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Beagle vs Pocket Beagle: Key Differences (With Pictures)

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by Dogster Team

Beagle vs Pocket Beagle: Key Differences (With Pictures)

There are so many popular breeds today that it can be hard to determine the best dog for your family. That said, the Beagle is one of the most sought-after and popular dogs in America.

In fact, Beagles are the eighth most popular breed in the country.1 However, if you are interested in the recent fad of miniature dogs, you might wonder how you can combine this passion with your love for the Beagle.

That’s where the Pocket Beagle comes in. If you’ve decided you want a Beagle but aren’t sure of the differences between the two dogs, we have you covered. We examine these adorable pups and discuss the differences between the two.

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Visual Differences

As you’ve probably already assumed, there are other differences in appearance between the Beagle and the Pocket Beagle besides their size.

beagle pocket beagle sidebyside
Image by: (L) Somo_Photography, Pixabay | (R) Amazon

At a Glance

Standard Beagle
  • 15 inches average size
  • 20 to 25 pounds average weight
  • 12- to 15-year life expectancy
  • Loves being outside, moderate to high energy levels
  • Family-friendly and sociable
  • Moderate to high grooming needed
  • Easy to train
  • Highly intelligent
  • Gets along well with other pets
Pocket Beagle
  • 7 to 12 inches average size
  • 7 to 15 pounds average weight
  • 7- to 9-year life expectancy
  • Loves the outdoors, moderate energy
  • Moderate to high grooming needed
  • Family-friendly and sociable
  • Easy to train
  • Intelligent
  • Gets along well with other pets

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How Big Do Pocket Beagles Get?

If you live in an apartment or love everything in miniature, you might want to know how big a Pocket Beagle will get. The adorable pets grow to be between 7 and 12 inches tall and weigh 7 to 15 pounds.

One interesting thing to remember is that the American Kennel Club does not recognize the Pocket Beagle because they fall just short of the required weight and size requirements.

How Big Does the Standard Beagle Get?

The Standard Beagle reaches around 15 inches in height and weighs in at 20 to 25 pounds, and they’re an official breed recognized by the AKC. They are also one of the most common dogs in America.

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What Are the Differences in Physical Looks?

Although the two dogs are both Beagles, they have unique differences in their appearance.

Pocket Beagles closely resemble Standard Beagles, but crossbreeding and dwarfism sometimes alter their appearance. The little pups sometimes have narrower muzzles than the larger Beagles. Their body shape often seems disproportionate to their legs, and their stomachs distend more than those of Standard Beagles.

Pocket Beagles also have wider heads and bulging eyes, and they are often born with protruding tongues and an overbite, none of which make them any less adorable.

Image By: Przemek Iciak, Shutterstock

Are There Any Differences in Personality?

Both dogs are friendly, lovable, and outgoing. Since they are highly social, they do well with other pets. However, neither type can be left alone for very long; they will become depressed and possibly destructive.

The Beagle gets along great with other pets and children. However, while the Pocket Beagle is the same way, remember the dog is quite a bit smaller, which means they’re more fragile, so be careful when you let them play with younger kids and other pets.

Both dogs are suspicious of strangers and act coy around unfamiliar guests, even if they don’t see them as a threat.

What Are the Health Concerns for Each Dog?

As with any breed, there are health concerns to watch out for with the Pocket Beagle and the Standard Beagle.

Pocket Beagle Health Issues
  • Dwarfism
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Prone to obesity
  • Patellar luxation
  • Intervertebral disc disease
Standard Beagle Health Issues
  • Glaucoma
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Cherry eye
  • Bacterial infections
  • Viral infections

If you see any of the signs in your dog, it’s best to make an appointment with your vet.

beagle standing outdoor
Image by: Andrey_and_Lesya, Pixabay

Which Dog Is Right for You?

If you have small children or animals that play rough, it might be best to adopt a Standard Beagle, as Pocket Beagles are smaller and, therefore, quite a bit more fragile.

However, if your children are older and your pets are gentle, a Pocket Beagle might be just the pet you’ve been looking for to bring into your home.

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Final Thoughts

Standard and Pocket Beagles are intelligent, friendly, and loyal breeds, and any family would be lucky to give one a forever home. If you’re looking to adopt a Pocket Beagle or a Standard Beagle, remember that owning a dog is a full-time responsibility, so make sure you’re prepared before you make a final decision.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: (T) Somo_Photography, Pixabay | (B) bunthaweekan anpunya, Shutterstock

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