorders
  • Arthritis
Serious Conditions
  • Eye issues
  • Patella luxation
  • Skin disorders
  • Supernumerary teeth
  • Arthritis
  • Collapsed trachea
  • Periodontal disease
  • Cancer

Male vs Female

The biggest difference between female and male dogs is their different reproductive systems. Female dogs go through a heat cycle, while males do not.

Other than that, the behavior and personality of the dog depend on the environment and not sex. However, there are some noticeable differences between male and female Taco Terriers dogs.

Males often tend to be more aggressive and are likely to challenge your leadership. This behavior manifests by ignoring commands over food and other possessions. With proper training, you can mitigate the trait.

Another behavior that is common with all unneutered male dog breeds is marking. They tend to lift one hind leg more often and spray small amounts of urine around the house. It is a dominant behavior that males use to mark territory.

On the other hand, female Taco Terrier dogs tend to be more prone to mood swings, particularly during the heat cycles. This behavior comes as a result of the rapid changing of hormones. The best way to manage their behavior is spaying them when they are young.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Taco Terrier

1. The Puppies Love to Chew

Most dog breeds have an established chewing stage. However, the Taco Terrier puppies have an insatiable urge to chew. Don’t be surprised if you find your new tiny pup chewing on just about anything in sight.

This stage happens when they are in their teething phase. The little needle-like teeth are sharp and can shred your house items in no time. To prevent this behavior from continuing into adulthood, they need to get proper training.

2. The Dogs Love to Burrow

The Taco Terrier dogs love to dig and burrow. They love the snug feeling they get from holes or underneath blankets or pillows. They can be mischievous, and you should keep an eye on them if they are in a burrowing mood.

This character trait is probably an inheritance from their Techichi ancestors. If not checked, they can dig holes in your entire backyard in search of moles and rats. If they sleep in your bedroom, they will often burrow under your sheets; watch out.

3. Despite Their Size, the Taco Terriers Are Courageous

Their small size doesn’t equate to being meek. The dogs can be surprisingly assertive and brave under threat. Because of their small size, some people may dismiss them for being cute and hilarious.

However, they need the training to prevent them from attacking large dogs. They could start a fight they can’t possibly win.

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Taco Terrier dogs are absolute charmers. They are loyal, playful, and fun-loving dogs that will win over your heart. Their wittiness makes them a great companion for all families.

They are going to be your new movie buddies and great lap dogs. While they can be irrationally courageous and overconfident, proper training can get them in check.

Remember to check their interaction with toddlers and small animals until you are sure they can coexist. Otherwise, enjoy the company of these little furry friends.

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Feature Image Credit by: Left (Chihuahua) Pxfuel; Right (Toy Fox Terrier) everydoghasastory, Shutterstock

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