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Is It True That Australian Shepherds are Double Coated? Facts & Characteristics

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 16, 2024 by Dogster Team

Red Tri Australian Shepherds

Is It True That Australian Shepherds are Double Coated? Facts & Characteristics


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Many people aren’t aware that some dog breeds have an extra layer of fur under the coat that you usually see. One of these breeds is the Australian Shepherd; they are double-coated and are characterized by their interesting mix of colors and sometimes blue eyes.

So, what is a double coat and why do they have one?

What Is the Point of a Double Coat?

Double coats protect dogs from the elements, such as cold temperatures and harsh weather conditions. A good way to think about this is like wearing a turtleneck under a winter coat, or insulation in a home. It adds an extra layer of protection for a dog, and it provides them with double the warmth.

Because of this, Australian Shepherds don’t need to be groomed to the point of shaving them down or excessively trimming their fur. This would be seen as a disadvantage to your dog, as the reason for their extra layer of fur is to protect them. Their coat is generally straight and a mix of two or more colors, both solid and spotted.

white australian shepherd dog with different colored eyes in the park green grass
Image by: Alessandra Sawick, Shutterstock

Appearance and Coat Variety

Australian Shepherds are known to have a very diverse coat color and can have many different eye colors compared with other dog breeds. One of the most common types of these dogs has black or brown fur with more white fur around their face and belly. They can have spots around their nose and throughout their coat as well.

Aussies are known for having brown eyes, but sometimes can be seen with very light blue eyes. Their fur is long and straight, and they have a lot of it! When they are puppies, they are much fluffier but this coat sheds over time.

Australian Shepherd
Image by: Petra Heike Laicher, Pixabay


Australian Shepherds are intelligent dogs who make great high-energy and friendly pets. They are known for being sociable with other dogs, children, and strangers as they like affection and play. They need mental and physical stimulation alike, so exercise is an important part of their day. These dogs will do best in a fenced-in backyard with free range to tire themselves out.

This breed’s lifespan is typically around 13 to 15 years. They are around 20 to 25 inches in height, so they are relatively shorter dogs with stockier builds and long legs (perfect for running around). They weigh from 50 to 65 pounds on average, females typically weighing less than males.

In terms of grooming, it’s best to avoid shaving your dog’s coat. It will go against their natural coat acting as a temperature barrier and protection. Aussies need regular brushing and bathing, and although that sounds like a lot of work, it’s on the lesser end of grooming in comparison with some other double-coated breeds.

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Australian Shepherds may have a double coat, and that may alarm you, but this just means there will be a season in the year when they shed more than normal. It’s nothing more than keeping your brush handy and making sure you bathe them regularly. Their fur is long and straight, but their undercoat is dense and thick. This is the coat that undergoes seasonal shedding.

Aussies are social, friendly, intelligent, and high-energy dogs. They are great pets for those who have time to dedicate to their pet every day and are available to provide them with ample exercise and attention.


Featured Image Credit: Fotoschauer, Shutterstock

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