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Do Rottweilers Shed? Reasons & Way to Help

Written by: Elizabeth Gray

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

roman rottweiler

Do Rottweilers Shed? Reasons & Way to Help

With their sturdy bodies and blocky heads, Rottweilers are one of the most recognizable and popular dog breeds out there. Equally at home patrolling with the military or lounging on the couch, Rottweilers have a lot to offer when it comes to dog appeal.

If you’re considering welcoming a Rottweiler into your family, you probably have some questions about what it’s like to live with one. Most likely, one of those questions is if Rottweilers shed. Rottweilers are considered a moderate-shedding breed with periods of heavy shedding in certain seasons of the year.

In this article, we’ll discuss why Rottweilers shed so much, including factors that can influence the amount they shed. We’ll also talk about ways to help keep shedding under control.


Anatomy of Hair Loss: Why Rottweilers Shed

Rottweilers have what is known as a double coat. This type of coat consists of a shorter, fluffier undercoat and a longer overcoat or guard coat on top. Rottweilers shed consistently year-round but will “blow their coats” or shed heavier amounts of undercoat on a seasonal basis, usually in the spring and fall.

The undercoat grows thicker in relation to temperature, as it serves as insulation for the Rottweiler. The heavier shedding occurs when the seasons change, and the extra fur is no longer needed.

mini rottweiler sitting
Image Credit: LiveLaughLove, Pixabay

Factors That Impact Shedding

Several different factors can influence how much a Rottweiler ultimately sheds. One is the climate where the dog lives and how much time they spend indoors. Because the thickness of the undercoat is weather-dependent, Rottweilers that live in fairly consistent temperatures, indoors or out, may build up less coat to then shed.

Diet can also play a role in shedding. Dogs with poor nutrition may also have poor coat quality and shed more. Certain medical conditions, such as allergies, may also lead to hair loss or more shedding.

The 4 Ways to Help Control Rottweiler Shedding

1. Grooming

The best way to keep your Rottweiler’s shedding under control is a regular grooming routine. During moderate shedding times, a thorough brushing once a week can help keep the hair under control. Heavy shedding season will require more frequent brushing, sometimes even every day. A soft brush, rubber brush, or shedding rake are all possible brush options that you can use on your Rottweiler. Regular bathing can also help control shedding and keep the dog’s skin and hair healthy.

Use a dog shampoo designed to help maintain the natural oils in the skin, and don’t bathe too frequently to avoid drying out your Rottweiler’s skin. A bath every 4–6 weeks is generally okay.

2. Diet

Make sure you’re feeding your Rottweiler a nutritionally balanced diet with plenty of fatty acids for skin and coat health. Poor quality food or a homemade diet that hasn’t been formulated with the help of a veterinarian can lack certain essential nutrients and lead to skin and coat issues.

In some cases, your veterinarian may suggest you supplement your dog’s food with a fatty acid supplement. You should also make sure your Rottweiler is drinking plenty of water to keep their skin hydrated.

Image Credit: mar_qs, Pixabay

3. Reduce Stress

Excessive shedding can be a sign of stress and anxiety in dogs. If you’re noticing even more shedding than usual, consider whether any household changes or other anxiety-inducing situations are occurring in your dog’s life. If so, you may need to seek help from your veterinarian to help manage your dog’s anxiety.

4. Shaving Your Dog…Don’t Do It

While it may be tempting just to have your Rottweiler’s hair shaved off to decrease shedding, this is not usually a good idea. Shaving off the dog’s undercoat can lead to issues with their natural hair growth and protection. Plus, it will make it more difficult for your dog to regulate their body temperature. Some dogs may not grow their hair back evenly, either.

Rottweiler dog on the grass
Image By: McCann Michelle, Shutterstock



As many steps as you take to reduce the amount your Rottweiler sheds, you’ll never be able to have an entirely hair-free household. Regular vacuuming and sturdy lint rollers can help keep your clothes and furniture as clean as possible. However, if shedding bothers you, the Rottweiler may not be the best choice for you. Research and consider adopting one of the many lower-shedding, allergy-friendly breeds that are available instead.

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Featured Image Credit: Tami Freed, Shutterstock

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