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The Cheaglehund is a designer dog breed that’s ½ Chihuahua, ¼ Beagle, and ¼ Dachshund.
Breed Overview
12–15 inches
14–16 pounds
12–15 years
White, tan, brown, and black
Suitable for:
Families, people living in temperate climate
A lap dog who’s intelligent and loving, but prone to nervousness
They are not too popular, and with their unique mix, not much is known about them. Being mostly Chihuahua, they can be anxious little guys. The Dachshund in them creates a prey drive, making them probably unsuitable for other small pet pals. Thankfully, their Beagle traits are quite mellow, and they’re happy to sit on your lap with great companionship.
Cheaglehund Characteristics
Cheaglehund Puppies
Being designer dogs, you will want to watch out for inhumane breeding practices. Unfortunately, some people take advantage of the fact that they are sought-after, trendy breeds and create a puppy mill for profit. Always double-check the breeder’s credentials before buying and, if possible, visit the breeder’s operation in-person to know for sure that the pups are treated well.
Cheaglehunds make good apartment dogs. Their energy needs are not too high, but they do benefit from a short walk per day. They are not built for cold weather and will prefer to be inside most of the time. If you’re looking for a dog to keep outside and your winters are harsh, this may not be the dog for you.
Temperament & Intelligence of the Cheaglehund 🧠
Cheaglehunds are smart and train well. They are loyal to their owners and make great lap dogs. This is because the Dachshund and Chihuahua in them love to snuggle up and be warm. They are affectionate with their owners and loyal. Normally they are calm dogs who are up for some activities but might rather lay around and do their own thing.
Cheaglehunds respond well to positive reinforcement training early on in life. When not properly trained or socialized, these dogs may be overly nervous and submissive around people who are strange to them. This may also come out in aggressive barking towards people they feel threatened by.
Speaking of barks, you may be surprised at the bark a Cheaglehund can make. Their barks sound like they come from a much bigger dog. Some Cheaglehunds even howl like a Beagle.
Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪
Cheaglehunds are great with children and, therefore, make good family dogs. Make sure children know how to interact with small dogs before introducing them. The Dachshund in them is protective, so as long as they form the right attachment to the family (which is best done when they are puppies that grow up with the family), they will be your children’s watchdog.
Proper training is needed to go hand in hand with this trait so that their watchfulness doesn’t get out of hand.
Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽
Cheaglehunds may get along well with other dogs. Chihuahuas have the personality that makes them bigger than they are, so they could potentially hold their own when a bigger dog comes around.
We do not advise pairing a Cheaglehund with a small pet, like a cat or a small rodent. That’s because the prey drive is strong in Beagles and Dachshunds. It’s likely that a small animal will get terrorized by the Cheaglehund, especially when introduced as an adult.
Things to Know When Owning a Cheaglehund
Food & Diet Requirements 🦴
A high-quality kibble made for small dogs is the best thing a Cheaglehund can eat. Feed them ¾ to 1 ½ cups of dog food daily, and also always provide fresh water to drink.
Exercise 🐕
A short, 30-minute walk per day is more than enough to keep the Cheaglehund in good health. Whenever you go out, make sure to leash this dog so it doesn’t go chasing after every neighborhood squirrel in sight. On days when it’s too cold to go out, you can opt for active indoor games instead.
Try throwing a soft toy across the room, on and off a couch, or play tug-of-war with some old socks.
Training 🎾
Positive reinforcement training is the best for Cheaglehunds. They respond well to incentives like dog treats. Cheaglehunds are smart dogs that will train quickly, but they could have bouts of stubbornness that are common for Beagles.
When you train early, assert yourself as the leader, and offer lots of praise and rewards, training should go well with a Cheaglehund. Proper training weeds out unwanted behaviors like excessive barking and nervousness.
Grooming ✂️
Cheaglehunds have a short-haired coat that requires little grooming. Keep him brushed once a week to preserve a shiny coat. Check their ears for infections and mites. Don’t bathe them too often or their skin might get irritated. Take him to the groomer to get his nails clipped regularly.
Health and Conditions ❤️
- Ear infections
- Shivering
- Eye problems
- Intervertebral disk disease
- Epilepsy
- Heart problems
- Hypothyroidism
- Beagle dwarfism
- Hypoglycemia
- Hip dysplasia
These dogs are prone to seizure diseases like epilepsy. They also have a tendency to shiver when cold. Despite their small size, they can also get hip dysplasia. Heart problems can be inherited from their bloodline as well.
Cheaglehunds can inherit many diseases, so make sure the breeder can verify that both parents are healthy before buying a puppy.
3 Little-Known Facts About the Cheaglehund
1. They Hate the Cold
Like their Chihuahua ancestors, Cheaglehunds do not tolerate the cold well. They may shiver and shake when cold. If you get a Cheaglehund, be prepared to buy it dog sweaters or provide lots of blankets to snuggle up with.
2. They Can Be Nervous
With the Chihuahua’s skittish personality and the Dachshund’s watchfulness, you can have yourself a pretty on-edge dog. This can be great for when you need a companion to watch out for danger for you, but it might get to be a little too much if the Cheaglehund sees many average things as dangerous. Early socialization and good, positive training will help in this area.
3. Not Much is Known About Them
Scouring the internet doesn’t do much good here: Cheaglehunds are not very prolific, and therefore very difficult to know anything definite about.
Cheaglehunds are a unique dog breed, which makes them desirable to some. Unfortunately, because they are so unique, we don’t know much about them. We can infer many things about their genetics from looking at the more popular dog breeds they come from Beagles, Dachshunds, and Chihuahuas.
They are not so active, making them a great dog for people living the apartment life, or people with full-time jobs that can’t be home a lot. They aren’t so tolerant of cold weather, so bringing a Cheaglehund home to a climate with mild winters is preferable.
Before you get your own Cheaglehund, just make sure the breeder is reputable. You don’t want to end up with a very sick dog, as that’s bad for everyone’s morale and will also drive your monthly care costs up with vet visits and medication.
We have plenty more, Beagle mixes, Dachshund mixes, and Chihuahua mixes for you to look at!
Featured Image Credit: Left – Chihuahua (ClaudiaWollesen – Pixabay); Middle – Beagle (Pexels – Pixabay) Right – Dachshund (ArtTower- Pixabay)