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Do French Bulldogs Bark a Lot? How Much & How to Stop It

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on April 13, 2024 by Dogster Team

black and white pied french bulldog lying on the floor

Do French Bulldogs Bark a Lot? How Much & How to Stop It

While barking is a way for canines to communicate, some breeds are more vocal than others. For instance, Basenjis “yodel,” Shiba Inus “scream,” and Rottweilers “purr” rather than bark. Some dogs bark more than others, and excessive barking can be annoying and troublesome, especially if you live close to a neighbor or in an apartment.

So, if you are looking for an awesome dog that is not big on barking, look no further; French Bulldogs are typically a quiet breed unless they have a reason to bark.

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Do French Bulldogs Bark a Lot?

French Bulldogs do not bark excessively and are typically quieter than other breeds. Since they are known to be a quiet breed, they are excellent companions for condominium and apartment dwellers. They are also an ideal choice for those of you that have neighbors close to your home.

Like other dogs, French Bulldogs bark when communicating a need for water, food, or to go for a walk. They will also bark if they alert you to someone or something they may see as a threat.

So, if you have a French Bulldog that barks frequently, you may unintentionally contribute to the problem. If you give them what they want when they bark, you teach them to do so, which can become a real problem.

Determine Why Your French Bulldog Is Barking

  • Loneliness: French Bulldogs do not do well when they are left alone for extended periods. It makes them unhappy and anxious so they will bark, howl, and make other noises to signal their discomfort.
  • Boredom: Like humans, French Bulldogs get bored if they do not get stimulation and exercise. Boredom can lead to bad behaviors around the house, and barking releases pent-up energy.
  • Anxiety and Fear: If a French Bulldog is uncomfortable with a new situation like moving or a new arrival in the home, it may become fearful and bark as an anxious response to the feeling. The barking can also signal to the owner that the dog is experiencing noise sensitivities from things like thunderstorms, fireworks, crashing sounds, and loud outdoor equipment.
  • Separation Anxiety: French Bulldogs make excellent companions because they love their humans and get easily attached. When their favorite human is not home and they are left alone, it is not uncommon for them to suffer from separation anxiety. Unfortunately, this can cause your canine to engage in unwanted behaviors like messing in the house and destroying property. The distress may also lead to excessive barking.
  • Territorial Behavior: If your Frenchie did not get the proper training and socialization, it might not be able to determine a guest from a potential threat. They will bark to protect their territory.
red french bulldog puppy lying on grass
Image by: Maximilian100, Shutterstock

How to Minimize the Barking

Here are a few things you can do to help minimize barking:

  • Use a calm voice and with a treat in hand and tell the pup to “quiet.” After a few seconds of your pet being quiet, give it the treat. Slowly increase the time between the command and treat until it eventually learns that quiet ends in treats. You can also wave the treat in front of the dog if the barking does not cease. It will learn to be silent to get a treat.
  • If you know something will cause your dog to bark, use the trigger with a treat to ease your pup into comfort. Slowly bring the trigger closer and closer and feed treats to make it a positive thing for your French Bulldog.
  • As your dog is barking, ask it to “sit or “lay” and give it a treat when it does so.
  • When your dog begins barking at an object or person, ignore it. This will show the dog you are comfortable with the situation. They will follow your lead and react like you.

It is also important to know the things you should not do:

  • Give up on your precious pet – Practice makes perfect, so you will need to be patient and consistent.
  • Yell at your little friend – Be positive and talk to your pet. It will help to make the command normal.
  • Keep it cooped up in the house all the time – French Bulldogs love to run around and play, so letting them be free will help to reduce the barking, let them explore their environment, and keep their mind busy so it is not thinking about barking.

With lots of patience and the proper training, you can teach your French Bulldog to be quiet and only bark when necessary.

White and brown french bulldog
Image Credit: @mottaprod_oficial, Unsplash

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Typically, French Bulldogs are not big barkers. If you have one barking excessively, there may be another reason for the behavior, like anxiety or fear. There is also the possibility that you unknowingly trained the dog to bark for attention. There are ways, however, to change the behavior and teach your dog appropriate barking. If you cannot control the barking on your own, you may want to get the advice of a professional trainer.

Featured Image Credit: Patryk Kosmider, Shutterstock

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