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How Much Does Dog Broken Nail Treatment Cost at the Vet? 2024 Pricing Guide

Written by: Rachel Giordano

Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by Dogster Team

dog paw nail

How Much Does Dog Broken Nail Treatment Cost at the Vet? 2024 Pricing Guide


Dr. Lorna Whittemore  Photo


Dr. Lorna Whittemore

MRCVS (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Most dogs have had a broken nail at some point, and depending on the type of break, it can be painful for our pups. When this happens, you’ll want to remedy the situation as quickly as possible to prevent further damage or infection to the nail. But how much does it cost for treatment at the vet? As a general answer, it can vary a lot because of the geographic place and additional cost, but it generally is in the range of $32-$63 PLUS additional vet costs that go from $300 up to $500. 

In this article, we’ll look at the varying costs you should expect to repair a broken dog nail so that it’s not a surprise when you pay.

The Importance of Trimming Your Dog’s Nails

Most dogs don’t particularly care about getting their nails trimmed, but it is an essential part of grooming that shouldn’t be overlooked. If your dog’s nails get too long, they can break when running or get caught up in something that can break them quickly.

If your dog often walks on concrete or hard surfaces, such as asphalt, their nails can become worn down naturally, but you still should check them regularly.

When a dog’s nails get too long, it may become difficult for the dog to walk comfortably and may cause pain due to the extra pressure on the nail bed. The nails may also curl up under the pads, which can result in painful ingrown toenails.

cutting dog`s nails_Padu Foto, Shutterstock
Image Credit: Padu Foto, Shutterstock

How Much Does a Professional Canine Nail Treatment Cost?

The cost of a broken nail will depend on the severity of the break, if there’s an infection, if the toe will need to be amputated, your particular location, and more. An exam has to be done to determine the plan of action to treat the nail, but the exact cost is tough to pinpoint. Nonetheless, let’s take a look at exam and anesthesia costs from different regions.

If the break is severe, your dog may need surgery, which will require anesthesia.

West Coast Nail Exam: $63.95 Anesthesia: $373.95
East Coast Nail Exam: $32.00 Anesthesia: $340.95
Midwest Nail Exam: $54.95 Anesthesia: $334.95

Additional Costs to Anticipate

As you can see, the price for a dog’s broken nail depends on several factors. If the break is minor, you may only have the exam visit and nail clip. Depending on the severity, your dog may need antibiotics to reduce the chance of infection and pain relief, which would be an additional cost.

If the break is major and the bone affected too, the nail or toe may need to be removed. In that case, you could pay anywhere from $300 to $500. You may have additional costs for labs and x-rays, as well. If you take your dog to an emergency vet, the costs for everything mentioned are usually double. In a nutshell, it really depends on the situation and the severity. Contact your veterinary clinic and ask for an estimate of costs.

a man trimming the dog's nail

How Often Should I Trim My Dog’s Nails?

On average, you should trim your dog’s nails every 3-4 weeks. Some dogs’ nails grow quicker than others, so monitoring the nails is a good idea. If you want to do this yourself, ensure you have good nail clippers to do the job efficiently. If you’re not comfortable doing the task yourself, you can always have your veterinarian do it, which usually runs around $10 to $15, depending on where you live.

If you have your dog professionally groomed, the groomer can clip the nails, too, which is included in the overall price. A groomer who works out of a shop usually charges $40 to $75, depending on the size of your dog. If you use a mobile groomer, the cost averages around $75.

Does Pet Insurance Cover Dog Broken Nail Treatment?

Most pet insurance plans cover broken nail treatment, but they do not cover nail trims. Pet insurance plans work much like human plans, and you can pick certain packages to fit your needs.

Pre-existing conditions are often not covered under pet insurance plans; however, accidents are almost always covered. A broken nail is often caused by an accident, which makes it more likely to be covered under the insurance plan.

If a nail has been infected and never treated, your insurance plan may not cover the expenses in that case. If your dog has any kind of crack or tear in the nail, it’s beneficial to have it checked by your vet as there are illnesses that can affect the nails.

a man trimming the dog's nails with guillotine clippers

What to Do for Your Dog’s Broken Nail

If your dog is suddenly limping or yelping out in pain, a broken nail may be the reason. The first thing to do will be to restrain your dog to have a look. Keep in mind that dogs in pain may bite, so if you have a muzzle, it may be wise to put it on to be safe. To make your dog feel more secure, try a simple hug to restrain. Next, check to see if the nail is bleeding. If it is, you’ll want to stop it by wrapping the foot with a towel or gauze. Gently apply pressure, but not so much that it causes more pain.

Even if the nail hasn’t torn off, we recommend taking your pup to the vet to assess the injury. Your vet will determine the best course of action so that your pup will be on their way to healing. You certainly don’t want an infection, which will lead to more costs for you and more pain for your dog.

Final Thoughts

A broken nail can be very painful and debilitating to your dog. While it’s a common injury, it’s a painful one that can lead to more problems if left untreated. Keeping the nails trimmed greatly reduces the chances of a broken or torn nail, and keeping your yard free from objects that can cause injury is always encouraged.

We hope this article gave you a good idea of how much a dog broken nail treatment may cost. As dog owners, medical issues will arise at some point, so being prepared for such issues is always a good idea. It’s also smart to have a first-aid kit on hand for situations like these.

Featured Image Credit: ulisesbeviglia, Pixabay

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