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Can I Apply K9 Advantix II Twice in a Month? Our Vet Explains

Written by: Dr. Marti Dudley DVM (Veterinarian)

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

cheerful young veterinary taking care and examining a beautiful pet dog french bulldog.

Can I Apply K9 Advantix II Twice in a Month? Our Vet Explains


Dr. Marti Dudley Photo


Dr. Marti Dudley

DVM (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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As you probably already know, K9 Advantix II is a topical flea and tick preventative designed for dogs, and this product is designed to provide a full month of protection against parasites. However, is it safe to apply this product to your pet more than once a month?

Although this product is designed to be used once monthly, in certain circumstances, more frequent usage may be appropriate, although we recommend getting this cleared with your vet before doing so. Continue reading below to learn more about this preventative product and its proper use.

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What Is K9 Advantix II?

K9 Advantix II is a topical product made by Elanco to be used as parasite protection in dogs. K9 Advantix II kills and repels fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. The active ingredients include imidacloprid, permethrin, and pyriproxyfen.

It is critical that this product not be used in cats due to their sensitivity to permethrin at high concentrations. The product is topical and should only be applied to dogs with a dry coat. Bathing should be avoided until 24 hours after application to ensure the product isn’t accidentally removed. K9 Advantix is to be applied to the skin in two to three places between the shoulders to the base of the tail.

K9 Advantix II Flea & Tick Spot Treatment for Dogs new

How Often Can K9 Advantix II Be Applied?

K9 Advantix II is designed to be applied once monthly. In instances of severe parasitic infection, more frequent dosing can be done. The product insert suggests that K9 Advantix II can be reapplied every 7 days for up to 4 consecutive treatments. However, once the parasite infestation has been improved, resuming your once-monthly application should be reinstated. Be aware that you should always get this cleared with your vet before administering more than they have instructed.

Why Am I Still Finding Fleas on My Pet Despite Using K9 Advantix II?

Fleas can be difficult to rid your home of due to their life cycle. Once a flea is spotted on your pet, it is safe to assume that many eggs have been laid within your home. Although K9 Advantix II is effective against fleas, it doesn’t prevent flea eggs from hatching. In other words, although the fleas on your dog will quickly die after the application of this preventative, the fleas are still able to deposit eggs onto your dog and subsequently into their environment.

Already-laid eggs will continue their life cycle, which can take days to a year to complete, meaning newly pupated fleas may still find their way to your pet before dying from exposure to the preventative.

How to Treat Your Home Against Fleas

In addition to addressing fleas on your dog, it is important that all animals in your household are appropriately treated for fleas as recommended by your veterinarian. Furthermore, your house should be treated for fleas as well. It is important to thoroughly wash bedding and sheets in hot water, as well as to vacuum your home, even underneath rugs and couches, as some of the fleas and eggs will get sucked up by the vacuum. After vacuuming, the collection bin must be emptied properly and placed outside (never indoors) to prevent reinfestation of the home.

Sprays designed for indoor use and outdoor use are available as well. It is important to consult with your veterinarian to ensure a safe product has been selected to use since you have pets at home. Be sure to remove animals from the area that is being treated until the product has completely dried and no odor is detected, and thoroughly read application instructions prior to use.

Outdoor treatment may be necessary as well. In addition to contacting a pest control specialist, removing extra leaves and debris from the yard can be beneficial. Basically, you need to be as thorough as possible.

Naughty dog barking on vacuum cleaner during house cleaning
Image by: Jaromir Chalabala, Shutterstock

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In Summary

Although labeled for once-monthly use, certain conditions may require more frequent dosing of K9 Advantix II. K9 Advantix II can be safely applied to dogs once every 7 days for up to 4 consecutive treatments. It’s important to note that parasite control may be difficult to achieve if all pets within the household are not appropriately treated for parasites, or if the home itself goes without treatment. If you feel that you need additional parasite control, reach out to your veterinarian for recommendations.

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Featured Image Credit: Hryshchyshen Serhii, Shutterstock

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