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10 Off-Leash Dog Parks in San Jose, CA You Can Visit in 2024

Written by: Elizabeth Gray

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

Woman walking in the park with a small brown dog in autumn

10 Off-Leash Dog Parks in San Jose, CA You Can Visit in 2024

San Jose is located on the south side of the California Bay Area and is part of Silicon Valley, the country’s technology hub. Known for its gorgeous scenery, history, and outdoor-friendly lifestyle, San Jose has plenty to offer residents and visitors alike. Dog owners will be happy to learn that this city also caters to canine needs, with multiple dog parks located in city limits. Here are 10 great off-leash dog parks in San Jose, CA you can visit today!

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The 10 Off-Leash Dog Parks in San Jose, CA

1. Butcher Dog Park

️ Address: 1782 Lancaster Dr., San Jose, CA 95124
Open Times: 8:00 AM–10:00 PM
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Separate large and small dog sections
  • Street parking only—sometimes hard to find
  • Water, shade, waste bags, restrooms, and seating are available
  • Artificial turf and mulch playing surface
  • Popular park that often attracts food trucks

2. Discovery (Delmas) Dog Park

️ Address: 410 Park Ave, San Jose, CA 95110
Open Times: Sunrise to sunset
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Small, neighborhood dog park located near freeways and railroad tracks
  • Street parking only—the park is mostly used by locals who walk there
  • Shade, waste bags, seating, and water are available
  • No restrooms
  • Mulch playing surface with no separate small dog area

3. Del Monte Dog Park

️ Address: 806 Home St., San Jose, CA 95126
Open Times: Sunrise to sunset
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Artificial turf playing surface with a separate small dog area
  • Seating, water, and waste bags are available
  • Street parking only
  • Located in a larger city park with restrooms, a playground, and table tennis

4. Miyuki Dog Park

️ Address: Autotech Way and Miyuki Dr., San Jose, CA 95119
Open Times:  6:00 AM–9:00 PM
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: No
  • Small dog park with an artificial turf and dirt playing surface
  • Seating and waste bags are available
  • Street parking only—no restrooms
  • Bring your own water and bowls
  • No separate small dog area

5. Jeffrey Fontana Dog Park

️ Address: 1241 Golden Oak Way, San Jose, CA 95120
Open Times: Sunrise to one hour after sunset
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Small dog park with a dirt and grass playing surface
  • Street parking only
  • No restrooms
  • Located near dog-friendly walking trails
  • Water, waste bags, and a separate small dog area are available

6. Watson Dog Park

️ Address: N. 22nd St. and Jackson St. San Jose, CA 95112
Open Times: Sunrise to one hour after sunset
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • One of the largest dog parks in San Jose
  • On-site parking and restrooms
  • Grass playing surface with a separate small dog area
  • Water, shade, seating, and waste bags are available

7. Ryland Dog Park

️ Address: 190 Ryland St. San Jose, CA 95110
Open Times: Sunrise to one hour after sunset
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Small dog park located under a highway overpass
  • Unique location means it’s always cool and protected from the elements
  • Street parking
  • Bring your own waste bags and water
  • Limited seating

8. Selma Olinder Dog Park

️ Address: 1117 Woodborough Dr., San Jose, CA 95116
Open Times: Sunrise to one hour after sunset
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Limited on-site parking
  • Separate small dog area
  • Nearby restrooms, shade, waste bags, and seating are available
  • Wood chip and decomposed granite playing surface
  • Bring your own water and bowls

9. Welch Dog Park

️ Address: Clarice and Huran Dr., San Jose, CA 95122
Open Times: Sunrise to one hour after sunset
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • One of the newest dog parks in San Jose
  • Separate small dog area
  • Nearby restrooms, water, and seating are available
  • Wood chip playing surface
  • Bring your own scooper/waste bags

10. Hellyer County Park

️ Address: 985 Hellyer Ave., San Jose, CA 95111
Open Times: Sunrise to one hour after sunset, closed Wednesdays
Cost: $6 entrance/parking fee
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Unfenced, grassy space where dogs are allowed off-leash
  • Located in a large county park with hiking and picnic areas
  • Grass playing surface
  • Seating and water are available
  • Restrooms are available nearby

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Before visiting any of these 10 off-leash dog parks in San Jose, make sure you check the full list of rules and regulations for each location. Make sure your dog is healthy, fully vaccinated, and comfortable socializing with other pups. Always pay attention to your dog when visiting an off-leash park, and be prepared to step in or even leave if they don’t seem to be enjoying themselves. Some dogs find off-leash parks stressful and would rather get their exercise by hiking or chasing a tennis ball.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Zivica Kerkez, Shutterstock

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