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Danish Swedish Farmdog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

Written by: Kit Copson

Last Updated on July 3, 2024 by Dogster Team

Danish Swedish Farmdog

Danish Swedish Farmdog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More

The Danish-Swedish Farmdog is a member of the American Kennel Club’s “Miscellaneous Class” along with various other international breeds including the Dutch Shepherd, Portuguese Pondengo, Kai Ken, and more.

A small, friendly, and hardworking pooch, the Danish-Swedish Farmdog is the ideal companion, and those lucky enough to meet one of these easygoing dogs are quickly charmed. However, they are relatively rare. In this guide, we’ll explore the Danish-Swedish Farmdog’s origins, temperament, and care requirements.

Breed Overview


12.5–14.5 inches


15–20 pounds


11–13 years


White & black, white & brown, white & fawn, white & tan

Suitable for:

A firm but kind household that will offer plenty of exercise opportunities


Upbeat, energetic, affectionate, alert, people-oriented

Danish-Swedish Farmdogs (DSF) look very similar to terrier-type dogs, particularly the Jack Russell Terrier. The Danish-Swedish Farmdog, however, is larger and has been described as possessing a mellower temperament while terriers are known for their feistiness. In addition to how cute these dogs are, it is the Danish-Swedish Farmdog’s cheerful disposition and openness that win people over time and time again.

Danish-Swedish Farmdog Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Danish-Swedish Farmdog Puppies

Danish Swedish Farmdog Puppy
Image Credit: Jne Valokuvaus, Shutterstock

According to Swallowfield Farm, a breeder, Danish-Swedish Farmdogs are “great dogs but for everyone” because of their high energy levels and a hint of hard-headedness. This is why, if you choose to bring a puppy home, it’s essential to get right down to business in terms of training and socialization. You’ll also need to be prepared to cater to your dog’s activity needs with daily exercise sessions.

Danish-Swedish Farmdogs aren’t very common, and if you reach out to a reputable breeder (emphasis on “reputable”—never go to backyard breeders), you may be placed on a waiting list. A reputable breeder will be completely transparent and invite you to meet with the puppies as well as the mother and father before you make your decision.

While we’re proponents of adoption wherever possible, it’s unlikely that you’ll find a DSF rescue due to the breed’s rarity in the U.S. Nevertheless, if you’re interested in adoption, there is a diverse range of breeds and mixes in shelters, so you can still have a look around to see who is out there.

Danish-Swedish Farmdog Origin & History

The Danish-Swedish Farmdog was once commonly found on farms in his homelands and is thought to have Pinscher and Fox Terrier ancestry. DSFs were bred to be versatile and able to fulfill a number of roles including companionship, guardianship, herding, hunting, and mousing/ratting.

The DSF is relatively rare today because modernity saw family farms dwindle, meaning there was less of a need for these dogs. Nevertheless, the breed has survived. All the ingredients that made up these jack-of-all-trades farm and companion dogs—sturdiness, eagerness to please, attentiveness, and high intelligence—are still apparent in the breed today.

Danish Swedish Farmdog resting
Image Credit: Rolf_52, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Danish-Swedish Farmdog 🧠

The Danish-Swedish Farmdog possesses traits similar to other breeds originally developed for farm work. These hard workers have an air of no-nonsense about them and are always ready to get their paws dirty. If kept purely as companion dogs, the DSF appreciates having things to do throughout the day, whether that be exercise sessions or being assigned little tasks around the home (putting away toys, carrying objects, etc.).

As we touched on earlier, these dogs can be hard-headed, a trait common in dogs that were developed to work independently. That said, with kind but firm and consistent leadership, the DSF will adapt very well to life in a loving home. As for barking, the DSF isn’t known for being excessively vocal—only for barking to alert.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏠

Yes, Danish-Swedish Farmdogs are very loving and loyal family companions who tend to be gentle, playful, and patient with children. However, this is always conditional on whether or not you take the time to socialize your dog and whether or not children respect the dog’s boundaries.

If you’ve acquired your Danish-Swedish Farmdog via an ethical breeder, the breeder will have started work on socializing the dog with people, but it’s up to you to continue this and to instill in any kids at home the importance of behaving correctly around the dog. Always supervise young children around dogs.

Tricolor Danish Swedish framdog
Image Credit: Kewalin Madsen, Shutterstock

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽

With socialization, Danish-Swedish Farmdogs are generally easygoing and friendly with other dogs, and they can develop a harmonious relationship with cats too if they’re socialized around them and introduced gradually under supervision.

Be careful if you have small animals like rabbits, guinea pigs, or rats at home, though. DSFs still have the instinct to chase after pets like these and possibly birds, too, because of their origins as ratters.

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Things to Know When Owning a Danish-Swedish Farmdog:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Buying a high-quality complete and balanced formula suitable for small dogs is the most convenient method of providing your Danish-Swedish Farmdog with the right nutritional balance. Just bear in mind that dog formulas are tailored for different ages (puppy, adult, senior), weights, and health considerations, and if you’re not sure which one to get, your vet can help.

Exercise 🐕

Danish-Swedish Farmdogs need to be exercised every day with walks and other activities like outdoor and indoor games. Without enough exercise, these smart, energetic dogs quickly get bored and frustrated, which may lead to destructive behavior around the house. If you leave your dog alone at home for a period of time, you can keep them busy with interactive toys that they can play with independently.

Danish Swedish Farmdog playing fetch playing
Image credit: Rolf_52, Shutterstock

Training 🦮

DSFs are said to be strongly focused, eager to please, and very capable of learning commands, but if training sessions become too longwinded or boring, this might bring out that hint of stubbornness. An uninspired DSF might dig their heels in or entertain themselves in other ways. Keep sessions short but regular and positive, and make sure everyone else in the family is being consistent with what’s expected of your dog.

If one person is firm on something, like not allowing the dog to pull while on the leash, but another lets the dog lead the walk, this confuses the dog and makes it less likely that they’ll learn good habits.

Grooming ✂️

Danish-Swedish Farmdogs do not shed very much, and their short, smooth coats are easy to look after. Give your DSF a good brushing every now and then to remove dead hairs, and a bath every now and then is just right for freshening them up.

It’s also important to keep the nails at a good length (cut above the pink part of the nail called the quick—not into it as this is painful for the dog) so they can walk comfortably, and brushing the teeth daily is ideal. Regular ear checks are also good for helping you spot signs of infection.

Health and Conditions ❤️

The Danish-Swedish Farmdog is a pretty healthy breed overall. Though the American Kennel Club predicts a lifespan of around 11–13 years, some breeders claim that this is often more around the 13–16-year mark. Breeder’s dogs are screened for the following serious conditions:

Minor Conditions
  • Mild allergies that receive treatment
Serious Conditions
  • Primary lens luxation (an eye condition)
  • Enamel hypoplasia (a tooth condition)
  • Chondrodystrophy (shorter leg bones)

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Male vs Female

Some people make generalizations about male and female dogs’ personalities. For example, some say females mature faster, are easier to train, and have an independent streak while males are more outgoing and cuddly.

However, it’s best to look at the individual dog because personality traits vary massively among dogs regardless of whether they’re male or female. After all, generalizations like those we mentioned are purely anecdotal.

Bear in mind that if you get a female dog and choose not to spay her, she will go into heat and may become more agitated than usual at this time. If you choose not to neuter your male dog, he may start acting up when he smells a female in the vicinity with behaviors like fighting other males, roaming, and urine marking. These behaviors are caused by hormones.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Danish-Swedish Farmdog

1. DSFs Take a While to Mature

This breed is known for taking longer than average to fully develop. It can take 3 to 4 years before a Danish-Swedish Farmdog is considered completely matured. Male DSFs can take even longer to mature.

2. Being Elegant is a DSF Fault

According to the official breed standard, “The Danish-Swedish Farmdog is not to appear refined or elegant”. The breed standard uses the word “compact” to describe these dogs.

3. DSFs Were Once Performers

Danish-Swedish Farmdogs once performed in circuses thanks to their ability to learn tricks. Though no longer circus performers, DSFs continue to entertain their families with their antics and zest for life.

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Final Thoughts

To sum up, the Danish-Swedish Farmdog is a dog with a compact, sturdy, and no-nonsense exterior but a heart of gold through and through. They’re typically far from shy and retiring and won’t hesitate to extend a friendly paw, whether that be to family members or new people.

For these reasons, it’s very hard not to fall in love with one of these peppy little farmdogs.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Rolf_52, Shutterstock

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