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Long Haired Dachshund Grooming Tips (10 Expert Pointers)

Written by: Beth Crane

Last Updated on June 11, 2024 by Dogster Team

Miniature long haired dachshund sitting beside grooming supplies

Long Haired Dachshund Grooming Tips (10 Expert Pointers)

Dachshunds are mischievous, adorable dogs that have delighted people for hundreds of years. The popularity of these little dogs is one of the reasons they have such variety in their coats and many color and pattern combinations. This article looks at how to keep a long-haired Dachshund looking its absolute best, so read on to learn 10 amazing tips and tricks to help you groom your long-haired Dachshund.

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The 10 Expert Tips on Grooming a Long Haired Dachshund

1. Get the Right Tools

The first and arguably most important tip is to make sure you’re using the right tools. Yes, any old brush probably will pull through your Dachshund’s long coat. However, choosing the correct tools is vital for efficiency, effectiveness, and comfort. Long-haired Dachshunds often get minor matting and tangling under their legs and behind their ears which need to be dealt with ASAP to stop them from getting worse. You can ensure your Dachshund stays comfortable and receives a quality cut by using these tools:

  • A pin brush or double-sided pin and bristle brush is used to detangle thicker areas of fur and smooth the coat gently.
  • Slicker brushes come in different sizes and are often made with rounded pins that are comfortable on your dog’s skin.
  • A comb is the ultimate tangle teaser regarding the longer, fluffier hair on a long-haired Dachshund’s ears, chest, belly, and undercarriage.
  • You might want a conditioning coat spray to add to your arsenal, but it isn’t necessary.
  • A good pair of grooming scissors is also essential, which we’ll elaborate on in the point below.
red long haired dachshund dog outdoors
Image Credit: Kristina Chizhmar, Shutterstock

2. Trim Any Areas Giving You Trouble

When you first sit down with your Dachshund to begin the groom, look for areas that might give you trouble as you groom. Tangles often appear between the legs and in areas where the fur is thinner, finer, and longer, such as ear tufts.

If you see or feel any tangles that you think are too matted or clumped to work out, gently trim them off with rounded-end grooming scissors. Make sure to avoid your dog’s skin altogether; if you’re not confident, take your pup to a groomer.

3. Bathe When Necessary

While it’s nice to be able to pamper your pooch, bathing them too often can present some problems. Dogs have natural oils on their skin, which act as a protective barrier. These oils stop dryness, keep the skin moisturized, and form part of the skin barrier, which gets washed away when a dog is bathed. Unfortunately, too much washing can cause dry skin, cracking, or irritation to your Dachshund and make their hair brittle. It’s fine (and often essential) to wash your pup if they’ve rolled in something gross, but occasional bathing is better for them. Daily brushing is great, however, as the oils that sit on the skin get pulled through the coat and give the fur a wonderful sheen.

bathing a long-haired dachshund
Image Credit: mykeyruna, Shutterstock

4. Work in Sections

This is a simple tip, but it’s very effective. Separating the hair and working in sections allows you to get down into the undercoat. It will also save you time in the long run as you’ll know where you’ve groomed and won’t go over the same sections again.

In addition, using hair clips to segregate the hair will help you untangle the undercoat first, reducing the amount of hair your Dachshund will shed and effectively removing tangles.

5. Don’t Catch Their Skin

When clipping and grooming your Dachshund, you’ll likely have to tell them to keep still once or twice. Using scissors or combs can be tricky when they’re wriggling, so be sure not to pull on or accidentally catch their skin. Pulling or tugging on tangles can cause pain and will most likely make the next grooming session difficult! But if you accidentally catch your Dachshund’s skin, get it checked at the vet.

a Longhaired Dachshund standing on grass
Image Credit: Anna Krivitskaya, Shutterstock

6. Always Check Their Ears

Dachshunds have adorable ears that flop over. However, for all their cuteness, their ears can cause the most trouble. Ears that flop over themselves are more prone to ear infections and irritation, so make ear inspections and cleaning a regular part of your Dachshund’s grooming.

Look out for signs of irritation, such as redness or swelling. Also, check for parasites such as ear mites by looking for small black grains or excess ear wax. A foul smell or discharge inside the ear could indicate an infection. Cleaning should only be done on the outside of the ear; never put anything down the ear canal.

7. Include a Nail Trim

Along with ear cleaning, nail trims are an important part of grooming. It’ll keep them short and prevent the quick from overgrowing. The quick is the blood vessel that sits at the base of the nail.

Nails should be cut at an angle perpendicular to the ground, and the quick should be avoided by looking for the pink area at the base of the nail near the toe. This is much easier to see in dogs with white nails, but dark nails can be more tricky.

a person trimming a dog's nails
Image Credit: Duet PandG, Shutterstock

8. Dental Cleaning Is Essential

Dental cleaning should be introduced in puppyhood, making teeth cleaning during grooming much easier. In addition, owners should brush their Dachshund’s teeth daily to stave off dental disease. Dental disease can not only cause pain and prevent eating but can also cause heart problems and affect the other organs in the body.

9. Dedicate Enough Time

Grooming a long-haired Dachshund will take time. Going at your dog’s pace, keeping it stress-free, and making it an enjoyable experience for both of you will make future grooming sessions much easier.

Refrain from rushing the process to give you a better overall finish and ensure you get all parts of the coat. Tangles that are left get worse, pull on the skin, and even cause infection, so it’s crucial to remove them as soon as possible.

side view of a cream longhaired dachshund
Image Credit: Valeria Head, Shutterstock

10. Keep Your Tools Clean

Lastly, keeping all of your tools clean is important. Dogs often roll, jump, and play in muddy and dirty places. By keeping your grooming tools clean, you avoid spreading bacteria or other infectious material to their coats during subsequent grooming sessions and potentially even causing infection from a cut or a break in the skin.


What Types of Coats Do Dachshunds Have?

Dachshunds can have one of three coats that come in a variety of colors:

  • Smooth coats are shiny and sit close to the body. They don’t need as much grooming as a long-haired or wire-haired Dachshund; one good brushing a week should suffice.
  • Long haired coats are fluffy and flowing. They need much more regular grooming as they’re prone to tangling and can often get dirty.
  • Wire haired coats are similar to long haired but much grizzlier and fuzzier. These coats also need grooming regularly and are often styled into a signature beard.

There are many colors available for Dachshund lovers, and each has a selection of patterns. The colors and patterns Dachshunds are commonly found in include:



Long-haired Dachshunds are beautiful dogs that are sweet and loving, but their fluffy coats can be intimidating to owners concerned about their grooming. We hope you use these 10 tips to streamline the grooming process. In the beginning, grooming a long-haired Dachshund can be challenging, but with a little patience and practice, your dog may eventually grow to enjoy the experience.

Featured Image Credit: WilleeCole Photography, Shutterstock

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