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What Size Crate Does a Great Dane Need? Keep Your Dog Comfortable

Written by: Melissa Gunter

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

Tall black and white Great Dane staring at camera.

What Size Crate Does a Great Dane Need? Keep Your Dog Comfortable

The Great Dane is a dog breed that is known for its size and power. This is understandable, especially if you look back at their history of being bred to help control the wild boar population in Great Britain and Germany. Over the years, however, things have dramatically changed. Now, they are beloved members of the family.

With this shift in position also comes a need to house and care for such a large dog. That means you need large dog items. Great Danes can grow to a staggering height of 50 inches. Therefore, any crate you purchase for this dog breed needs to give them enough room to move around safely. Going a few inches taller is the normal suggestion.

This means your Great Dane would need an extra-large crate which normally measures 54 inches in height. Let’s learn more about how to choose a proper crate for your Great Dane and a few of the benefits that come along with it.

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A Little About the Great Dane

Great Danes were developed in the 14th century as a way to control the wild boar that were running wild in Great Britain and Germany at the time. Breeders wanted a large dog that could stand up to the attack of a boar and was fast enough to pursue them on a hunt.

To create this breed, the speed of the Greyhound and the powerful build of the English Mastiff was brought together. It is even believed that the Irish Wolfhound also played a part in the creation.

The breeding worked. The Great Dane was strong enough to take on a boar while being fast enough to hunt them. What no one truly expected, however, was that over the years these hunters would become beloved members of the family. Thanks to German noblemen who began keeping Great Danes as pets, the rest of the world quickly learned how affectionate, protective, and gentle these giant dogs could become.

Nowadays, Great Danes settle themselves beside their pet parents on the sofa, taking up most of the room, and playing with the kids. This is why owners need crates and other items suitable for these gentle giants.

black and white purebred harlequin great dane dog outdoors
Image Credit: Mary Swift, Shutterstock

Why a Crate Is Important When Training a Great Dane

Crates are a beneficial training tool for any dog, but especially for a Great Dane. One of the best reasons to have a crate in your home for a dog is for potty training. Crates help you establish boundaries for your dog. Your dog will also learn to use the bathroom in a specified area instead of in the crate or throughout the house.

Crates are also beneficial for owners of Great Danes. These dogs grow to large heights. This means they can easily reach kitchen tables, counters, and stovetops. When you are cooking or doing other chores around the house and you don’t need your Great Dane part of them, a crate gives them a place they can spend time while feeling comfortable.

Crates are also ideal when you’re training your dog and need to leave home. You’ll have no worries about them getting into things they shouldn’t when you aren’t around.

Choosing the Right Crate Size for a Great Dane

Choosing a crate for a Great Dane puppy isn’t that difficult. Yes, pups are sizable, but you can easily grab a crate that will accommodate them. It’s when your Great Dane outgrows the small crate they used as a puppy that issues arise. To ensure you choose a crate large enough for your pet, it’s best to take measurements.

Measure your Great Dane from the top of its head down to its front paw. That will give you the height. Then, measure from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail to establish the length of your dog. When you have those measurements, simply add 2 to 4 inches.

If you want to avoid unwanted costs, like buying a second crate when your Great Dane puppy grows up, that is possible. You won’t be able to rely on exact measurements, so instead, go with the average size of a full-grown Great Dane. If you go with those sizes, a crate that is 54 inches tall and 44 inches long would be ideal for use with your Great Dane.

a great dane dog lying outdoor
Image Credit: Emma Forsyth 88, Shutterstock

Other Things to Keep in Mind

As we’ve already established, a crate is a great tool when having a dog in the home. Yes, you’ll need one that is big enough for your Great Dane, but there are other factors you should also consider before you make a purchase. Great Danes aren’t known for being aggressive, but that doesn’t mean they won’t chew on a crate if they have the chance.

To avoid injury when this happens, a crate made from more durable materials is the way to go. Not only would the crate be sturdy enough to house your dog, but it would have a better chance of standing up to its teeth.

You also want to make the crate comfortable for your Great Dane. Provide them a place to curl up that is free of the area where they will potty. This will show your Great Dane that the crate is not a bad place. You may even find that they begin to retreat there for a bit of peace after a hectic day once the housebreaking is complete.

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Final Thoughts

With Great Danes being one of the largest dog breeds out there, buying a crate for them isn’t a simple task. Not only do you need the proper size, preferably 2 to 4 inches larger than your dog itself, but you also need a crate that can be depended on to house such a large animal.

While seeing the price tag that can accompany extra large, durable crates can be a bit off-putting, they are still a necessity for your dog. Luckily, if you follow the suggestions in this article, you may find yourself only needing to purchase one crate for your oversized best friend.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Earl Wilkerson, Shutterstock

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