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National Dachshund Day 2024: When It Is & How It’s Celebrated

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

red long haired dachshund dog outdoors

National Dachshund Day 2024: When It Is & How It’s Celebrated

National Dachshund Day is the day in the US when Doxie owners and lovers celebrate this wonderful breed as part of the global celebrations for what is variously called International Dachshund Day or World Dachshund Day. Held annually on June 21st, the choice of day may seem arbitrary until you remember that, in the northern hemisphere, it is the longest day of the year, and as Doxies have the longest body relative to their size, celebrating them on the longest day of the year seems fitting!

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Origins of National Dachshund Day

The origins of this little-known Doxie celebration are murky; the internet has little or no information about it, not even how many years it has been going on. It may have grown out of an earlier event called Dachshunds on Parade that started around the turn of the century at Central Washington University.1 Dachshunds on Parade was started as a class project and was held every year on the third Saturday of June, which sometimes coincides with June 21st.

Another candidate for the origins of this national day is National Hot Dog day. At first sight, it seems like a hot dog day for sausage dogs would be the perfect joint celebration, but as National Hot Dog day is held on the third Wednesday of July every year and it doesn’t have any particular connection or events for Dachshunds, it seems unlikely that this great celebration is the source of the present-day annual celebration for Doxies.

woman holding up a brown dachshund dog in a field
Image by: Dominika Roseclay, Pexels

Ways To Celebrate National Dachshund Day

Both Dachshunds and their owners are friendly social creatures, and what better way to celebrate the day of the wiener dog than for local Doxie owners to come together and have fun?  Parades, costumes, and friendly competitions are all a big part of the celebrations. Doxie owners turn up with their dogs, all looking their best for a fun day of socializing and partying.

Sausage dogs love to hang out with other dogs, especially fellow sausage dogs, making it a day full of wagging tails and sniffing noses as they get acquainted. Often, there is light-hearted fun with races over short distances to see who can coax their dog to sit and then run to their owners. Whilst some wieners get the idea and will bound over the distance as fast as their little legs can carry them, many dogs are far more interested in getting to know their neighbors and enjoying the rich-scented world around them. A summer event would not be complete without food, and it isn’t much of a stretch of the imagination to see that at a sausage dog event, hot dogs are the food to eat!

What Is the Largest Celebration for Dogs in the World?

Whilst there are many celebrations around the world for dogs, including National Dog Day, the largest festival by far is Kukur Tihar, a Hindu festival from Nepal. Tihar is held every year sometime between October and November for 5 days. On the second day, Kukur Tihar—Dog Tihar—is dedicated to celebrating dogs who, in Hindu culture, are celebrated as messengers of Yama, the god of death. The celebration starts with placing garlands around dogs—both strays and domestics—and continues with marking their foreheads to show their sacred role in the celebrations. Kukur Tihar is a time for people to show their love and appreciation to dogs for all they do for us. It ends with a shared feast with lots of treats and goodies for people and dogs.

dachshund by the beach during sunset
Image by: Masarik, Shutterstock

What Other Breeds of Dogs Have Special Days of Celebration?

It is common for people to cherish and celebrate their pets. Throughout the year, there are special days for almost all dog breeds. You can check out a gigantic list of dog-related holidays here. Besides honoring certain breeds, these days give pet owners the opportunity to lavish love on their besties and share their love for their four-legged family members online.

As beloved members of our families, dogs deserve special days to celebrate. The extra love will still be appreciated even if they don’t understand why you’re making a fuss. Every breed of dog has its own distinctive characteristics that set it apart from the rest. Dachshunds are no exception. Celebrating each breed with a special day is a wonderful way to recognize the love and loyalty provided by these furry friends, regardless of whether you’re an owner or an admirer. These adorable fur babies deserve all the adoration, so don’t be afraid to go a little overboard.

In Conclusion

National Dachshund Day is a fun and quirky informal holiday celebrating this beloved breed of dog. Held each year on July 21st, a long early summer’s day in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the perfect opportunity to get out and have fun. Dachshund owners and their dogs get together for a day to have a good time and to show everyone how wonderful Doxies are as companions and pets. With so many loving dogs together, all looking their best, it’s an opportunity to create memories with friends and take some great photos for the ‘gram.

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Featured Image Credit: Kristina Chizhmar, Shutterstock

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