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Why Is My Dachshund So Needy? 5 Common Reasons

Written by: Jessica Kim

Last Updated on April 10, 2024 by Dogster Team

Old female hugs and cuddles pet Dachshunds in the park on a bench

Why Is My Dachshund So Needy? 5 Common Reasons

While Dachshunds can be independent, they can also act needy because they’re pack animals. They used to be commonly used as hunting dogs that worked in packs to catch game. So, they enjoy being in the company of people and other dogs.

There are several reasons why Dachshunds may start to act needy. Being observant of things that trigger needy behavior can help you address it properly.

The 5 Common Reasons Why Dachshunds Act Needy

Every Dachshund is different and unique, so they can start to act needy for a plethora of reasons. However, some common things can trigger neediness based on your Dachshund’s temperament. Here are some reasons why your Dachshund may start to act needy.

1. Health Issues

The first thing you want to check for is any medical issues that may trigger neediness. Once your Dachshund forms a strong bond with you, it can start to let you know that it’s not feeling well.

Sick Dachshunds may want to lay by their owners or receive more attention from them. So, check for signs of any health issues. Look for changes in eating habits, weight loss or weight gain, or difficulty passing bowel movements. Check your Dachshund’s skin for any itchy or inflamed spots.

vet with stethoscope examining sick dachshund
Image By: Ground Picture, Shutterstock

2. Separation Anxiety

Dachshunds don’t do well being home alone for long hours and can quickly develop separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is a behavior that gets triggered when dogs become fearful of being home alone or away from their owners.1

There are different ways to treat separation anxiety. It often involves working with a dog trainer to teach your Dachshund to tolerate being home alone. Some dogs may also need anti-anxiety medication to help them stay calm.

3. Changes in Routine

In general, dogs thrive on routine. They find comfort in predictability and knowing what to anticipate next. So, sudden changes can cause stress on a Dachshund and cause it to become more needy and reliant on its owner as it navigates change. Some stressors that can cause neediness are new pets in the home, moving to a new home, or new babies in the family.

It’s important to try to keep a consistent routine in the midst of change. If possible, continue your morning routine the same as usual and try to have mealtimes at around the same time. Dachshunds usually bounce back to their old selves once they become accustomed to their new routine.

A man holds a dachshund's paw outdoors in a park in summer
Image Credit: Leka Sergeeva, Shutterstock

4. Learned Behavior

Sometimes, dog owners can unknowingly encourage unwanted behavior. Dachshunds can learn to exhibit needy behavior if they consistently receive attention from it. So, if your dog starts to act needy, it’s important not to acknowledge the behavior.

Instead, it’s often helpful to randomly reward your Dachshund in moments when it’s exhibiting good behavior. For example, if it’s lying down and being calm on its own, you can reward it with pets, belly rubs, or a treat.

5. Too Much Alone Time

As social dogs, Dachshunds crave companionship. So, if you’re consistently gone from home for too long, your Dachshund may start to act clingy whenever you’re home.

If your life circumstances don’t allow you to bring your Dachshund around with you, it can be helpful to enlist the help of a doggy daycare or a dog walker. These services will reduce the amount of time your dog’s alone, and they often provide plenty of physical exercise and social and mental stimulation.

It’s also important to give your Dachshund plenty of attention when you’re home. Don’t wait for your Dachshund to demand your attention. Instead, be proactive and schedule playtimes and walks into your daily routine so that you’re consistently spending quality time together.

Sick dachshund dog sleeping under the blanket
Image Credit: Javier Brosch, Shutterstock

How to Treat Neediness from Dachshunds

If your Dachshund starts to display neediness, try to look for what’s triggering it. You can take your Dachshund to your veterinarian for a full physical exam to see if there’s any medical condition that’s causing the behavior.

If your veterinarian rules out any medical causes, it may be time to enlist the help of a reputable dog trainer to help you figure out what’s causing the neediness. Dog trainers don’t just teach obedience training. They can help you understand your dog better and help you develop a plan to deal with issues like separation anxiety and help your Dachshund feel safer and more secure


Dachshunds can act needy for several different reasons. Fortunately, you can do several things to stop this behavior and build a secure attachment between you and your Dachshund.

It’s best to act sooner rather than later, as responding later can end up exacerbating needy behavior. So, consult your veterinarian or work with a dog trainer to start addressing the behavior. By coming up with the right routine and treatment plan, you and your Dachshund can enjoy many happy days together as you enjoy each other’s company.

Featured Image Credit: Yelizaveta Tomashevska, Shutterstock

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